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C H A P T E R  1 1

Once we reached Killian's house, I groan at loud in frustration but what shut me up was his home. It was massive almost mansion-like. The outside interior was beautiful, with flowers lined in front in his home. I stood there looking in awe.

Who knew a teacher could get paid this much to even afford a home like this.

"Fancy the home, huh love?" Killian said, snapping me out of my trance with a smirk playing on his lips.

I shook my head, "It's cool," I said coolly, shrugging my shoulders so it seemed I didn't care.

Killian let out a soft chuckle, which I mentally ignored as we both head up to the door of his house. After he unlocks the door, I slipped into the home feeling the warmth from the inside, and the smell of his cologne hit my nostrils, strong. I was a nice smell for sure. Very intoxicating.

I threw my coat on the coat rack beside me and immediately walked into the living area, my eyes scanning the inside in awe. I shook my head mentally remembering to not show any emotions and plopped on his leather sofa like I own the place.

"What do you think you are doing?" Killian's voice boomed next to me.

I smiled snuggling deeper into the sofa feeling relaxed, "Sitting down. What do you think I'm doing?" I turn to look at his now angry expression.

"No, the whole point of you coming was to work," he growled.

I rolled my eyes, "Well then, what has to be done, master?" I said biting my lip, looking up at him. I hid my smile his eyes widen at my sudden choice of words.

I then burst out into a fit of giggles. "You should have seen your face." I snorted.

Killian rolled his eyes at me, "Shut up and go clean my kitchen because it needs lots of work."

I shot up from the couch making my way towards his kitchen, "Sure thing master!" I yelled out, almost letting out a snicker.

Walking into his kitchen I gasp, stopping in my mid tracks, my eyes scanning a huge mess everywhere. How the hell did he manage to even find anything clean in here?!

"Make sure everything thing is spotless," he whispers behind me in my ear causing my nerves to go wild and my spine shiver do to the closeness of our proximity.

Gah, why universe!


After I was finished slaving over in Killian's kitchen I wiped away the sweat forming on my forehead, feeling exhausted.

Gosh, I did too much moving around in one day.

I wiped my hand on a dry towel and neatly placed it on the countertop. Turning around I glared at Killian with his phone in his hands sitting at the table.

"I'm finished. Can I go home now?" I grunted. I needed a break from school, yet even though it is Saturday I was too busy slaving for someone.

Killian shut his phone off looking up at me so our eyes could meet, "Sure, let to just check over your work." he gave me a fake smile, getting up from the chair to examine every dish and every counter stop.

I held back an eye roll, gesturing my arms out in the air, "Be my guest." I said, giving him a fake sheepishly smile.

He walked past me, as I turned around and watched him walk around looking for any mistakes.

Pulling a dish from the rack he held it up to his face staring at it. 

Did I mention he made me wash every single one by hand when he owed a dishwasher? I know, he's lazier than I am! 

"You missed a spot."

I grunted stomping towards him, snatching the plate out of the grasp of his hands, "It won't kill you, just eat around it." I stated.

Killian took a step closer to me, "I said I wanted everything spotless." he voice got deep and husky, almost demanding, as his eyes bore into mine causing me to forget how to breathe.

My stomach dropped, only our breathing being the only sound in the room as I stare and got lost into his ocean blue eyes. My heart pounded faster. I fought the urge to step closer to grab him and kiss him, as I continued to stare.

Why am I feeling these things?

I shook my head turning away from him to wash the plate again, ignoring the shivers running down my spine. I mean it wasn't really weird facing my teacher that I made out with, but now staring at him made me see him differently. I don't know what happened between the day I met him till now but whatever it was I needed to forget it.

 After I was finished washing an idea ran through my mind.

Quickly grabbing a cup turned on the faucet to fill it up with water.

"Wait what are you-" but Killian's sentence got cut off with water splashing in his face.

I erupt into a fit of laughter watching his hair fall dripping with water as he stared at me with his mouth open in utter shock.

Instead of his lips frowning he smiled. "You really shouldn't have done that." In a swift motion, Killian grabbed the faucet sprinkler and began to drench me with water.

I started to laugh harder, shielding my face with my hands to block the water, "Okay Okay, I call a truce!" I exclaim feeling chills up my arms from the water.

"Oh I think not." he laughed.

So I did the only thing to do, I launched at Killian causing him to drop it and fall ground with me on top laughing.

My hair fell from my face with wet droplets falling on the wooden floor, my eyes boring into his with my body pinning on top of him.

I froze, my laughter stopping when Killian's eyes sparkled and his breathing quicken causing my heart to stop. My head felt fizzy with our body touching, our faces just inches away from each other.

Staring at his lips, I slowly leaned forward closer, my stomach doing flips, but before our lips could meet the sound of the doorbell being rung echoed through the house, scaring me. 


GAhhhh its 3 am as I'm writing this. 

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