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C H A P T E R 1 6 

Once we were both settle in a booth in the warm small cafe like building-with me sitting across from Killian he began to speak.

"So Swan, why don't you tell me what happened." his eyes held my gaze softly, his voice almost shaky and fragile.

I bit my lip nervously understanding what he meant. He wanted me to tell him the story of how my parents died. Was I brave enough to tell him? Did I trust him? Could I? 

My heart started to rapidly pound against my chest, my hands trembling as it laid on the table. I blinked back my tears at the topic. His eyes glance down at my shaky hands, quickly taking it in his own, sending sparks through my body in a bliss.

He frowned, "I'm sorry you don't have to say-"

"What would you like to order?" said the waiter as she cut Killian off. He looked up at the young lady staring him down in a seductively look, his eyes glint with irritably. I pulled our hand away quickly leaving mines cold. 

Her short skirt stood above her mid-thigh, while her breast sprawled out of her tight white top. She had blonde hair and bright blue eyes any guy would fall for her, with her face caked in makeup. She smiled her pearly white teeth at Killian ignoring my existence.

I quickly sobered up my tears, almost scowling at her basically eye raping Killian.

Killian quickly gave me a glance, though I was to be busy burning holes through the waiter, glaring.

"Sure, could I have the bacon butter croissant with a caramel two espresso coffee sweetheart." he smiled and shot her a flirtatious wink.

My head quickly snapped at him now leading on the little whore, watching him plaster a smirk at me.

I clench my fist under the table watching the two flirt right in front of me like I wasn't here. Like hello, I'm only here for the food, could he have wait till after we had done eating so he could bang his next chick. Hell, he just kissed me just a few minutes ago!

The waiter's cheeks flushed and she giggled like a schoolgirl.

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat loudly, when they continued to stare at each other ignoring me I rolled my eyes, "Hello? Yes, please ignore me as I quietly sit here just wanting to order some food." I voiced sarcastically then growled, interrupting their stare.

Blonde bimbo sent me a death glare as Killian turned to face me, his eyes glint with humor, "Oh, I'm sorry Emma, I didn't see you there." his voice was also hinted with sarcasm, a soft chuckle falling from his lips.

I gritted my teeth, fuming. I had no time for this. I'd rather be at home watching Netflix and eating alone than be here watching my teacher flirt in front of me with some whore and not even getting any food.

I quickly stood up from my chair, glaring at Killian, "You know what you are right, I'm not going to sitting here anymore." my nose flared.

About to stomp out the building a hand quickly reached out and gripped my wrist from stopping me. A wave of sparks exploding through my body, and my heart aching for more than just a touch.

He gazed into my eyes, seriously, "Ok, I'm sorry, please don't leave." his voice dark and pleading. My shoulders slump, his blue eyes piercing into mine causing me to cave in.

I sigh and stared, "Fine, but you owe me," I stated, "again." my eyes narrowing at him.

Killian gave me a gentle smile then turning towards the waiter still standing there with a confused expression.

"Could you also please give my girlfriend a nice blueberry muffin with a side of a vanilla iced coffee," Killian said to the waiter, not stuttering at his choice of words.

She looked taken back when he mentioned girlfriend and I'm not going to lie I did too. My mouth almost gapped open. Her eye then glared at Killian then at me before scoffing and walking away to get our orders.

Not being able to hold it in, I burst out laughing, my blonde locks falling off my shoulders in the process. I had no idea why this whole scene made me laugh, but it felt great to laugh since my day started out shitty. I haven't laughed this good in years.

Suddenly I sober up my laughter watching Killian's eyes trained on me with a wide smile on his lips and eyes sparkling. Why is he staring at me laughing? 

My heart went soaring out of my chest just the way he looked at me, with so much bliss.

I nervously shiver under his imitating stare as my eyes kept its gaze into his. The feeling of someone presence stopped our staring contest when a waiter stood in front of us.

A different one at that.

And a boy might I add.

I held in my snicker at the young girl leaving because of what Killian said.

The young boy placed our food in front of us. Then a mischievous grin played on my lips when I stared up at the guy and gave him a big smile and a flirtatious wink.

"Thanks." I purred, biting my bottom lip seductively.

His cheeks warmed up to my attention., "N-no problem," he stuttered out, nervously.

Aww, he was so cute.

The sound of a low growl stop the boy's and I trace. I looked up to face Killian gripping the edge of the table, staring deadly at the both of us.

I gave Killian a fake innocence frown. "What?" my eyes never leaving his dark ones. 

This might be fun after all. 


how many chapters should this book be around? im thinking around 20-25 maybe..

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