Chapter 10

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A half of a moon later Sagepaw had gotten over the whole thing with her father Whiskerbreeze and started training more with him. Lightningpaw was getting his medicine cat name soon and Sagepaw was so excited for the older tom.

Specklefaces kits were almost old enough to become apprentices. Stormpaw, and Weedpaw were about to become warriors as well. Today was going to be her first gathering. Toadpaw would be at her best from when they were kits and nothing could go wrong.

Lakestar stood tall and said, "The cats I am choosing to go to the gathering are Toadpaw, Sagepaw, Whiskerbreeze, Tinybelly, Aspenclaw, and Larchbird. Of course my deputy and medicine cat and medicine cat apprentice are going as well,"

Sagepaw was so excited maybe she'd get to see some HawkClan apprentices. She'd never seen any HawkClan cats since she hasn't been on any patrols where there were problems,"

Sagepaw watched her mentor smiled and pad over to her, "Your first gathering. Only a moon after you were made an apprentice. You were born on the full moon. That's why your allowed to come to this one,"

Sagepaw remembered that. She was made an apprentice on the gathering, but she was too worried about her training and everything. She was with the elders most of the time and they didn't go. She'd didn't even notice half of her clanmates were gone.

Whiskerbreeze stretched and said, "We're going on a patrol. Larchbird's leading and we're bringing Weedpaw, Willowspeck and Tinybelly,"

Sagepaw remembered that her mother was now returning to warrior duties. She didn't seem like she wanted another litter of kits, but you never know what could happen.  

Larchbird and Willowspeck were waiting by he tunnel. Sagepaw made her way and sat down next to Larchbird. They always said she was the best fighter in the clans.  They weren't kidding. She had muscles rippling through her pelt.

She was glad that Larchbird was on their side and not the other side. Willowspeck however was tinier then Larchbird. She probably had many days when she'd lose battles.

Tinybelly was probably the most tiniest cat in the clans that was a warriors. She was just barely beneath her shoulder.

Weedpaw looked nothing like her brother. She was brown instead of blue and had green eyes instead of grey. She had darker spots as well.

Weedpaw smiled at them and said, "Larchbird, where are we going towards know?"

Larchbird replied, "We're going towards the Leaping Stones,"

Weedpaw nodded and looked around he patrol. She saw that everyone was their and they started their patrol to the Leaping Stones.

When they got back it was time to go to the gathering.

Sagepaw ran next to her sister and smiled, "A real life gathering!"

Toadpaw smiled and said, "I wonder what the HawkClan apprentices will look like. I bet their all battle scarred from us!"

Sagepaw chuckled and said, "Yeah! Cause we're the best clan in the forest!"

Whiskerbreeze over-heard them and said, "It is no laughing matter about any kind of death or injuries. StarClan needs two clans in the forest or the balance will be too much. Cats will get greedy and eat extra,"

Toadpaw and Sagepaw's pelt grew in embarrassment and dipped their heads in apologize.

They followed the cats who were going to the gathering and made their way to the land passage. The two trees that grew their were for the leaders, deputies and medicine cats.

Toadpaw and Sagepaw made their way to clearing with two other apprentices. They smelt of HawkClan and they were about the same age as them.

"Hi," Toadpaw said to the grey tom. The silver tom with grey stripes looked at the other apprentice.

"Hi," the grey apprentice said back.

"My names Toadpaw, this is my sister Sagepaw," Toadpaw said pointing her tail to Sagepaw.

"My names Greypaw. This is my brother Brindlepaw. This is are first gathering, I never knew how big the trees here were," Greypaw said.

Sagepaw smiled and said, "It's our first time here as well,"

Brindlepaw looked at Sagepaw with wide eyes and said, "H-hey, do you guys like mice?"

Sagepaw purred and said, "Those are my favorite! My mom always said they were the perfect type of prey, not to big, but not too small either,"

Brindlepaw purred as well and wrapped his tails around his paws. "S-so...Oh! My sister is the medicine cat apprentice," he pointed his tail to a blue she-cat.

She was really pretty with her blue fur and green eyes. Sagepaw was kinda blushing a little, but she didn't dare show feelings for a medicine cat apprentice.

Sagepaw put her attention back to Brindlepaw. He looked really nervous for some unknown reason.

Greypaw stretched and said, "My mentor is Shadewing. He's really...weird, who are your guys mentors?"

"My mentor is Whiskerbreeze. He's also my father," Sagepaw said.

Brindlepaw smiled and said, "That's cool. Are you guys close? My mentor is Fallensplash. She's nice,"

Sagepaw nodded and said, "Yeah me and my dad our really close,"

Toadpaw padded in front of her and said, "My mentor is Rowanpelt! He's a great warrior in our clan,"

The clan leaders swished their tails for silence. They were starting the gathering.

Lakestar started first.

"We have two new apprentices, Toadpaw and Sagepaw, the prey is plentiful and we are doing well," Lakestar announced the apprenticeship of the two apprentices.

Thornstar went next and said, "We have welcomed two kits to our clan, Ravenkit and Jynxkit. We also have three new apprentices. Brindlepaw, and Greypaw who are warrior apprnetices and Rainpaw who is our new medicine cat apprentice, our prey is doing well,"

The clans cheered the new apprentices and kits. Thornstar smiled and said, "As tradition well let you guys talk,"

Brindlepaw smiled and looked over as Stormpaw and Weedpaw came over to their spot.

Weedpaw smiled at Brindlepaw and said, "Hello my names Weedpaw. This is my brother Stormpaw. Who are you guys?"

The two apprentices told their names and hey talked till the gathering was over. The gathered cats began to left and Sagepaw felt her heart flutter at the sight of Rainpaw. Stop falling for a enemy clan medicine cat!

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