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C H A P T E R 1 7 

"Hey, what's up troublemaker," Ruby greeted with a nudge of her shoulders against mine as we walked in the halls of the school.

Stopping by my locker I put the code in and opened the metal door before turning to give her a look, "We are friends now?" I question.

She shrugged, "If anyone goes out there way to help me prank the teacher and not rat me out on the plan then yes we are," she smiled, "We are now buddies,"

I mentally groan in my head. I mean she is cool and whatever but I don't really do good with being around people in general.

But since I didn't rat her out I guess she can tag along and maybe I'll get her to do something in return.

So I gave her a small smile back, "Alright I guess you can tag along."

She scoff, "Please more like you tag along with me, I'm no follower."

I shut my locker closed giving her a knowing smirk, "Are you really?" I mocked before walking away towards my class.

The sound of her footsteps trying to catch up with me from behind made my lips stretch into a satisfying smirk.

Catching up Ruby sent a slap on my arm, "Shut up,"

Walking into Mr. Jones class together, my eyes scan for him. My heart racing to get close to him. Looking around I noticed that Killian wasn't here.

Maybe he was late.

So instead I walked to the back of the class with Ruby tagging along, of course, and sat down. Pulling out my phone I began to scroll through twitter out of boredom.

"Good morning class I'm Mr. Gold your substitute teacher for this week." a voice announced.

My head shot up curiously looking at the old man standing in front the class.

For this week? Where is Killian?

My stomach dropped in worry, biting my lip I raised my hand, "Where is Kil-Mr. Jones?" I question with an arched eyebrow catching my almost mistake.

Everyone eyes were trained on me like I had two heads. I ignored everyone stares, keeping my gaze at the substitute teacher.

My. Gold lift his eyebrow but continued to answer my question, "Mr. Jones had to take care of some business back home," he said.

Back home? Ireland. Why?

Glancing around the room I noticed people were staring at me.

"Take a picture so it can last longer you fuckers!" I growled in annoyance.

Quickly everyone turned towards the teacher in quite fear. I smiled.

As the teacher went on, my smile disappeared. Didn't Milah wanted just that. Was his sudden choice to fly back home- when he despised it clearly - her doing? Thoughts clouded my head, I have no idea why I was pressuring so much on the topic of him suddenly leaving but it was just...suspicious.

Feeling someone nudge my shoulder I turn to the person.

"What's on your mind?" Ruby asked.

I mentally groan at her asking about my well-being but only replied saying, "Nothing." I shrugged.

"Well then, in that case, let's ditch this dump today," she suggested.

I quirk an eyebrow, "But like isn't the place basically built for teens to not escape this garbage?" I asked.

Ruby gave me a smirk, "I know a way to get out and not get caught."

Turning my head towards the teacher I eye the old man already with his head back peacefully sleeping.

I mean hell to it.

I gave Ruby a smile and nodded.

If it could get my mind off of Killian then why not.

Killian's POV

I kept glare at Milah from across from me in the limousine as we continued to drive away to my old home.

I hated her. How dare she?

I should have been more carefully being around my students. But no, of course, I was careless causing me to land in this situation.

What was I fucking thinking? Being around and having an affair with one of my students? Sure when I was with Emma my heart skipped a beat, I wanted nothing but to be around her 24/7. But I had to protect my reputation, my job, my dignity. If it causes us to no longer hang around each other then so be it.

And that's why I was in here in the car with Milah doing her dirty work. 

Emma basically had me wrapped around her pretty little finger. And these past few days we have bonded, we were getting close, to close. Despite me being a teacher I enjoyed being around her.

She had the energy of a ball of fire, she was feisty and careless. Even though she was trying to be tough and put up a front, behind it all I could tell she has a heart of gold. I just needed to get through her. Show her to the true meaning of what she was missing out of.

Gah, this whole thing was wrong. Complicated. Intriguing.

"We are home babe!" Milah high pitch voice brought me back to reality.

I scowl at her turning to look out the window. Staring at where I drew up immediately brought back so many memories. Good and Bad. The fountain stood high and mighty with water flowing out just like before. It all looked the same.

My stomach dropped at the sight, it hadn't truly dawned on me till now. I'm just seconds away from seeing my parents again. It has been more than six years since I've seen them.

And I wasn't ready to ever see their faces again. 

So putting on a brave face and sucking in a long breath I out of the car rubbing my sweaty palms on my pants. 

Let's get this fucking over with. 


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