Chapter 20

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Standing next to Jet and in front of all the other werewolves, I felt the first twinge of fear. The guards had just got word that the wards had been broken and the humans were coming. All the Alpha's were in the front with me, Rory and Jet a little further ahead. I could sense Rory was on edge, his brother would be leading the opposing werewolves and he was sure to come at Rory and me first.

I heard someone behind me stifle a laugh as the humans stood in front of us. Some were bearing pitchforks and created an image that should have belonged in one of the human story books. The person quietened as one of the humans stood forward.

"A good amount of fighters are stood in front of us I see, shame we will have to kill you all." He laughed menacingly and others behind him joined in. Rory's brother stepped forward and whispered something in the human's ear. "I have been informed that the little protector is here but he will not tell me who it is. I wonder, would this beauty step forward and make this a fair fight? Will you protect me? I could give you a very nice night in return for this, much better than whatever your mate could offer, I'm sure."

I stepped forward and growled; making my hair glow silver. "Over my dead body."

"That could be arranged." The human whispered and suddenly the fight started.

Before I could even get back to Jet, Rory's brother attacked me from the side. "Hello Kiara, I hope you aren't still mourning over your dead child." He whispered in my ear as he held me down. 

I quickly kneed him where it would hurt, "Go to hell." I punched him and his face turned to complete anger.

"Only if you come to hell with me." He jumped at me once again and made me hit my head hard on the ground. My attacker then quickly shifted before I could do anything and bit down on my shoulder. I cried out in pain but knew I was on my own because everyone else was in the midst of their own fights. Ignoring the pain, I shifted into my wolf. Her beautiful fur was matted with my blood but I didn't mind. My wolf focused on my attacker while he had slightly turned his back. BIG MISTAKE. My wolf leaped forward and clamped down on the other wolf's neck. Looking at the dead body, I thought "enjoy hell" but before long I was engrossed in another fight.

For what seemed like hours, I fought and overcame each attacker which came at me. Many were the humans, looking for the praise of killing the protector. They seemed to believe that if they killed me, the protection spells would die with me. That wasn't the case.They would carry on until they were broken. 

When I was near the house and hidden from any attackers, I shifted back into my human form and grabbed some clothes that had been scattered at the front of the house. I then placed a healing spell on the injuries. The main one was my arm which (because I didn't have as much energy and I was in pain) I couldn't heal fully. Looking around, I saw that some people were struggling with the fights. I could tell that because of this, the protection spells were losing energy. I knelt on the ground and took energy from the soil to send protection to those who already had protection spells already on them. 

Suddenly, I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. The sight before me killed me..............

........I watched as my father fell to his knees in a bloody state. Not even realising what I was doing a grabbed one of the human weapons that had been thrown on the floor and ran. The human who was standing above my father didn't even expect my attack and his look of shock sat permanently on his cold dead face. I grabbed my dad and hugged him close.

"No, no, no, no, no. Come on dad! Open your eyes for me." I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I started to try and heal my dad but I felt weak. Only when I was fully energised could I even try to heal a fatal wound. "Come on daddy, you can't leave your little princess." I was now fully crying.

"H-hey." My father croaked, "Don't cry."

"How can I dad?" I held him close and he reached up his hand and cupped my face.

"I love you so much, Kiara."

"No, you can't say that. You aren't going anywhere. Dad, Jet proposed to me before the battle. You are going to look so nice in a suit and you will walk me down the isle. Just before you let me go, I will turn to you and straighten your tie because you are useless at tying ties and then you will stand by mum who is wearing a dress that matches the colour of your tie. Mum. Dad, think of mum. You can't leave her. You can't leave me."

 I leaned down and and cried into his shoulder. I could tell he was getting weaker by the minute and when his coughing fit started I picked my head up and brushed his hair out of his eyes. 

"I was supposed to protect you. It was my job." I cried.

"No, Kiara. It is my job to protect you as your dad. You are to protect werewolf kind and there will be casualties along the way. I'm s-s-sorry. I love-" His face went blank.

"No! No! This can't be happening. Dad! Please." 

I let myself cry over my father's body for a while until I felt a pain, once again, in my heart. I could see Jet fighting with another wolf but my mate was extremely injured. Through the mate bond, I could feel his pain and knew he needed my help.

As Jet faced me and the human had his back turned to me, I ran and jumped on Jet's attacker's back. I grabbed his head and twisted it; breaking his neck. The battle was now coming to an end. All of the humans were dead and there were only a few wolves left, determined to fight. Jet grabbed a hold of me.

"Kiara, are you okay?"

I just looked at him and then threw up on the ground. "Jet- I-"

I collapsed into his arms in hysterical tears and was consumed by darkness.

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