Chapter 6

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Sagepaw woke up the next day with the feeling of fur in her pelt. When she woke she saw Stormpaw laid out beside her taking most of the room. She hissed and said, "Get on your own nest,"

Stormpaw sleepily woke up and said, "ButIaminmynest..." Stormpaw glanced behind him and gave her a sheepishly smile as he kinda crawled back to his nest. He laid down and fell right back to sleep.

Sagepaw looked around in the apprentice den and wondered where Toadpaw was. She then remembered and padded out into the camp. She saw Toadpaw confidently walking the whole camp without a trace of pain. Sagepaw ran over to her and said, "Are you feeling better?"

Toadpaw nodded and said, "Yep! I'm doing fine, Lightningpaw said I can explore most of the territory today!"

Sagepaw smiled and said, "Yeah! I'm so happy for you, maybe we'll be able to go together!"

Whiskerbreeze came out of the warrior's den and glanced at Sagepaw and Toadpaw and said, "Toadpaw how are you feeling?"

Toadpaw sat down and said, "I'm doing fine, Sagepaw was wondering if we could explore the territory together,"

Whiskerbreeze nodded as in taking that in consideration before saying, "Okay, but I may have someone else explore the territory with us as well,"

Rowanpelt kinda slugged out of the warrior's den and yawned saying, "You two...," she was interrupted by a yawn, "wake up too early for anyone to sleep. Why can't you guys sleep in like the rest of the apprentices,"

Whiskerbreeze chuckled and said, "They're worried about each other, besides I remembered when my brother Frostdapple, died and I wished I could have more time with him, but that's in the past,"

Rowanpelt growled and said, "Frostdapple's death is not to be reminded he was a traitor! He deserves no sympathy! He tried to kill your mate! Does that not bother you? You killed him. Why do you wish for more time with him!"

Whiskerbreeze growled and said, "He was my brother! If I had talked to him as an apprentice or kit, he wouldn't have turned out like that! The Dark Forest was already corrupted in his heart, he was tricked, hopefully, he went to StarClan,"

Rowanpelt thrashed her tail and then saw the looks on the two apprentices faces. They had no idea of that story. The elders thought it was too scary for any kind of kit, no matter how light-hearted.

Sagepaw glanced at Whiskerbreeze and imagined the same face, but with blood in his jaws and paws. She no longer felt comfortable with the warrior. Sagepaw backed up and so did Toadpaw. She must have seen it too, the way his eyes were filled with bloodlust and his paws would kill anything in sight.

"W-Whiskerbreeze...did that really happen. Did you kill your brother..." Sagepaw asked shaking with fear.

Whiskerbreeze tried to comfort her and said, "Yes, but he tried to kill your mother, I couldn't let him get away with that. It's okay sweetie,"

Rowanpelt padded over to her apprentice and said, "I suggest you don't come with us, bring Honeyfeather instead,"

Whiskerbreeze sighed and padded over towards the warrior's den. Sagepaw wanted to go run to Tinybelly and hope that Whiskerbreeze was lying, but she had to be strong. Her sister wasn't showing any signs of fear, but actually anger.

"Toadpaw, are you okay?" Sagepaw asked trying to comfort her sister.

Toadpaw looked at her and said, "Whiskerbreeze didn't have to murder his brother, he could have been exiled. Whiskerbreeze could have been pure still. He overreacted and I hope he rots in the Dark Forest,"

Rowanpelt's eyes widened and said, "You do not wish for that on any cat, no matter how twisted or evil. Toadpaw you should know better than that,"

L shrunk and said, "S-sorry, I got caught up in the moment and I'm worried. What if he kills someone else?"

Rowanpelt sat next to her apprentice saying, "He wouldn't do such a thing, besides most cats go with him on patrols and they return. He's a good cat I promise,"

Toadpaw nodded and glanced at Honeyfeather who was coming out of the warrior's den. She looked tired as well. She must have just woken up. She padded over towards them and said, "We're going on a patrol or something?"

Rowanpelt nodded and said, "Yes, but we're also showing them the territory,"

Honeyfeather looked around as if to find Whiskerbreeze then remembered he was the one who woke her. He didn't come out of the warrior's den either.

"Is Whiskerbreeze coming? Fours, not a good patrol if we're going towards HawkClan's territory," Honeyfeather asked.

"Stormpaw's coming with us," Rowanpelt said. Sagepaw groaned and thought, 'That flea-bag can barely stay in his own nest. How's he going to go on a patrol,'

Toadpaw cuffed her sister's ear and said, "I saw him sleeping near you, is there something going on?"

Sagepaw rolled her eyes and said, "No, he just doesn't know how to sleep in his own nest,"

Honeyfeather chuckled and padded into the apprentice's den and her loud voice could make the entire camp wake up. Stormpaw sleepily padded outside of the apprentice den and saw Sagepaw and Toadpaw and groaned.

He padded towards them and asked, "Where's Oathawk? He usually takes me on a patrol and why am I going with kits?"

Sagepaw growled and said, "We're not kits and you don't always go with your favorite warriors on patrols, besides I'm not with my mentor,"

Stormpaw sat down and totally just ignored what she said. Honeyfeather smiled and padded over towards Rowanpelt.

Rowanpelt flicked her tail towards the entrance and the group of cats began to pad over towards the entrance. They made their way to the outside of the territory and Sagepaw remembered it as it was as a kit. The trees were still huge and she could still hear the rushing river that separated the two clans.

They made their way towards the pile of rocks Sagepaw remembered very well. Rowanpelt stopped and said, "What is this Stormpaw?"

Stormpaw yawned and said, "It's the Giant Rock Pile or the stones of crippling little kits," He looked at Toadpaw.

Sagepaw's pelt heated up and mumbled, "Rude,"

Toadpaw growled and said, "Shut up!"

Stormpaw shrugged and continued on. Rowanpelt glanced back at them and then continued on as well. They explored the rest of the area. They made it back to camp safely and Stormpaw padded back into the apprentice den. Toadpaw followed Sagepaw into the apprentice den as well.

Sagepaw had already made a nest for Toadpaw right next to hers. She gladly accepted it and they decided to take a nap.

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