Chapter 9

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Greypaw looked at his sister Rainpaw she showed uncertainty as she looked at him. She frowned and sorted some herbs. She seemed worried that he passed out randomly, but she didn't say anything.

"What happened?" Greypaw asked.

Rainpaw looked at him and said, "You passed out and spoke these words, the storm may dry up, but the misery will last till its forgotten,"

Greypaw shivered and remembered how Shadewing was yelling for someone to call. He wondered if he was calling Spiderwillow. Then he remembered the smell of Brightwatcher. He probably wanted to apologize to her and tell her that he was in need of help. She was a pretty strong warrior.

Jynxkit and Ravenkit ran into the nursery and bumped into Greypaw's back side. He looked behind him and saw that Ravenkit's one paw was held up.

Rainpaw rolled her eyes and took some weird herbs and put them one Ravenkit's paw and took the thorn out. How she knew that was the problem Greypaw didn't know.

Greypaw tried to get up, but Rainpaw sat him down and said, "Your not allowed to leave until Spiderwillow says so,"

Greypaw nodded and asked, "Isn't today the half-moon?" Rainpaw nodded and looked really nervous for her being accepted as a medicine cat apprentice.

Greypaw glanced over at Squirrelpaw and her mentor Stonenose training together. Why couldn't his mentor be caring about him right now. He was hurt and Shadewing was no where to be seen.

Speaking of Shadewing where was the tom? He couldn't find him anywhere in camp and he didn't have any kind of patrol going on and if he did he wouldn't have been training with him.

Spiderwillow came in with a package of herbs. He didn't realize it was her. She kinda looked like Shadewing. Were they siblings?

"Are you related to Shadewing?" Greypaw blurted out.

Spiderwillow nodded and sniffed him for any kind of injuries. "Your fine, you may continue your training. Shadewing is my brother, but we've always been distant. We weren't close as kits. That was a hard life lesson as a medicine cat,"

Greypaw felt pity for the kinda old medicine cat. She hadn't known that Shadewing was liking any cat or anything he knew from being his apprentice.

Greypaw felt that he should tell Spiderwillow of Shadewing's wound.

"Shadewing's left hind leg is covered in scars, I noticed it yesterday, but I passed out. I would've told you after our training session," Greypaw said. He wasn't completely lying. Greypaw knew that his leg was still fresh somehow and needed to be treated, before it got infected.

Spiderwillow eyes widened and said, "That mouse-brain! He went out to hunt something for you! I'll go find him, Rainpaw stay in here and if any cat needs me tell them that I'm helping a mouse-brained cat,"

Rainpaw nodded and continued to sort the herbs mumbling their names under her breath. Rainpaw looked at Greypaw and said, "If I'm the storm, what does it mean I'll fade? Do I die!"

Greypaw looked at her and said, "No! It probably means that you'll fade back into a normal cat, but the last part. The misery will last until it's forgotten..."

Rainpaw shrugged and said, "Probably the pain and suffering will be remembered until the pain is forgotten,"

Greypaw shrugged and said, "Eh,"

Greypaw looked at the entrance and heard hissing.

"I'm fine Spiderwillow!" He heard Shadewing's voice hissed.

"Yeah! Cause having a scar that's infected is fine!" Spiderwillow spat back.

Shadewing didn't say anything back as Greypaw didn't hear anything from the entrance. He then saw an angry Shadewing being shoved by Spiderwillow into the medicine cat den. Shadewing looked at him with disgust, but also pity and put down a plump mouse that he had caught.

"I need to teach you how to hunt, and is this for my sister to notice me? Cause your doing a good job of that," he murmered to himself, but loud enough for Greypaw to hear.

Spiderwillow and Shadewing were arguing in the medicine den. When Shadewing finally gave in she treated his leg and told him to stay in the medicine cat den until she says he can leave.

Greypaw watched Brindlepaw and his mentor Fallensplash leaving the camp. He decided to go visit his mother and father. Greypaw looked at Mistyclaw and said, "Hi mother!"

Mistyclaw purred and said, "Hi sweety. Wanna hear some exciting news?"

Greypaw nodded and sat down.

"We need Blizzardslip here first, Blizzardslip!" She yelled in the warriors den.

Blizzardslip came out and sat next to his kit.

"I'm expecting kits!" Mistyclaw purred.

Blizzardslip's eyes widened and he smiled. He was probably so proud that they were having more kits. Greypaw mind went whirling and he was now going to be a big brother! To a bunch of little fur balls.

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