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C H A P T E R 1. 

"Move out of my way!" I yelled at a student as I pushed them aside for me to walk. I stomped my way towards my locker that I'd gotten this morning.

Today is my first day here at Private Linkin' High. Though my foster parents didn't tell me that we had to wear such fucking ugly uniforms here! The school's colors were pink, white, and cream. I hate pink! I was fitted in a white blouse with a pink skater skirt, white knee length socks with a pair of Sperry's and a knotted cream scarf around my neck. I mean what type of clothes are these? It looks like fucking garbage.

Stopping by my locker, I put in my combination into it. As I got the locker open, I roughly threw my backpack my foster parents made me take with me into my locker and slammed it shut. Crossing my arms I leaned behind my locker in frustration. Fuck it! I don't need any books for today or ever.

"Woah there, what did that locker ever do to you?" a voice chuckled to my right.

Steadily I stopped leaning off my locker to turn towards the voice, "What can I say, the bitch was talking about me," I shrug my shoulders as I stared at the petite girl with black hair with red stripes in it.

Immediately the girl held out her hand, "Hi I'm Ruby,"

Looking at the girl's' hand, I gave it a disgust looked, "And I am 'I don't give a fuck'," I sarcastically say before rolling my eyes turning away from her.

I huffed in annoyance crossing my arms over my arms while leaning my back onto my locker with one foot planted on the bottom locker.

"No need to be a dick," the girl scoffed and walked away.

Soon the bell ring signaling that class was about to start. I shrugged my shoulders as I grabbed my phone from inside of my bra and my headphones from around my neck as I plugged them in and blast music. I leaned against my locker as I watched some girls quicken their pace to their classes. Others seemed to not be in a hurry to their classes.

'Broken Things by Clarity' soon began to play. I closed my eyelids an inhale a breath as I listened to the song. I then began to tap my fingers on my thigh to the beat. I continued to get lost in the song until I felt someone tap my shoulder. Groaning I opened my eyes to view the person who dares disrupts me from my music.

Placing my phone into my bra, I began to stare at a glaring woman with blue eyes and blonde hair with her hands on her hips. I was too busy into my music I didn't realize the halls were empty. She began to speak something to me but I couldn't quite hear her with my music still blasting into my ears. Rolling my eyes I took out my headphones.

"Shouldn't you be in class young lady?" the woman glared trying to be intimidating.

"But I'm perfectly fine here," I fakely pout my lips, bashing my eyelashes.

Ignoring my comment the lady asked, "You must be new," she quirked an eyebrow.

"Maybe," I challenge with my arms folded. I really just didn't want to go to class at this point. Even if it meant to keep this conversation going.

The lady glared at me, "Alright enough of this, let's get you to class young lady," the lady then grasp my wrist.

"Wait!" I exclaim, "I forgot something from in my locker," Quickly I thought what could I possibly get from out of my locker.

The lady lets go of my wrist so I could open my locker. Opening up my locker I take my time as I dug into my bag trying to spare time.

"Quickly," the lady bluntly says.

I sigh as I grabbed my beanie from my backpack and slammed my locker shut. I quickly placed my beanie on top of my head rolling my eyes. The lady then grabbed my wrist again to walk me to my class. I mean I can walk by myself I don't help from this bitch. And how she knew what class I had? I have no idea, and I don't give a fuck.

When we finally arrived in front of a classroom door she let go of my wrist as I wipe away the imaginary dirt from my wrist in disgust. The lady immediately opened the classroom door dragging me inside with her.

There were tons of pairs of eyes staring at me like I killed the president. What the hell?

"And who is this," a deep Irish voice said.

I turned to look at the teacher and almost gasp. I would have thought they only had old teachers here, but I beg to differ.

The teacher looked just four to five years older than I am. He had black jet hair, a sharp jawline, with electric blue sparkling eyes, and pink plump lips.

"Mr. Jones please keep an eye on this one," the lady warned him as I rolled my eyes. He nodded his head as the lady left out the classroom. Mr. Jones? Huh.

I'm surprised she didn't tell him I was basically skipping his class on the first day.

"So why don't you tell the class about yourself?" Mr. Jones asked.

So I got a nice teacher huh? Let's see how long I could get kicked out of his classroom.

Turning around to face the students, I smirked, "Well class, my name is Emma and I really don't want to me here. I mean it's so fucking boring am I right?" I smirk as everyone began to laugh.

"Alright that's enough," the teacher gritted as he glared at me.

Instead of listening to him I continued talking, "Fun fact people, School is killing us. See textbooks are made from paper, paper are made from trees, we need trees for oxygen. Thus, school is killing us." I bowed my head at the end of my speech as some people went into fits of laughter and others chanted me on.

Lifting up my head I came face and face with an angry Mr. Jones.

"Hello," I evilly grinned up at the teacher.

Looking at him, you could basically see the steam blowing off from his ears.

Okay so maybe he isn't a so nice teacher as I thought. But who cares right?

Mr. Jones angrily points his index finger towards the door, "Out. Now!" he yelled as everyone we're now on the edge of their seats.

"Inside voices please," I commented as I smirked up at him, before hearing a few chuckles. I then scurried out the door.

Wow. that was faster than I expected. I leaned against the door outside as I stared at my finger nails in boredom. Until a light bulb lit over my head. To make things better I cuffed my hands over my face to look through the lightly small window to the classroom. I could see Mr. Jones teaching to the students with his back turned.

Soon some of the student's eyes looked towards my way. I grin and began to make funny faces at everyone as they began to snicker causing more attention towards my way. I continue my actions as now everyone wasn't even paying any attention towards the teacher. Suddenly, everyone had stopped looking my way. Looking to the side I could see Mr. Jones glaring at me through the window.

Rolling my eyes I move away from the window and crossed my arms. He's no fun. I pouted.

Soon the bell ringed and the doors opened as students began to exit to their next period. Getting ready to leave a voice calls out.

"Emma, get in here now!" an angry Irish voice spits out. Rolling my eyes I turned around to re- enter Mr. Jones class. Here we go again. 

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