Chapter 18

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"One, don't pick up the phone

You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone
Two, don't let him in
You'll have to kick him out again
Three, don't be his friend
You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning
And if you're under him, you ain't getting over him"

I walked into the kitchen to see Lily singing into a slice of bread and her boyfriend tapping glasses like drums, next to her. Upon seeing the sight, I grabbed a glass of orange juice and walked straight back out of the kitchen. 

"Wait, wait, wait. Kiara. Where do you think you are going?" Lily grabbed my arm and stopped me. Looking at me, her smile faltered and her face got covered with a mask of concern. "What's wrong? You look like you haven't slept at all."

"Probably because I haven't." I shrugged my shoulders.


"Well maybe because the pack is going to be the setting for a major fight and they are relying on me to protect them!" I snapped, "Sorry, I'm just really agitated."

"It's understandable." She looked behind her and smiled slightly at her boyfriend trying to balance a spoon on his nose. "He turned of age yesterday and he wants to fight."

"Oh Lily, it will be fine." I pulled her into a hug. It was then that Jet came up behind me. We had agreed to go train together before the other packs arrived.

Walking into the training room, I plugged my phone into the speaker and put some music on. Jet and I at first did separate training. He used the weight machines and I used the punching bag, sneaking glances at my handsome mate and his muscles. When Jet decided to go on the punching bag, I did some spell work making sure I was able to still focus on the protection. I didn't care what Jet said, I was fighting and doing the protection spells. Jet wanted me to place a protection spell and then get to safety but I couldn't do that. As the Protector, I felt that I should be at the fight, fighting along my kind to protect them. I was grabbing a drink when Jet placed his hand on my shoulder. I grabbed his wrist, twisted it round and then kicked him to the floor. We did some more one on one fighting until I had pinned Jet to the floor and was straddling his waist. 

"Still stronger than you." I laughed.

Jet also laughed and then leaned in to kiss me which I obviously allowed and returned. Jet then looked to the door. "Did you lock the door?"

I nodded and squealed as he turned us over so he was on top of me. "Good." he said as he leaned down and kissed me.

Grabbing a bottle of water, I brushed the hair that had fallen out of my bun out of my face. Jet laughed at me.

"Don't laugh mister, you made my hair like this."

"That makes it all the funnier." He smiled as he picked his top off the floor and placed it over his head.

"It's a good job nobody could look through the windows." I acknowledged as we unlocked the door and stepped out of the training room. Jet just nodded as he grabbed my hand.

"I'm just glad that if tomorrow was the end, I'd be happy because of all the moments I have spent with you. Especially like that moment." Jet whispered, rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand.

I grabbed his face and turned it to me. "Don't you dare talk like that Jet. Don't you dare!£ I choked a little.

"Please don't fight tomorrow." Jet looked up at me, pleading.

I looked down and felt a tear slip down my cheek. "It's my duty." I whispered. I was suddenly enveloped in a bone crushing hug from Jet. That was when we were interrupted by a guard,

"Alpha, Luna. The first of the packs are arriving."

"Lead them to the living room for now. We need to get changed." Jet said, noticing we were in a wrinkled training clothes. Jet grabbed my hand and lead me to our room. I looked down at the entrance hall as we climbed the stairs and saw wolves walking into the living room with stone hard expressions on their faces. Only a handful of females had come with the packs and that was when I realised they had come prepared for death. This could be the beginning of the end for wolf kind.

A/N- Bit of a short chapter but it was kind of an introduction/filler chapter for the next one. The next one will be a longer chapter as it is the day of the fight. I'm going to try and get it up sometime this week because on Sunday and Monday I am in London and there will be no way to get it up. I know the updates have been a little all over the place for me because I used to update every day, which I can only apologise for, but thank you to those who have been with me since the beginning, even those who read Truly all those months ago and then came to this book. I see you guys who vote and comment on every chapter and honestly it means the world to me. THANK YOU!

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