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C H A P T E R  5

 "She basically almost knocked me out with her skinny elbow," Mr. Jones grunted in pain, holding a wet paper towel up to his nose to stop the bleeding as he gave me a deadly glare.

I glared back clutching my chair in anger, "I told you it was a fucking accident! So stop acting like a baby and man up," I throw up my hand in frustration.

"Young lady watch your language!" the principal yelled, smacking his large hands on the desk getting our attentions, "Now explain to me what happened and try not to talk over each other again," he growled looking between the both of us.

Killian rolled his eyes at me, then turn around to face the principle to began to speak.

Wow, so mature Jones.

"So it all started when I came in a little late for class this morning getting ready to began teaching when I immediately walk into the classroom," he started off. The Principal gave him a curious look may be on to why he came in late but ignored it and nodded for him to continue the story. "And so I glance at Emma sitting there eating her food in my classroom," he says emphasizing my name, rolling off his tongue.

"Precious food," I smugly comment. Killian gave me an annoying look before continuing.

"Though the rules clearly say to not eat in the classroom, so I walk up to her and ask her nicely to throw her food away," he says.

My eyes widen in shock. That bitch did not ask nicely first!

"No, you didn't ask me nicely you lying bitch!" I protest glaring at Killian sitting on the chair next to me.

"Emma!" the principal barked my name giving me a deadly glare, telling so to quiet down.

I let out a low growl to myself, slouching in the chair with my arms cross around my chest.

"This fucking sucks," I mutter to myself. He might be handsome with his sharp defined jawline, ocean deep blue eyes, sexy bed hair, pink plump lips, 5 o'clock shadow and his sexy Irish voice - wait, what was I saying? 

Killian smiled triumphantly then continued once more, "After I told her to throw it away she still continued to eat her food. I then grabbed her food and began to throw it away for her to only witness that she attacked me trying to get it back, elbowing me in my nose in the process." he explains, finally finishing the story.

The principal nodded at Killian then turn towards my direction quirking an eyebrow, "What do you have to say for yourself?" he spits out.

"I have nothing to say for myself but for him," I gritted, "I warned him to not take my food though he did it anyway, so it's his fault, not mine," I protest.

The principal sighed, "I'll just have to punish you for eating and hitting a teacher in the process," he began stacking papers neatly as he continued, "Today after school you will have to scrape under every single desk from his classroom and remove the gum from underneath,"

"You can't do that!" I shouted, getting out of my seat slamming my palms against his desk.

"No, yes I can young lady!" he narrows his eyes up at me, "Now you both may be dismissed from my office," he shoo the both of us away from his desk.

Turning around I gritted my teeth clenching my fist tightly. Killian smugly smiled up at me. I hated it here! It's only been two days yet I feel to set this place on fire. Maybe I should do so.

I glared at Killian as I held back my anger. 

Oh, he is going to pay for this one this time. No mercy bitches!

Glancing down at Killian my eyes spot a red dot on his pants meaning his blood had dripped from his nose on his pants.

I smirked at him, mentally laughing how funny it looked, "You might wanna change, your man-period is showing hon," I said holding back my chuckles before strutting out of the office with a grin on my face.

* * *

I lazily dragged my feet on the school's floor, walking my towards Mr. Jones classroom. They had called my foster parents about the situation this morning when really it wasn't that big of a deal. I mean I warned Killian yet he underestimated me. He did have it comin' I grin at my thoughts replaying the scene.

"What are you grinning at?" Mr. Jones asks me interrupting my thoughts, he looked at me with a confused expression.

"Oh, how you basically cried like a baby when I hit your nose with my elbow," I snickered.

His eyes turned completely dark as he gritted his teeth in anger, "That was not funny!"

I began to laugh a little louder, making my blonde hair fall off my shoulders, "Yes it was,"

Killian growled darkly as he shoved a small shovel-like tool into the grasp of my hands, I stop laughing eyeing at the mental tool in my hands examining it.

"Since you have to laugh at foolishness, I guess you can now start scraping underneath all of your classmate's desk," he grins, his blue eye shining with excitement. He then shut the door locking it and walked back to his chair.

I groan, dropping my book bag at my feet. Grabbing the bucket I sat it by the wooden desk.

Did he really have to lock the door whenever we are in the same room? I mean if he thinks I will try to escape, someone should tell him I'm happy to jump out the got damn window to run away.

In the grasp of my hand, I held the tool tightly in my palms, bending down to view under the desk I scrunch up my nose in disgust. How could this many people even fit this much gum under a desk?! Lazily I began to scrape the sticky gum from under the desk placing it into the blue bucket beside me. This is going to take awhile. 

And after I'm done doing my deed it's time for some of my classic pranks. Get ready for a fight Jones. 


Finally got to update! YAY! 

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