Chapter 5

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Greypaw heard a hiss in his ear the next morning. He groaned tiredly and said, "A few more minutes mom,"

"You'd better come out here or I'll have your tail," the sound of Shadewing made him sit up quickly and trip over his own paws. He felt embarrassed and said, "S-sorry Shadewing I'm not used to waking up this early,"

Shadewing rolled his eyes and said, "But you don't mind waking up the whole entire camp as kits?"

Greypaw's fur grew hot and he said, "Sorry Shadewing,"

Shadewing eyes were lit and said, "Good, now we're going to pactice some hunting,"

Greypaw smiled, but what he really wanted to do was fight. He was the best fighter out of his littermates. At least that's what he thought. He followed Shadewing out of the clearing. It was still sunrise when they left. The other warriors were barely awake.

Shadewing sat down suddenly and Greypaw had to dig his paws into the ground to try and stop himself. He fortunately caught himself and sat down in front of Shadewing.

Shadewing uncomfortable eyes him for a few minutes before saying, "So?"

Greypaw was confused as what the older warrior wanted him to do. He then remembered and scolded himself for being so mouse brained.

He got into his best hunting crouch that he knew from Blizzardslip. Shadewing glanced at him surprinsgly and said, "That's Blizzardslip unique hunting style,"

Greypaw tilted his head, he thought all hunting was the same. You got in a crouch and you leaped at the prey in front of you,

"What do you mean unique?" Greypaw asked hesitatantly.

"Well he stretches his one paw a little closer, then says, Dawnstream unique hunting style. She usually shifts her left paw farther from her body. She's so small it actually helps her, but your father's a bigger cat so he needs a smaller stance to keep him stable, one day you'll find your own hunting unique, but for now I'll show you the basic one," Shadewing showed him a really good hunting crouch, but he looked uncomfortable doing it.

"Does that hurt?" Greypaw asked.

Shadewing shook his head and said, "No, I'm fine honestly,"

Greypaw thought he heard a wince from the older cat and what he saw horrify him. The cat's left hind leg was covered in scratches and blood.

"Shadewing! Your leg! You need to go see Spiderwillow," Greypaw said.

Shadewing growled and said, "I'm fine. It's my duty to train you so that's what I'm going to do! I don't care if I'm hurt. I'll be fine,"

"How'd you get it?" Greypaw asked steadily getting back his confidence.

"A battle," Shadewing said simply.

"There was none recently and that looks fairly new, besides if you did battle someone you'd tell Thornstar about it," Greypaw said.

Shadewing sighed and said, "Brightwatcher did it..."

Greypaw eyes widened and he said, "What! Why would she do that! It's against the warrior code! She's going to be in big trouble!"

Shadewing hissed at him and said, "It's not her fault you mousebrain!"

Greypaw gulped and felt all his fear drain into his eyes. He never saw the more superior warrior snap. He was usually calm and serious all the time.

Greypaw didn't dare ask more questions and said, "I won't tell Spiderwillow about your leg. I won't tell anyone, just promise me today you'll take a break and if your legs still hurts tomorrow. Go see Spiderwillow. Please..."

Shadewings eyes softened and he said, "Okay...Brightwatcher....I didn't do anything to her. I just ask if she...if...she would be my mate...she said no. I felt broken and kinda snapped at her. We got in a fight. She scratched my leg and I...I broke her heart. She broke mine. I guess we're tied," he gave a fake laugh and then continued to show Greypaw the hunters crouch like he just said nothing.

Greypaw was going to ask more questions, but kept it to himself. He copied Shadewing's crouch.

Shadewing nodded and asked, "What do you smell around here?"

"Chipmunk, mouse, and...fresh water," Greypaw said.

Shadewing nodded and said, "Good. Now let's try it on something real. Let's see...oh!" He padded over and grabbed a stick and place it on the ground.

"I want you to pounce on it. Aim for its center which is its heart," Shadewing said as he sat down.

Greypaw got up from his crouch and padded a fox-length away from the stick. He got into the crouch Shadewing had showed him and he began to crouch towards the stick. He saw it in clear view. He leaped for the stick, but landed a mouse-length away from it.

He hissed and said, "Mouse-dung," Shadewing glanced at him and said, "You were too lopsided in your crouch so you landed sideways,"

Greypaw nodded and they continued to train until it was time for Greypaw to head back to camp. The sun was directly above him as he made his way back to camp. He looked around and didn't see Brindlepaw. Greypaw saw Rainpaw and padded over towards her.

"Hey, Rainpaw!" Greypaw said smiling.

Rainpaw smiled at Greypaw and said, "Tommorow's the half moon," she shook in excitement. Greypaw didn't understand and he stood there with a dumbfounded look.

Rainpaw cuffed Greypaw ears and said, "Tommorow I'm going to be accepted by StarClan and I'll meet the other medicine cat and his apprentice. I heard Heronstep is deaf, but I don't know if I should believe rumors. Remember when we were kits and we believed that Bouncesky could actually bounce to the sky, but her personality was so bouncy, she proved us wrong," she shivered.

Greypaw smiled and said, "Your finally going to be a medicine cat like you've always dreamed of. I'm so proud of you sis," he purred.

Rainpaw purred and said, "Thanks...I'm so worried the other cats won't accept me..."

Greypaw now cuffed her ear and said, "Rainpaw, you're the most enthusiastic cat about being a medicine cat I have ever seen. Your going to be the worlds best medicine cat that ever lived!"

Rainpaw eyes darkened and said, "I need to tell you something. I've been hiding something from you for a while..."

Greypaw thought she was joking and said, "I've been hiding that I accidentally fell into the prey pile when I was a kit,"

Rainpaw cuffed his ear hard and said, "Im serious. I've...remember my dream?"

A/N: I know it's kinda short. If theirs any grammar mistakes I'll check tomorrow. Too tired to know. Hope you guys enjoyed this. It's kinda of obvious what chapter  7 going to be about. Yes you're going to have to wait for Greypaw's part. Sorry :)

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