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C H A P T E R  7

Emma's POV

Quickly I stood up on my feet, away from Killian as he rushed to pull up his pants and zip it. I walked away from a distance back over to the chairs. My heart pounding against my rib cage.


I can not believe we just did that! It was like he brought the inner slut out of me or that's what I like to call it. My spine shivered. His touch still lingered against my skin, as I skim my fingers over it. It was like I crave his touch, and honestly, I wanted to feel more. His touch against my skin felt so right, but it was just so wrong. I had to avoid him for now on, it could cause a lot of trouble.

Wait .. when did I ever care about getting trouble? I grinned to myself. This is the type of trouble I needed. Maybe after I'm done using him, he would be so heart broken and wouldn't try to be so demanding over me, causing him to just give up and then just maybe I could leave this school for once and for all.

Glancing over I noticed that Killian was speaking with a women. She had long black hair, green dull eyes, and a petite figure almost like mines but a little bigger. I walked towards the adults having a heated conversation. I stood a few feet away from them, watching them in amusement. They didn't even know I was standing here. So I sat down on the floor in Indian style wishing I had popcorn to increase the amusement.

Killian glared at the woman, "No Miliah I told you already I'm not going to go back, not to even visit," he gritted.

"Killian why don't you ever listen to me!" Miliah growled.

"Maybe because you don't fucking own me Miliah!"

Suddenly Miliah flinches at his hard tone but quickly dismissed it glaring up at him, her eyes turning dark.

My eyes widen. Well goddamn, that was hot. I watched Killian closely was his fists clench tightly together, and knots on his forehead began to form from the stress. His eyes were fiery red, as his breath quicken un-calmly.

Miliah jabbed her finger against his hard tone chest, "This isn't fucking over," she spat. She then glanced at me, giving me glare while rolling her eyes before strutting her ass out the door.

What the hell did I do to her? Did she think she could just look at me like that? That bitch!

I shot up from the ground, getting ready to chase after her in anger, "That bitch! What did I do yo-" I started to shout before a pair of arms wrapped around my waist holding me back interrupting me.

I began to struggle against Killian's strong grip. "Let me go so I can give that whore a piece of my mind!" I yelled thrashing around, causing Killian to hold my waist tighter.

"Emma! Calm down!" Killian gritted.

I stop moving, trying to calm my breathing from all the thrashing. God damn, he was strong. Now I'm so fucking tired from all that exercise. Thanks a lot.

"You can unhand me now," I said in a bored tone. Killian releases his hands from my waist, as I rolled my eyes.

Why did he have to stop me? I promise if I see her face again, I will not hold back. Walking towards my book back I slung it around my shoulders.

"Where do you think you are going?" Killian stock towards me strongly.

I turned around to face him, "Home," I casually say, looking into his eyes.

I didn't feel like staying in this death trap anymore. I need to headed home and started planning my revenge and maybe come up with a few pranks. I already did half of my job scraping the gum from under the chairs, isn't that enough? Plus I needed to play hard to get.

Killian glared at me, "No, you are not going home," he said, his voice held strongly, "You didn't finish doing your task," he gritted.

I tilt my head back groaning childishly, "C'mon why can't you just let me off the hook,"

"Don't make me go to the principal about this," he threatened.

I bit my lower lips seductively, gazing into his dark eyes, "Do you really want to tell the principal how much of a bad girl I have been?" I taunt, slowing walking closer towards him with a smirk growing on my lips. "Because I wouldn't mind also telling him that my poor old horny teacher kissed me," I held back my laughter as his eyes turned into panic.

"You wouldn't dare," he pointed, glaring down at me.

Slowly I sway my hips, standing on my tippy-toes to reach his ear, "Oh I would," I seductively whisper, making sure my breath tickles his ear. Then I quickly placed my small hand at his bulging groin, giving it a light squeeze, causing his member to twitch.

A growl escaped from his lips as my hand made contact. I pull back my hand and place my feet back down to reach the tile floors, grinning up at him. His eyes were now held with lust. He licked his lips in hunger, as his body trembles from holding back. I looked into his deep blue eyes as his eyes gaze on my lips. My heart beat quicken, he was gorgeous to say. Killian then leans forward, his lips hovering over mine. Before they made contact, I placed my finger on his lips to stop him.

"You have to work harder for what you want pretty boy," I smirked, stepping back. His face looks bewildered like he was lost for words. His body stood rigid as I got my chance to walk away from him. Getting ready to walk out the door, I place my hand on the side of the door looking back. He turned to face me, his breathing quicken.

I narrow my eyes at Killian, "Until next time Jones," I then blew him a kiss, and happily skipped my way out of the schools building. 

Oh, the fun had just begun. 


It's 3 am and im writing this.. gahh its probs terrible.. 


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