Chapter 13

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"Shall we put on the fourth movie while we wait for the boys?" I asked, Alia as the movie we were watching finished.

"How long are they going to be?"

"How am I supposed to know, Alia? I am not a mind reader."

"But I am fed up of waiting for them."

"Let me guess. You've done your waiting. Twelve years of it. In Azkaban." (A/N : sorry, I had to 😂😂)

"I knew we shouldn't have let you watch the third one." Alia laughed.

As we were half way through the Goblet of Fire, Jet and Rory finally arrived back. I reached my arms up for a hug from Jet who laughed and sat on the arm of the chair I was in. Rory, however, looked baffled as his mate ignored his presence and was focused on Robert Pattinson who was currently on the screen. Standing up, I patted Rory on the shoulder.

"Just be thankful we didn't have a Twilight movie marathon." I laughed before going to get a drink.

Coming back in, I saw that Jet had taken my place in the chair and Alia was cuddling into Rory. I sat down in Jet's lap and offered round some popcorn which I had picked up along with some cola. Jet laughed as I made myself comfortable in his lap.

"What's so funny?" I whispered, earning myself a stare from my best friend as once agai her favourite character had come on the screen.

"Nothing." Jet whispered into my ear. "Do you think Alia would be a Hufflepuff, just to be in the same house as Diggory?"

I laughed, receiving a glare for Alia. "Nah, she'd be in Hufflepuff because she's a badger. Cute but can be deadly."

"I thought she was a wolf?" Jet laughed.

We ended up turning the movie off before the end because three of us were hungry and Alia was distraught over a certain death. Jet kept asking why I had let her watch the movie but I didn't know she would act like that.

Sitting in the dining room, we were having a peaceful conversation when Lily came bursting in. Due to the shock of the door slamming open, Rory choked on a bit of food, I jumped, Jet spat some of his drink out and Alia seemed to chuckle. Lily looked at Jet then to Rory.

"A letter has just arrived." She said in a rushed voice.

"And you had to burst in like that because?"

"All the Alpha's have received them. The phone is going mad. They are saying this could mean war."

At the word 'war', everyone in the room looked to me. Calmly, I turned to Lily. "Why are people saying that it could mean war?"

"The humans, Kiara. The humans have discovered our existence."

As soon as Lily had finished speaking, Rory grabbed Alia's hand and rose from the table. "We have to get back to our pack. If I were you two, I would have that Luna ceremony soon and start training your powers, Kiara."

I hugged the both of them goodbye before stepping aside so Jet could shake hands with the exiting Alpha and Luna. We then headed into Jet's office where the letter was sat on his desk. The letter was addressed personally to 'Alpha Jet and the Protector'.

"They know the Alpha's and they know who I am." I said in a state of shock. "This can't just be down to the humans."

Jet just looked at me before opening the letter.

DeAr aLPha jEt And KiARa,
DoN' t HoLD oN tO FrEEdOm fOr lOnG. WE aRe cOmiNg foR yOUr kiNd. YoU'rE deAr ProTeCToR wOn'T bE aBLe tO PrOtecT yOu For mUcH lOnGeR!
HuManS +..............

The letter had been written in cut up pieces of newspaper but it wasn't the strange lettering that grabbed my attention. It was the ending.

"Plus and then some dots?" I questioned. "I told you that they had some help." I sat down next to Jet and looked at him. "What do you think?"

"I think you have a good idea but they could have ended it like that to raise suspicions. They might want us to fight between ourselves."

"Jet they know all the Alphas. They know about me! How can they have only just come to knowledge of our existence yet know about our important figures? How can they know that I'm already protecting the werewolves. The only time I have protected our kind is-"

"Is at Rory and Asia's pack against Hayden's pack." Jet interrupted me. "You are right. The humans are getting help and it's from the pack that have already hassled us enough."

"What are we gonna do?" I asked. "We can't attack their pack, not with the humans on their side. We don't know their strength. We don't know whether the humans are already among them."

Jet grabbed the phone."I'm going to arrange an emergency Alpha meeting but obviously one Alpha won't be coming. I hate to say this, but we just have to lay low and wait. But we need to prepare. This is your true calling so you need to be prepared." Jet leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "I need to be prepared for my pack and therefore we need an official Luna in case something happens to me."

"Jet, don't talk like that."

"Kiara, I have to talk like that as an Alpha and not as your mate. I have to think what is best for my pack and that is for my mate to be officially made Luna. The ceremony will happen tomorrow at sunset. Take my card and get your mother or even Lily to go and choose a dress for you. I love you."

I turned his face so he was looking at me before he could phone the Alpha's. "Make sure you don't get too worked up about this. I don't want you too stressed because that won't be good for you or the pack."

"See." Jet smiled. "You already talk like the perfect mate and the perfect Luna."

"And I'm your perfect mate and your perfect Luna." I smiled before kissing him and leaving with his credit card.

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