26 | Chapter XXVI - Forgetting The Important

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Seven nation Army - Glitch Mob Remix

Hunters POV

I continue running through the woods until I feel like my legs are going to snap, I'm completely out of breath and I place my hands on my knees as I drastically gasp for air.

My lungs feel like they're going to collapse in my chest and my heart feels like it's going to pop out of my rib cage. Not like it already feels like it's been stabbed repeatedly since Cece went missing. Since I was responsible for loosing her....

I'd managed to find myself on rogue territory roughly 100 miles north of Darkfall. The dreaded town my parents had made us move from England in search of a princess who didn't even know about the world she was destined to rule.

She was just an innocent teenager who was destined to make stupid mistakes so she could learn from them. I remember the second I laid eyes on her from her window, the feeling that entered my chest and completely evolved around my body.

She was mine, she was always meant to be mine.

But it was never going to work, so being being the genius I was. I tried to push her as far away from me as possible. It would only end in tears and two broken hearts, but here we were anyways.

I continued walking once again, careful not to trip over an old tree trunk. If I was correct, my parents wouldn't be too far behind me. I knew I was stupid, but they would come to fight beside me anyways...no matter what.

They had practically already brought Cecelia into the family, it wasn't perfect...it never could be. But it worked.

Emmaline however was a mess, she'd been cut off from the other side which meant she lost all of her powers. She was half-dead, half-undead. And once the side of her that was dead disappeared, she became fully mortal, and the other side was closed off from her.

She never told us, but she did have a family.

All that time ago before she was reincarnated to look after Cece, she was married and even had two kids with him after Cecilinda was killed by Catori.

It didn't take long, Catori found Em...and slaughtered her entire family before it had properly begun. Her youngest son escaped, and continued the line of guardians until the last century where they were killed off.

Her family was always around her, she could've stepped Into the other side whenever she pleased to see them and comfort them when they needed her. Em told us that they would never leave her side. And although she still cannot see, nor feel them, they are there.

My wolf suddenly purrs as for what seems a second, he can smell Cece.

We both take off in the direction of her scent and once again pain fills my lungs...but every second of that pain is worth it. Cece's worth it.


"Well crap...this ain't good." Jay murmurs under his breath. "She took a sh*t ton of your soul and now you're struggling with your memories."

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