hard emotions

252 10 4

hatred's a hard emotion,

but what if it's the one that's right?

people tell me that

i don't feel anger enough,

that depression is

anger turned inward

and that i need to let it out.

the truth? ha,

i could care less about the

things that happen around me on

a daily basis. i have

made my peace with

the assholes and the

mind-fucked creator of

this life that we call god.

love's a hard emotion,

but for a very different reason.

it's hard to love someone

because you never know

how long it's going

to be and if it's really

real or not, and the actual

hard part of love is the

letting go.

the truth? ha,

i ought to love you less

than i should but

i cannot bring myself to,

maybe you're too amazing of

a person or maybe i just am refusing

to let go of the best thing

that's ever happened to me

and i cannot help it.


should i hate you should i love you

what the hell am i supposed to feel

because i love you so much that it hurts

but then something comes along and hurts me

and suddenly it's all a huge mess of very hard

emotions and i'm swimming in the tears and i am


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