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C H A P T E R 1 5 

"Emma?" a familiar voice softly spoke out.

The strong familiar conlogue hit my nostrils the smell very intoxicating, making my body to go rigid.

I quickly wiped my tear in embarrassment, praying he didn't see my tears, before turning to glare at him

"Why are you here?" I gritted out in anger, my voice low.

I wanted to just smash his face into my car door!

His eyes soften as he sat beside me with his eyes piercing into mine, pleadingly, "I came to say-"

"To boast in my face about my dead parents again?" I cut in clutching my knuckles tightly, keeping his gaze, "To tell me how pathetic I am? Well news flash buddy, I don't give a fuck about what you have to say about me. You know nothing about me and what I have been through! So why don't you shove your words up your a-"

I was cut off when Killian's lips were found on mine, immediately shutting me up. My eyes bulged in surprise finding the warmth of lips calming me down as I shut my eyes enjoying the feeling. His hands reached to caressing my face, deepening the kiss letting a small whimper fall from my lips. I could feel the way my pulse takes off and my heart aches in my chest , and I feel the way goose bumps begin to appear all over my body.

We shouldn't be kissing in public and I shouldn't be enjoying it. But I did.

It was like I feel all of his emotions into the kiss, channeling a desire. Something he wanted but know he couldn't have.

Soon he pulled back, both of us panting heavily. His blue eyes glisten with desire, as ours eyes met. Only I furrow my eyebrows in cofusion.

The sound of the kids playing made me notice we were in public. Why did he kiss me? We could get caught!

My breath got caught in my throat, "What...why did you-"

He flashed me a soft smirk, "I had to find a way to shut you up so I could apologize."

My cheeks almost heated up, so I turned my head away from him. Looking down as my fingers fiddled with the hem of my shirt.

"Look at me," his voice was gently. Biting my lip I tried to ingore his voice making me melt in a way, making my stomach irrupt in butterflies.

Killian grasp my chin, demandingly, pulling my chin up to stare into his eyes unwillingly.

"Emma, I came to say I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it, any of it." his breath fanning my face as he still held my chin still to look up at him, "I was angry, but it still doesn't give me the right to lash out at you like that." he said, my eyes almost blurred with tears but I held then back.

I wanted to tell him he was right...

But held my tongue.

He gently released my chin, "I know you don't really fancy me love, but would you at least accept my apology?" his voice strained for me to accept.

I stared up at him. Even though he was right about everything, it still didn't give him the right to lash out at me. I already felt bad, he just made it even worse. I couldn't let him see me vulnerable, he's seen to much so far.

I held everything down, sucking in a breath as I keep his gaze sterningly, "No."

His eyes hint fear in them, his body tensing at my answer as I burst in laughter at his expression.

He frown at me, lifting an eyebrow in suspense before I start to laugh in fits of giggles, "You should have seen your face." I laughed out. 

His face then turned into a stern look, his muscles rippling through his shirt, "Stop laughing Swan. It's not funny." he growled.

I wiped away my visible tears under my eyes with my finger, "Oh yes it was."

Killian lips then slipped into a smirk as he leaned near my ear, "Do I need to remind you how to shut you up again?" his voice husky and deep.

Immediately I stop laughing, my body rigid by his voice and chill bumps forming. As I swallowed a lump in my throat by our closeness. Darn him and his sexy voice!

I quickly sober up, putting my lips in a tight line and pushing him away, "No thank you." I smiled innocently up at him standing up from the bench.

I needed to be away from him. Killian was making feel things I never felt and I was scared.

"Where are you going?" he quirked standing along with me.

"I'm heading home." I state, calmly.

He gave me a glare, "No, you are not, you should be in school."

I scoff, "But shouldn't you be in school?" I question with my arms crossed against my chest and a sly smirk playing on my lips.

He rolled his eyes, "That's not the point." he gritted. 

"Then what was the point to even begin with?" I question, almost snickering.

"Alright enough!" he growled, he then sucked in a breath his eyes gazing into mine, "How about I just take you out for breakfast?" he offered.

I narrowed my eyes at him. He wanted to take me out to breakfast, why?

"Thanks for the offer but I'll have to decline your offer, beside I already ate a full breakfast." I smiled up at him.

On cue my stomach rumbled loudly. I hissed in embarrassment.

Why must my stomach betray me?

I smiled innocently at Killian as he stood before me with a smirk on his lips in triumph.

He then chuckled, "Get in the car." he commanded. 


hi guys... hope you like. 

next chapter should be fun XD

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