Chapter 12

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Sagepaw watched as her sister made her way towards Stormpaw. He was being nicer towards them, but she always was suspicious. Sagepaw watched as her sister and Stormpaw headed into the apprentice den together.

Sagepaw made her way after them and slept in her best which was nearer Weedpaw then it was her sisters. Weedpaw was also very kind to her. She couldn't help wonder if she was falling in love. She shook her head and decided to worry about her duties for now.

When Sagepaw woke she glanced around the den. Everyone was still inside, but they were awake. They were probably talking about how Lightningpaw was going to get his name in a few days.

Toadpaw padded over towards her and said, "Whiskerbreeze told me to tell you that you have to meet him at the training clearing,"

Sagepaw nodded and stretched. She made her way towards the bramble entrance. No way in StarClan could Whiskerbreeze be so impatient. She decided to stealthily make her way towards the clearing. Their was Lakestar and her mentor Whiskerbreeze, but also a cat about the same age as her father.

"Is he the one?" Whiskerbreeze asked.

The smaller cat looked at him and asked, "Why am I here? I'm not a forest cat!"

Lakestar chuckled and said, "Your a starving one. You'll go near HawkClan's border and ask for food, but spy on them. Then when you see cats, probably Shadewing. He's always an early riser, tell your she-cat friend to be quiet. Then the tom will probably hear you and then find you. Tell him your plan...then his apprentice will go the long way and then find Shadewing atop of you,"

Sagepaw stepped out of the clearing and looked at Lakestar and Whiskerbreeze.

"You wanted to see me?" Sagepaw asked.

Lakestar smiled and said, "Of course. Your going to help our clan. HawkClan has killed one of ours many...many moons ago. It's are time for revenge,"

Sagepaw felt anger at HawkClan. They killed one of our cats? The warrior code forbids this! She felt her pelt bristle.

Lakestar murmered something and she couldn't hear her.

"I guess you heard what I was saying to this cat,"

The tom hissed and said, "I shouldn't listen to you...but if I get free prey from it I'd gladly do it,"

Lakestar smiled and said, "Then Thornstar will probably give you food and then you'll wait a little while in the bushes again and see where Shadewing and his apprentice. Stupid young cats telling who their mentors are, but of course Sagepaw you didn't tell them he was your father right?"

Sagepaw nodded. She was understanding the plan. They wanted to learn information about HawkClan and this was the only way. Sagepaw didn't think this was part of the code, but leaders words was the code as well.

Lakestar glanced at her and said, "Then you will go find Sagepaw who will be at the border and tell the her where they are. Then I want Sagepaw to knock out Shadewing's apprentice Greypaw,"

Sagepaw's eyes widened and asked, "Why?"

Lakestar smirked and said, "So then we can tell Shadewing everything he needs to know. We had a deal. He promised he'd try his best to get deputy. He's almost an elder! That old rag! Hmm, but Thornstar doesn't have many lives left and if we...We could control this whole forest and then cats wouldn't have to worry about half-clans. That's why...Oh! StarClan! Why did you take my kits from me! Even my darling little Poppykit who survived past the first day! It's because I had kits with...a different clan tom..."

Sagepaw understood know. Lakestar had half-clan kits and remembered how old stories had clan join together. She didn't want to have ultimate power she wanted everyone to come together. She wanted forbidden relationships to not be forbidden. Sagepaw wanted that too. Even medicine cats should have love.

Sagepaw looked deeply into Lakestar's eyes and saw no evil, just a motherly passion to do something right with her life.

"I'll help you, of course I will!" Sagepaw yowled.

Lakestar smiled and said, "Then let's get to it,"

"Wait! How are we going to get rid of Thornstar? I don't want to kill him...he has kits. He told me at the gathering," Lakestar mewed.

"We could ask him if we could join clans?" Sagepaw suggested.

"No. He's as stubborn as a mule he wouldn't want his pure breed cats getting mixed with our kittypet, rouge, half-clan ancestry," Lakestar mewed,

"Wait...are you half-clan?" Whiskerbreeze asked.

"Yes, my mother was a cat named Heathertail from EagleClan and a tom named Poppyheart....I named my kit after him," Lakestar mewed.

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