Chapter 11

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After arriving back home, I was smothered by my parents. I honestly thought my parents were never going to let me go after they had heard of my fainting. Jet's mother was just as fussy over me. I knew they were over-protective of me, especially after the kidnapping, but they took that a little far.

Sitting in Jet's office, I leaned back in my chair and sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"When am I going to have the official Luna naming ceremony?" I quickly said.

"Well done on changing the subject." Jet chuckled. "If you are ready for the ceremony, we can have it as soon as you want. Now," he grabbed me and placed me on his lap, "what is wrong?"

"It's Hayden." Jet growled as I said the name. "Jet, listen to me. You can growl at his name all you want but that is all you are doing. Nothing is being done about it. I know it was my idea to keep the fact that he was the one who kidnapped me secret, but that was because it was my duty as Protector. If the other Alpha's found out it was Hayden, it would start out a civil war. But is he really going to get away with the fact that he ordered an attack on an innocent pack just because he is dying?" I stood up and turned away from Jet. "As your mate, I feel like it is my duty to stand by you. But thinking as a Luna (which I am soon to be) I can't just sit back and watch you do nothing! I don't want a war, but I want something. I want some sort of justice."

"You said yourself, Hayden is dying. He is going to be gone soon enough." Jet reached out for my hand but I pulled it away sharply.

"And you think his son won't follow his lead? Carry on Hayden's beliefs? That pack will be the death of the werewolves." With that, I left, slamming the door behind me.

Walking out into the hall, I bumped straight into a girl who looked about seventeen. The girl dropped the books she was carrying and pushed her long brown hair out of her face as she sighed. 

"Does nobody look where they are going in this place? That's the third time I have dropped these books." The girl mumbled to herself.

I bent down to help her pick up her books and then stood up and apologised, fully taking in her appearance. I recognised her as Lily Sanders, the little sister of Jet's Beta and a popular girl from the local school. I sometimes saw her and some of the other teenagers hanging out about the pack.

"Lily, I'm sorry. Here, let me carry some of those books for you." I said, looking at the books. I saw several Shakespeare books. "You like the Bard then?"

"I love Shakespeare, and it's fine. I didn't realise it was you who I had bumped into." We started walking. "Can I ask you a favour?" Lily asked.

"Of course you can." I smiled.

"can you get your dad to talk to James. When my brother took over as Beta, your dad thought he was perfect for the job but recently, James has been having second thoughts. Can your dad talk to him and help him with that?" Lily asked.

"I'm sure my dad will. He never really liked the title of Beta so I'm sure he would help to make sure the title is going to the right person."

When we arrived at Lily's door,after talking for a while, I gave her the books I was carrying and she placed them on a side inside the room. The teenager then came out again.

"You're pretty cool for a twenty year old, you know." She smiled.

"You say that like being twenty means you are ancient."

"Well, you aren't a teenager are you?"

"Maybe I need to stop being treated like a child then." I growled.

"Listen, I don't want to get into anything because this is obviously between you and the Alpha. All I can say is, talk to Jet because that will be the best thing to do." I smiled at the teenager.

"Are you sure that you are a teenager and not twenty?" I laughed.

"I hope not. I'm dating a sixteen year old, it would be a bit of an age gap." She laughed. "Now go," Lily pushed my a little, "go and see Jet."

I was about to go, when I turned back to Lily. "I will see you around, yeah?" She nodded before closing the door.

Going back downstairs, I saw that Jet's office door was ajar. I could see some light coming through the crack in the door and could also here Jet's voice. I went to enter the room, but thought better of it last minute. Entering the living room, I saw both my parents in there. Sitting down between them, my dad grabbed my hand.

"Are you okay, sweetie?"

I looked out the door to where Jet was just coming out of the office. Jet made eye contact with me before turning and heading upstairs. I turned back round to my dad. 

"Yes, dad." I sighed, "everything's just fine." 

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