chapter 19 it's the most wonderful time of the year

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Alice POV (20 years later)
Today is is December 20 and the kids are coming for Christmas. "Con, we need to go shopping" i said. "I know I know" he said. He grabbed the keys and we headed out. We got some stuff for Christmas dinner. We got back and I was starting to season the turkey when there was a knock at the door. I looked at Connor confused and he just shrugged his shoulders. I walked to the door and tara and jc were there. "Tara, hey!" I said as I hugged her. "Hey hey" she said. "Hi jc" i said as I hugged him as well. "Hi" he said. "Hey, tar will you help me with the food. Jc you can help Connor with the deco" i said. Me and tara walked into the kitchen and went back to doing the turkey. "Is it alright if all the kids come over?" She asked. "Of course! The more-" i was cut off. "If you say 'the merrier' I swear you will be the most Unoriginal human being on this earth" "actually I was gonna say 'the more we have to do' but you kinda ruined that" i laughed a little while putting the turkey in the oven. She laughed and we started the side dishes.

By the time we were done it was almost midnight and dean had texted me saying they would be the here in '15'. Justin had texted jc and said they would be here in 5 minutes so we all just sat waiting for people to get here. About 10 minutes later the doorbell rang I speed walked to the door and opened it.
"Dean! Mocha! Eevee and my little sammy!" I said as I hugged them all. "And my sweet nieces and nefews. Justin, cay, Adam and my little sweet tea Arizona" i said as I hugged them as well. "Wait what. My kids are here!" Tara exclaimed from the living room. She hugged her kids then I told she should let them come in before they freeze to death. "Alice, it California they ate not gonna freeze to death" i sighed and pushed her out in front of the door way. "Don't worry about it. I gotta get the kids anyway" dean said. "Me too" added justin. I saw tara's eyes light up. "Hold on dean, you have kids?" I asked. "Yeah" he replied. I hugged him again. "That means..wife?" I asked. "Uh..not really" he blushed. "Husband?" I asked again. He blushed and nodded. "Aww. Can I meet them?" I asked happily. He nodded again. I walked out wit him and I saw a man carrying two kids out of the car. "Hi babe" the man leaned in and pecked dean on the lips. I just smiled. "Castiel, this is my mom alice, and mom this is my husband, cas." He introduced us. "Hello ma'am it's nice to meet you" castiel held his hand out for me to shake but I gently swatted it away hugging him. "Call me mom not ma'am and it nice to me You too castiel"  i said. He smiled giving one of the sleeping kids to dean. "This is asriel"  he lifted the little girl in his arms slightly to show who he was talking about. "And this is frisk" castiel held the boy in his arms to show he was talking about. "they look sweet" i said. They walked as eevee, mocha and sam walked to there cars. "Mom" sam said. "Yes" i said turning to look at him. "Wanna meet my girlfriend?" He questioned. "Of course " i said walking over to him. "Jess, get up" he whispered to her. The lady got out of the car and walked to sam. "Jessica this is my mom" "Hi jessica. I'm Alice but just call me mom" i said. Jessica smiled shaking her head. "Mom!!" Eevee yelled. I walked over. "What!!" I moved her tone this is my boyfriend Chris" she pointed to a taller man, carmel hair and brownish green eyes. "and this is his best friend slash mochas boyfriend pj" she said pointing to a boy about the same hight with nice green eyes and brown hair like mochas. "And if you don't mind, we brought some of there friends" Mocha said shly. And two other boys got out of the car. "hi I'm dan, and this is, um" the shorter one with dark brown hair in a fringe and chocolate eyes said.  "I'm phil. His boyfriend" the taller one with dark black hair the same way and bright blue eyes said smiling. Dan sounded more posh and Winnie the pooh Queen like and phil sounded more northen. Plus they were all British. I smiled and said I was Alice there mom but they can call me what they wish. "What about mum?" Dan asked quietly. "Of corse, dear" i smiled and walked them inside. Tara went out with her kids to see the grandkids and all. "Con, babe, come see some people" i yelled. They chatted and dean pulled me a side.  "Mom, can I talk to you" he asked. I nodded and we walked up stairs. "I'm gay" he blurted. I smiled and nodded not knowing what else to do. "So, your okay with it?" He asked. "Of course I'm okay with it. Just as long as you're happy, I couldn't care less" i said. He smiled to himself and hugged me. "Love you, mom" "i love you too" i said. We walked back downstairs. Everyone quietly sitting in the living room. "uh, is everything okay?" I asked.  They nodded and carried on with quietly sitting there. It was getting a bit awkward.  "who's hungry?" I broke the quiet.  They all raised there hands and I lead the into the kitchen. "mom,  do you have some pie?" Dean asked.  "of course hun,  I knew you were coming" I smiled.  I opened the fridge door and looked through.  "what do you want?" I turned and looked at everybody.  "what kind of pies do you have?" Phil asked. "Apple,  pumpkin, blueberry,  Apple blueberry" I listed the names of the pies I had made in the previous days.  "we'll have apple blueberry" Phil said cheerfully.  I nodded and got a plate and the pie.  I dished up a good size piece amd gave it to them.  "Everyone else" I said.  "Apple" Dean said.  I served him some pie for him and castiel to share. Everyone else agreed on Apple and Apple blueberry so I continued to serve the pit and apple cider and soon people said there good nights and went to bed
********December 25********
I woke up early cause there were little ones jumping on our bed yelling " it's Christmas momma! it's Christmas daddy!" and by little ones I mean mocha, dean, eevee, and Sam.  So me and Connor got up and went downstairs.  Everyone else was down.  "what time is it?" I yawned. "7:15" JC said.  "good god y'all" (see what I did there) se opened gifts,  sung carols, ate food,  and I think this was the best Christmas I've ever had...

                   The end
Ok guys.  That's it no epilogue I changed my mind.  I hope you liked it!
Love you

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