Chapter 8

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Punching the bag in the gym, I felt eyes watching me. I had been back in the pack for a couple of months now and I had settled back into pack life. Whenever I was in the gym, people would watch. I didn't know whether this was because I am their Luna (though not technically due to us not yet having the naming ceremony) or because I was the Protector. I had to train and I had to be fit in case I ever had to give my kind protection.

Hitting the punching bag one more time, I felt a familiar tingling sensation as Jet snaked his arms around my waist. He kissed my neck and then stepped aside as he watched me train.

"Can I help you?" I asked, laughing.

"I was just wondering if you had seen the wonderful Luna of this pack. She is very beautiful and I was told that I would find her somewhere round here." My mate smiled at me.

"What do you want Jet?"

"There's someone here to see you. They are waiting in the pack living room."

"Who is it?" I asked, taking off my hand guards.

"Now that would be telling." Jet winked and left.

Leaving the room, I grabbed a towel and a bottle of water before wrapping the towel round my shoulders. Walking down the corridor to the living room, I took a sip of the water, thinking about who could be visiting me.

Entering the room, I nearly dropped the water that was in my hand. Standing before me was the Alpha and Luna of the neighboring pack. More importantly, standing in front of me was Rory and his mate. Instantly, I ran forward and wrapped my arms around him before shaking hands with his mate. I then stood back next to my mate, sensing his unease at me hugging another male.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We came to see you." Rory said as I  motioned for him to sit down. "We have a slight problem and we need your help. Both of you, if you will give it, but especially your help, Kiara."

"What's the problem?" Jet asked, going into Alpha mode. I stood up and closed the door, signalling nobody could come in.

"My father is dying and (as you know Kiara) the pack takes dying wishes seriously. He wants me to suffer so he has ordered an attack on our pack."

"How can we help?" I asked.

"Well my father always talked fondly of this pack. When he passed on, last month, he told us that if we ever needed an alliance with a pack, this should be the pack we turn to. We ask you Alpha Jet to give us an alliance so if it comes to a fight, we have your help." Rory's mate, Alia, told us.

"You can have an alliance. I would hope that if my pack was in your situation, we would be able to turn to your pack. However, I don't yet understand how that involves Kiara?" Jet replied.

"She's the Protector. We saw what she did for us when you got new her out of that pack. If she could do that for just a few of our members, we would be grateful." Rory looked to me.

"I should be able to protect at least a few but I will work on my powers. If it comes to it, I'm supposed to be able to protect the whole of the werewolf kind. I will do whatever I can as Protector." I nodded.

"Thank you, Kiara." Alia said as Rory agreed.

"Will you be wanting to stay or will you be leaving?" Jet asked as he stood up and opened the door.

"Can we stay? I would like to catch up with Kiara and get to know you a little more, Jet." Rory smiled.

"And I would like to get to know Alia." I smiled.

Leaving the boys in the games room, most likely playing on the Xbox, Alia and I went to walk around the pack.

"How have you been settling in back home? Rory told me about how you were treated by Hyden."

"I feel like I have never been away now. However at first, I have to say it was hard."

"I remember my dad's reaction when he found out you had disappeared. I was only six so I didn't understand but as I got older people still reacted badly to your disappearance. Everyone thought something was going to happen without you to protect us. I can't believe nothing has been done to Hayden." Alia sighed.

"There is nothing that can be done. Now come on, let me show you something."

I took Alia into the forest and through into a clearing. She gasped as she saw the array of colours of all species of flowers.

"My family, along with Jet's used to bring us here as a child. It is a nice quiet area that I come to when I need some space. Here, we can hang out and get to know each other without being disturbed."I smiled.

"I like that idea. I like that idea quite a lot." Alia smiled back.

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