Chapter 4

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I must have fallen asleep in the car because before I knew it, Jet was pulling the car up in a garage. I noticed the guard, that he had brought with him to the meeting, talking with another male dressed in black.

"Who's that?" I asked Jet, pointing to the new guy.

"That's my driver. I decided to drive you home though because I didn't know how you would react. Jeremy likes to ask questions."

"I couldn't deal with questions right now. Thank you."

"Of course." Jet nodded before leading me towards the pack house.

Outside the building, I noticed two males and two females waiting outside. One of the females was crying onto the other's shoulder while the men stood off to the side. The first thing I noticed about the man closest to us was his black hair and bright blue eyes. The same blue eyes that would be the last thing I saw at night when he tucked me into bed as a little girl.

After looking at Jet in reassurance, I ran to my father who waited with open arms. Due to his werewolf strength, he was still able to lift up his twenty year old daughter easily, so I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I buried my face into his shoulder and took in the familiar scent that I had missed so much.

"My dear, dear pup." My dad whispered while stroking my hair. All the while, I was crying into his shoulder.

After he placed me down, I ran to my mother who has just about stopped crying and has turned to face me. There were no words spoken as we clung to each other, crying once again.

Finally, my mum let me go but I stayed stood inbetween my parents.

"Thank you, Alpha for bringing back our daughter." My father nodded while wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Leah, Logan, I promised you I would find her. I also told you to just call me Jet."

"Welcome home, Kiara." The man across from me smiled and that was when I realised the other couple were Jet's parents.

I walked forward and hugged both of them in turn.

"Kyan, Nora, you truly have an amazing son." I smiled before hugging Jet once again. "Thank you for finding me."

"Well you kind of just ran into me rather than me finding you."

"Shush." I laughed while smacking his arm.

Together, we all walked in to the pack house which was surprisingly quiet. That was when I realised people had been moved out of the place because of me. Jet probably made everyone stay in their houses and rooms so they would not see me.

My dad was actually the Beta of the pack but he never really liked the title. Due to our family's power. We shared a floor with the Alpha's family in the pack house. The Alpha also has a private house in the territory.

"We normally have dinner now but if you want you can settle in and join us later this evening." Nora smiled at me.

"No, I'm fine. I'm actually quite hungry." I laughed as my stomach growled.

As we got to our floor, the top floor, we went straight into the first room which was the small dining room. On the ground floor, there was a larger dining room for functions and large meals but this room was for the two occupying families.

We sat down and immediately dinner was served. Just before we started eating, Kyan turned to his son.

"Jet what have I told you. You don't have to wear your gloves around us. You're twenty anyway, I don't understand why you insist of wearing those gloves. Anyone your age would be eager to have a mate."

"I told you. Kiara and I used to dream of our mates. I want my best friend next to me when I meet my mate. So now that I have my beat friend back, I don't need these gloves."

I smiled at Jet. He had waited for me. For thirteen years, he remembered our promise and had waited for me.

As we started eating, both Jet and I reached forward for the gravy pot. Just for a second, our fingers touched. This was the first time that day that my skin had touched his skin and I couldn't be happier. As our fingers touched, small sparks erupted.

"Mate." My wolf was ecstatic.

Jet looked at me in shock. Nobody else in the room had noticed what had just happened and nobody else noticed the small smile now plastered on both mine and Jet's faces.

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