Chapter 2

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Sagekit looked around and saw her sibling Toadkit. He was already awake and she was bugging Tinybelly with a lot of questions.

Sagekit chuckled and padded over to Tinybelly. She was a small queen compared to Speckleface. Toadkit smiled and asked, "What was your first catch as an apprnetice?"

Tinybelly smiled and said, "Well, my first catch was a thrush. Some say that's the headrest to catch, but after catching many rabbits. I'd say thrushes are pretty easy if your a tiny cat,"

Toadkit smiled and asked, "Who was your-"

Tinybelly out a paw over Toadkit mouth and said, "Shhh...if your so hyper I suggest you head outside before you wake the other kits,"

Toadkit whined, but she went outside the nursery without question and Sagekit followed him wondering who she was going to talk to. Stormpaw was near the apprentice den waiting for his mentor.

Sagekit padded over to the apprentice and said, "Hello, Stormpaw I don't remember you well as a kit, but mother said you were always such a rush to become an apprentice,"

Stormpaw chuckled and said, "Yeah. I'm going to be the best warrior in all the clan,"

Oathawk padded over to Stormpaw and said, "You will be if you listen more. Come on we have to go on a hunting patrol." Stormpaw nodded and flicked his tail in goodbye as he padded off towards the clearing.

Sagekit padded over to her father Whiskerbreeze who was sharing tongues with Rowanpelt. He smiled at her and then went back to what he was doing. He never seemed interested in them as a kit, but maybe as an apprentice he'll be more proud of us. Sagekit wondered what her warrior name was going to be.

Toadkit padded over to Sagekit and said, "Okay. I think we should go to the dirtplace and sneak out,"

Sagekit eyes widened and said, "Yeah, but we'd better not say anything that'll give us away. Let's hurry up and get over to the dirtplace."

Toadkit and Sagekit padded over to the dirtplace. They saw Lakestar looking at them. They had to come out or she'd be concerned and be pretty sure that we were escaping.
Sagekit stayed in the dirtplace a little while then exited the dirtplace and saw Lakestar looked back over towards Aspenclaw and continued to talk to him.

Sagekit quickly went back in the dirtplace and said, "Okay let's go before someone notices,"

Toadkit nodded and squeezed himself through the tiny hole in the bramble wall. Sagekit padded after her, Toadkit's light brown tail in front of her. They made it out to the forest and saw everything around them.

The forest was huge, the trees were many times bigger than even the biggest warrior that ever lived. The grass around them was huge as well making them barely visible. Especially Toadkit with his brown fur.

Sagekit padded after her sister as she made her way across a tree trunk. Sagekit hooked her claws in the trunk in case she fell and didn't make it back to camp. Toadkit smiled and said, "This place really is huge, I can't believe we never could come out here as kits. It doesn't seem that dangerous?"

Sagekit nodded and said, "It doesn't seem like it's going to be such a dangerous experience as an apprentice, I mean the forest is safe,"

Sagekit padded deeper into the forest. She saw a pile of rocks and said, "Let's climb it!"

Toadkit smiled and said, "Let's see who can climb it first. Let's have a race!"

Sagekit nodded and said, "At the flick of my tail we'll race to the top!"

Toadkit and Sagekit got ready to climb the rocks. Sagekit started counting in her head, '1. 2. 3. Go,' she flicked her tail and they took off up the rocks. Toadkit was ahead of her. She tried to go faster, but she wasn't meant for climbing rocks. Toadkit made it up first and Sagekit made it up with her.

Toadkit yelped suddenly as the rocks started shifting down and she fell down the side of rocks.

"Toadkit! No!" Sagekit climbed down the rocks quickly and ran beside the rock to see Toadkit breathing heavily. She whimpered and screamed, "Someone help! Please!"

Sagekit started to tear up until a black shadow was behind her. A cat came to her and said, "Your friend is hurt, but you do not come from HawkClan? Are you EagleClan's kit?"

Sagekit nodded and asked, "Are you from HawkClan?"

The cat shook his head and said, "I'm a friend of theirs, follow me and I'll carry your friend back to camp,"

Sagekit nodded and follow the cat. He didn't struggle to carry the tiny body of Toadkit back to their camp. Sagekit felt her heart skip a beat when she saw the camp once again. She ran inside and said, "Toadkit's hurt!"

Lightningpaw came out and went to fetch Heronstep. The white tom came out of his den and said, "How?"

Sagekit felt her throat fill up with worry and said, "We were climbing rocks outside until they collapsed under Toadkit and she felt,"

Lightningpaw signed stuff to Heronstep and he nodded saying, "Yes, the kit will survive, but only because of this kind cat who came to your rescue. I suggest that you wait outside the den,"

Heronstep padded up to the mysterious and whispered something to him. The mysterious cat nodded. She brought Toadkit into the nursery.

Tinybelly wailed and said, "My poor kit! Sagekit, are you okay?"

Sagekit nodded and ran to her mother. She couldn't believe that Toadkit got hurt. It was all her fault.

The mysterious cat walked up to Sagekit and said, "My names Reed I live around here, I am glad that you and your sister are okay,"

Sagekit hope her sister was going to be okay. Toadkit may never be a warrior if she caused it.

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