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C H A P T E R  8

Emma's POV

I walked into the school bright and early the next day with a smirk plastered on my lips. Today's the day for revenge. When I left the house early, Margrent and David eyed me suspiciously wondering why I woke up early than I was supposed to. But they quickly ignored the problem, probably hoping I was changing. Haha not!

 I stroll in the building, skipping my feet, causing my skirt to sway back in forth. Ugh, I hate these things. So I quickly stop skipping down the hall, just walking towards my destination. 

I flipped my hair over my shoulder bending down eye level at the door knob. I reached in my hair for a bobby pin, turning right and left making sure I was in the clear. Taking the bobby pin, I twist and turn it in the door knob waiting to hear a click.


I grinned, getting up from my knees opening Mr. Jones door. Getting in, I quickly shut the door so no one would see me breaking in a teacher's classroom. 

"Well will you look what we have here," a voice said. 

Ruby stood, sitting on Mr. Jone's desk twirling a pair of scissors in her hands.

I smirked up at her, "Well well well," I taunt, "What would you be doing here Ruby?" I question walking towards her.

She hopped off his desk, walking closer, "I should be asking you the same question," she tilts her head, smirking back.  

I grabbed on my back strap tightly, clutching it close to my chest, "Well I asked you first," I responded. 

Ruby-eyed me suspiciously, circling around me like a was her prey. "What's in your backpack?" she questions me with a sly smirk. 

I really don't have time for this conversation. I needed to put up my revenge before anyone sees me. 

I gave her a bored look, "It's better to have your nose in a book than someone else's business,"I comment, walking past her over to the side of the wall, dropping my book bag on the ground. 

"You didn't answer my question!" she snarled. 

I squat down pulling out a million sheets of my art work and tons of duck tape. "Last time I checked I didn't come out of your vagina causing you to be my parent." I ripped a piece of duck tape, sticking my first piece of art on the wall. I took a step back, smiling at my success. 

Once Ruby had gotten a clear view of the poster she began to chuckle at the photoshopped photo, "Such a coincidence," she muttered lightly. 

I turn around to face her, raising an eyebrow, "Coincidence?" 

"You really want to know what am I doing here?"

I shrugged my shoulders, I really didn't care why she was here for that matter. 

Ruby grabbed something from on the top of his desk, showing me a tube of super glue, waving it in the air with a triumphantly smile, "I was here to super glue his chair," she grinned wickedly.

I immediately began to laugh. Wow, who knew we could have something in common. 

"Oh this is going to fun," I said with a sly smirk, "Care to help me place my art all over the walls?" Ruby eyes beam with excitement, holding her smirk at me nodding her head. 


Killian's POV

I quickly parked my car in the schools parking lot jogging towards the building. I was late once again. 

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