Chapter 12

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Waking up in my old room for the third time in a row, I sighed. Soon after arriving at the pack, I had moved into Jet's Alpha accommodations and had got used to waking up beside him every morning. After our argument, however, I decided it was best to stay with my parents. Even though my dad wasn't the Beta anymore, they were allowed to stay on the top floor, however, they had extended their room to join in with Jet's parents so it was like they were all flatmates. 

My mum and Nora had agreed to go down to the pack house dining room that morning to have breakfast with some of the elder she-wolves. I was therefore forced into going with them so my dad and Kyan could have some 'male time' together. Even though they were fully grown men, they still loved a good game of FIFA on the Xbox.

Sitting at the table, I leaned forward and grabbed a glass of orange juice and a slice of toast. Some of the pack members, that were also eating their breakfast, looked at me strangely. They couldn't understand why I was in the dining room and why I hadn't been with Jet for three days.

Staring straight ahead, I didn't even notice Lily sitting down beside me.

"He's missing you." She sang.

"I'm not in the mood, Lily." I rested my head on my hand, looking at the teen.

"You're missing him too, aren't you?"

"Understatement of the century." 

"Well talk to him then. He stayed with James last night. I invited round some of my girls but we still heard most of their conversation. 'I love her, James. I just want her back.' Talk to him, Kiara."

"He still went to his Beta to talk about this whole mess and not his mate." I sighed.

"James and Jet go way back. You have always been Jet's best friend, but when you were kidnapped, Jet fell back onto my brother. In school, they were inseparable. They ignored all the girls in school and went to prom together." Lily grabbed a slice of toast before standing up. "Talk to him, he's broken without you and you without him. This pack can cope with one of you upset for a while but not both of you. We need the both of you together." I smiled as the teenager left the room.

I reached for another slice of toast when I saw Jet through the doorway to the dining room. He did seem down and as he got to the bottom of the stairs he went straight into his office. I knew this was strange because Jet would normally greet everyone in the dining room before he did anything. For the last two days, he had still greeted everyone just without looking at me. Or he did look at me when he thought I wasn't looking.

I rose from the table and headed over to Jet's office. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I left. Normally, I would never knock on the office door but standing outside it, I decided to knock. I heard him mumble through the door "Go away!" but I didn't. I knocked once again and once again he replied the same. Knocking a third time, I heard him sigh and come over to the door.

"Didn't you hear me, I said- Oh, Kiara, um, come in." He opened the door and stood to the side to let me into the office.

I looked around the room and saw papers all over the desk and some scattered on the floor. "I like what you have done to the place." I whispered with a little chuckle. I noticed a ghost of a smile appear on Jet's face.

"Have you come to shout again because I think I heard it all the other day." I winced at his harsh tone, "Sorry, didn't mean it to come out like that."

"And I'm sorry for shouting. I just got worked up."

"Come here, you idiot." He pulled me into a hug and I gladly settled into his warm embrace. "You have nothing to be sorry for. What you said, I needed to hear. Something had to be done about Hayden."

I looked up at him. "Had to be done? Has something happened?"

"You could say that. I got a message this morning. Hayden died last night. As an Alpha, I have to go to the pack and pay my respects and also to welcome his son as the new Alpha."

"Wow! He's gone. Oh god, I have to go and phone Rory. He's an Alpha, he can't get out of going. They will kill him if he goes to the pack."

"They won't. When an Alpha dies, there has to be peace for the day. It is a day for mourning. Rory won't be harmed today." Jet leaned over the side of the desk and grabbed his keys. "I won't be too long. I'm going with Rory as to support him. He's dropping off Alia here to keep you company but we want to get there and get back as soon as possible. We will be a couple of hours, tops." He kissed my forehead as James came into the office.

"Thank the lord, you two are back together." He chuckled and stared at us for a while.

"Did you want anything James?" I chuckled, staying in Jet's arms.

"Oh, um, yes. The guards at the gates have just phoned up saying that Alpha Rory and Luna Alia have arrived."

I looked up to Jet and kissed him. "Be safe today. Look after Rory too."

"Of course."

Rory and Alia knocked on the door. I hugged them both before hugging Jet one more time. I grabbed Alia's hand and took her into the living room. I stopped at the doorway and looked back. Jet had just grabbed his coat and was heading to the door. He opened the door and let the cold air in. Just before he left, he looked back and smiled at me, making eye contact. He blew me a kiss before getting hit on the arm by Rory. Laughing, the two wolves left. I turned back to my friend in the living room.

"Harry Potter or Twilight movie marathon?"

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