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1 year later

"Kiara?" I heard my mate whisper in my ear.

"One more minute." I sighed. I didn't even open my eyes as I hoped to fall back to sleep.

"But I want to give you your anniversary presents before the pups wake up."

"PRESENTS!" I shot up and head butted Jet. "Oops sorry." I laughed rubbing my head and placing a kiss on his forehead. Jet waved it off and handed me some wrapped parcels.

"I can't believe it's been a year since we got married." Jet laughed as I took a swig of water before carefully opening the first present.

"I can't believe I said yes when- OMG Jet you didn't!" I squealed as I pulled some keys out of a small black box. 

"You always said you wanted a motorbike so.........there's one downstairs."

I jumped up and hugged him. "But, you still got me more presents? The motorbike would have been enough."

"Of course I got you something else." He laughed.

I opened my other presents which consisted of a small teddy bear holding a love heart and some chocolates. I handed Jet a digital picture frame with pictures of the both of us from the last 365 days on and they switched between them. I hadn't even known some of the pictures had been taken but that's what friends and family members are for apparently. To take pictures of couples without them being aware.

After the present exchange, we started having a heated make out session. We nearly went the full way before there was a knocking at the door.

"I hope, I'm not interrupting anything but-" 



Lucy and the twins's voices rang through the door. Jet quickly shouted back so they would wait one minute before grabbing his trousers from the floor and putting them on before handing me my night dress. He opened the door and immediately was attacked by two little monsters.

"Daddy. Daddy. Daddy." One little voice piped up. I walked over and immediately the chant of mummy started.

My little girl, Phoenix, was born first. She also said her first word first which was mummy. Now she couldn't stop saying the word and it slowly started to drive me up the wall. Her little brother, Blaze, was born half an hour after her. Shortly after Phoenix said mummy, he said daddy and wouldn't stop calling Jet either. They were crazy.

Lily quickly left us with the twins and we closed the door. Lily was amazing with the twins and lived up to the reason why we had named her godmother but didn't like them on a morning. She had agreed to have them the night before our anniversary to give us some time together, but apparently our private time wasn't meant to last.

We put the twins down on the bed and then looked at each other.

"There goes our morning." I sighed.

Jet snaked his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. "We'll figure something out."

Suddenly, Jet raised his head and grabbed his phone. He went into the nursery and closed the door.

"What's daddy doing?" I asked, sitting down. The twins automatically stopped rolling around in the sheets. Phoenix came and sat on my lap. I giggled as she grabbed my hair, which was down, and started raking her fingers through my hair like her father does. Blaze, however wasn't as nice. He kept hitting my arm, asking for his daddy.

I grabbed him. "I don't know what he's doing but daddy will be coming back, okay now mister?" He pouted and sat on the bed sulking, once I had placed him down. "You be like that."

I suddenly heard some chuckling coming from the doorway to the nursery. "I do love the relationship you have with our son."

"I don't know what you are on about." I laughed as he sat down and Blaze crawled onto his lap.

"My mum is going to take the two devils for an hour or so." He said as he held Phoenix's hand.

"You hear that Nix," I whispered in my daughter's ear, "you're going to play dress up again. What will you be today, a very warm snowball?"

"Mum only put that much clothing on because it was snowing."

"We used to go out in shorts and t-shirts when it was snowing." I argued.

"Because we were older and stubborn."

"I wasn't stubborn, I just listened to you, mister Alpha."

"You don't listen to what I tell you. You wouldn't do it if you didn't want to."

"Well still, when we get our daughter back, which will be in about five hours, not one, she will have about twenty new outfits and will be wearing one that we won't have sent her in." Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"You love it." Jet chuckled, kissing my forehead before going to open the door. 

After we had handed over the twins to Jet's mum, Jet grabbed my hand and led me back to the bedroom.

"Why don't we finish what we started?" He said, sexily, closing the bedroom door.

"I don't want anymore children just yet." I chuckled, smiling.

Jet picked me up and placed me on the bed. "I love you." he said breathing on my neck, teasing me.

"I love you too now just kiss me." I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him towards me.

"Of course, my dear protector." Jet whispered before closing the distance between us with his lips.

A/N- That's it! Thank you so much for reading my book and thanks for staying with me. I am hoping to write another werewolf story but I don't know when that will be as I have a few exams coming up at school. But thank you for reading, commenting and voting. Love you lots.

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