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  • Dedicated to the actual two people

simple enough.
perfect enough.
yet just unexpected enough.

she's the ster-e-o-typ-i-cal
shy girl,
thin arms and legs
with the sci-fi t-shirts
and the shakespeare book
held up to her nose
under green-wire glasses.
lover of penguins,
doctor who,
and superheros.
and she's beautiful.

he's the ster-e-o-typ-i-cal
emo guy,
black leather jackers and
a spike through one ear
with the band t-shirts
and the video-game obsession
and the too-tight
pants under it all.
lover of weird shit,
odds-n-ends humor,
cloudy weather,
and the internet.
and he's beautiful.

two people so different.
yet so similar.
and so in love.

she's the tardis
and he's the vortex manipulator
and maybe
that's just the way
things are going to be.

and i love them both.
maybe i even love them a little more together.

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