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C H A P T E R 20 

Emma's POV

"Let me in," I state giving a grand'ol smile when the door swung open revealing a shock Killian on the other side.

"What the hell are you doing here, better yet all the way in Ireland!?" Killian exclaimed, gripping the doorknob looking bewildered as ever.

I tilt my head to the side, "Is this how you always treat your guests?" I smirked cheekily, stepping into the warm home past him, without invitation might I add.

My eyes gaze over the huge mansion that I stood in. Hanging from the ceiling was the brightest chandelier I've seen or the only one I've ever seen actually. The living area was twice as big as my home, with a spiral grand staircase while the walls were painted a cream color

This house must have at least 4 floors!

So the fucker was rich!

A loud growl was heard behind me, echoing as I turned around to look at Killian.

Oh, I must forgotten he was here. Whoops.

Killian had shut the door, speedingly stepping in front of my path, making sure I didn't take another step into his home.

"I said what are you doing here?" he asked again, but with a glare.

I let out a chuckle, "Chill dude, I just came to visit some family and manage to find out we were here and came to visit," I shrugged lightly.

Lies! My self-conscious said.

Alright, yeah it was a bullshit excuse to wanting to see him and know what was going on. Why? I had no idea. I mentally shook my head to myself, God what is wrong with me? Flying across the world to visit my teacher! Maybe I should just leave and-

"Emma!" Killian's loud voice brought me back out of trace.

I rolled my eyes staring up at him with my arms crossed over my chest, "What?' I growled in annoyance.

Running his hands in frustration he sighed, "You need to leave," he said, softly.

I huffed while pouting. "C'mon I just got here," I whined taking a step closer towards Killian. Staring into my eyes I could see his eyes soften a bit before they went hard again.

"No, and don't dare give me those puppy dog eyes!"

Coming closer once again, I stand my ground giving him my puppy dogs eyes with a pout on my lips. I could feel his breathing hitch, causing me to noticed how close we were. My heart quickens up its pace while his blue electric eyes stared down at me.

Gosh, what am I even doing?

Reaching to place on hand on his chest, he flinches back before I could even reach him, creating a distance between us both. I frown slightly, trying to hide the hurt in my eyes.

I thought he liked my touches? What happened?

I bet it's that bitch Miliah! I gritted my teeth just thinking about her, ugh I hated her.

Why do I even care? You must be jealous! My self-conscious boosted.

No, I wasn't! I didn't give a flying fuck about her plastic barbie doll ass!

"Are you alright?" Killian's voice brought me back out of trace.

I gave him a pained smile, "Peachy," I replied pretending to be unbothered by his actions just mere seconds ago.

He gave me a curt nod, "So?" he questioned.

I arch my eyebrow in confusion, "So what?" I asked.

"Aren't you gonna leave?" I flinched at his voice laced with something dark, grimy.

I fake smile, "Oh you were serious about that," I wave him off, walking around him with a chuckle, hiding my wary voice.

Why didn't he want me to be here?

Maybe because you're his freaking student and you shouldn't be here! My subconscious states. Fair point.

I plopped on his large sofa sitting in the living area, feeling the soft plush cushions under me as I sat like I owned the place.

Killian rolled his eyes, "Emma you can't be here so I'm going to ask you to leave, again."

I stare up from the couch biting my lip and narrowing my eyes at him.

He was serious. I frown and stood up from the couch.

Maybe this was a mistake. What was I doing? Did I really think he'd come back and everything would be the same like they were, with me annoying him, him getting angry at me, our randomly endless kisses.

God, I sound like a sorry sap. It shouldn't matter to me. But somehow my heart still aches, sadly to admit I felt like a craved his presence. And I had no idea why.

C'mon you pathetic piece of crap, it shouldn't matter. Nothing matters remember.

I grunted because it was true, nothing mattered. No one cares. I'm nothing but trouble anyway. So why should I care if he was there at school or not? He's just a bipolar teacher.

Yes, you heard right I'm convinced he's bipolar. One minute he's showering me with compliments and kisses and next he doesn't even want to be near me. Despite me being a minor and all, it was fun while it lasted.

Giving him a nod, I gave one more look into his blue sad eyes before turning towards the front door.

I stood right in front of the door not daring to move. The distance between us was pinning to my heart, making it hard for me to open the door.

So much from flying all the way to Ireland for no reason. Hope that Miliah bitch is happy. 

With a sigh, I finally placed my hand on the doorknob, the coldness giving me a chill up my spine.

Though before I could open it, someone on the other side swung it open. My eyes widen, taken back.

There, stood an older woman with the same blue electric eyes just like Killian and her brown hair pinned up into a tight bun. She had kind eyes and wrinkles visible on her skin, but besides that she was gorgeous.

"Who are you?" she spoke, with an eyebrows rose.


trying to finish all my books before summer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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