s u n d a y
the day where i'm
most likely to attempt suicide,
for some weird reason.
also, my weekend homework day,
my writing day, my sleeping in the sun day.m o n d a y
the day where i have to wake up at seven
and come down here and
procrastinate doing schoolwork,
all day long.t u e s d a y
the day where i wake up at six
and go to school
and do whatever weird shit happens that day
then come home
and eat, then write, then sleep.w e d n e s d a y
the day that's the hump day,
sandwiched between due dates.
so i just sit on my ass and
procrastinate. life is good.t h u r s d a y
the day where school seems crazier.
everyone's so hyped up and so am i
and it's all just insane and good.
it's the day of racist popcorn and
morgan freeman and love.f r i d a y
the day depends on the week.
sometimes i'm at school - hectic day,
sometimes i'm at home - food day,
and sometimes there's therapy.s a t u r d a y
the day where i don't really sleep, either
the night before or that after.
because i don't really want to
or need to and saturday is
the day where i'm happy.
Поэзияthe thoughts in my head, however disorganized [warning, it can get heavy.] -- poetry #43 random #86