Chapter 19

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Waking up at the crack of dawn, I could sense that Jet wasn't next to me. I could feel movement at the end of the bed and saw Jet putting on some socks. I crawled to the end of the bed and wrapped my arms around his neck. Jet placed some old trainers on and then turned around and kissed my forehead.

"I love you." He said as he wrapped his arms around my small frame. I smiled and let myself sink into the hug.

After what seemed like years but was actually a few seconds, he pulled out of the hug. "I will meet you downstairs." He nodded and left the room.

Climbing off the bed, I walked over to the wardrobe, grabbing some easy wear clothes that would be easy to fight in when in human form but were also easy to shed to shift for my wolf. That was the one problem I had, I hand't been able to train my wolf as much.

Walking out of the room, I could see people already prepping the attic room where any children and people who couldn't or didn't fight were going to stay. Many of our women wanted to fight because it wasn't just for our pack, it was for our whole kind's existence, so all the Alphas had agreed that anyone trained enough could fight. One of the people helping getting the room ready was my mother. I could see her tear streaked face and my heart sank. Jet's father had bowed out of the fight, realising he wasn't as trained as he would like. I had found this a good thing but hadn't voiced my reasoning to Jet. His father knew how to be an Alpha. If something were to happen to Jet or me, his father would be able to pick up the pieces and support the pack until the position could be fulfilled. However, this hadn't been the case for my dad. My dad wanted to fight. I couldn't help but feel guilty for this because one of his reasons was for the fact that his only child was fighting and he wanted to protect me. I didn't want my dad fighting, but I couldn't stop him. 

Reaching the meeting room, all the Alphas and any Lunas that had come, were already in there. I took my place next to Jet and looked at all the faces, horrified that it had come to this. Everyone was silent for a while before an Alpha called Max spoke.

"How many wolves do we have willing to fight?"

"Hundreds." Jet answered. "But we are going into this blind. We don't know how many humans are coming. We can only guess at the amount of wolves they have."

"The pack will not let women fight and will leave around ten fighting wolves at the pack. They will have around fifty wolves." Rory spoke up.

"Rory's right. They won't break those rules. " I agreed, "We definitely have the advantage on amount of wolves but we don't know the strength of humans."

"May I ask why they leave the wolves at the pack?" A Luna asked quietly.

"The wolves left are strong and the pack believes that strong wolves have strong pups. If in the case of the pack being wiped out or near enough in a battle, they expect any women old enough to be mothers will mate with the wolves left to replenish the pack." Rory looked at me sympathetically. Once I had turned of age, I was told many times that i could be expected to mate with a wolf. I was scared out of my mind but luckily, it never happened.

We discussed the plan further and then decided it was just a waiting game. Just before everyone got up to left, I stood up. 

"I have an announcement. It will take up too much of my energy to protect the whole pack land and it will just throw back the wolves and humans leading them to get angrier and they will just come back again. I'm going to place a protection spell around the attic and then place protection over individuals or small groups. Any groups will have to stay together." I watched all the Alphas nod but then I sighed. "I also have to say this. I have to ask people if they want the protection spell. Those men and women are risking to put their lives on the line for their loved ones and they have the right to refuse.The protection spells will take a lot of my energy and it could get to a point where I can't protect anyone."

"But like you said, people are risking their lives and they shouldn't have to!" An Alpha stood up. I couldn't remember his name but the ice cold stare was burned into my brain. "You will protect the people because it is your job. You are the one who is supposed to die before the rest of the wolf kind." The Alpha walked out of the meeting room and slammed the door. His mate gave me a sympathetic smile and then followed him out.

"Kiara, just ignore him. He's just angry and on edge because of the fight." Jet placed his arm around me.

I looked back at the door and then towards the floor, "He's right though." I whispered.

By nine in the morning, everyone who wasn't fighting was in the attic room and the only people left roaming around the house were fighters. I had placed the protection spell over the room and then over the two guards stationed on the floor that were to protect the room further. 

I had gathered people in front of me and using my Luna voice, projected my words so everyone could hear. "I am now going to start placing protection spells over everyone now. Once you have seen me please move out of this area. Can any Alphas please step forward first?"

I started protecting the Alphas but got a shock when it came to the second to last one.Max smiled softly at me and then looked behind him. "Keep your spell for someone else. I am the Alpha, if anyone of my pack is meant to die, it will be me. Please just make it look like you have placed one on me so it doesn't spread panic between my pack?" I nodded and acted like I had placed protection over him and then let him go past me. Max was the first of many who had their reasons to refuse a protection spell. One person touched my heart dearly when they said they were alone so would rather have me protect someone with a family to come back to rather than somebody who wouldn't be mourned. My dad tried to refuse protection but I had a verbal battle with him. Mum wouldn't forgive me if I didn't at least try to get him to be protected.

After the last person, I sat down exhausted. Jet gave me an energy drink and then knelt in front of me. "Maybe you shouldn't fight." He kissed the top of my head and then grabbed the hand that didn't have the bottle in.

"No! I'm not just going to sit around and await our fate. I'm the protector and I've only done half of my job."

"You're so brave. What did I do to deserve a mate like you?"

"We were destined from birth." I smiled as a guard came up to us.

"Alpha, Luna. We believe we have spotted the oncoming humans and wolves."

"Thank you. " I nodded and grabbed Jet's hand. "Are you ready?"

Jet looked at me and smiled, "I need to do one thing first. I will do this properly but I needed to know you will come back to me."

"Jet, what are you saying? I'm not going anywhere."

"But I need to make sure. I want you to promise me that after all this is over you will marry me."

I gasped and smiled a little. "Is that a proposal?!

"Maybe." He looked at me.

"We are just about to go to war and you are proposing." I laughed.

"Is this your way of stalling because you want to refuse because I haven't heard a yes yet?"

"You idiot," I laughed and smiled. "Of course I will say yes. I would've said yes the first day we were reunited because being reunited with you made me feel complete."

He gave me the most amazing engagement ring that had two wolf heads bowed in the shape of a love heart.  I took my necklace of that was at the right length, to stay on my wolf when I shifted, and placed the ring on it before clasping it back around my neck.

"Are you ready to enter the battlefield?" I asked him grabbing his hand once again.

"Of course, because you are by my side."

A/N - I have decided to make the fight a chapter by itself otherwise this chapter will be just too long so watch out for the next update!

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