chapter 4 o2l house?

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Alice POV
I woke up and Connor was next to me. I lightly shook him. Babe wake up I said. I'm up he said rolling off the bed onto the floor accidentally. Owww he said. I giggled and went downstairs. I saw Connor shuffle down stairs. Babe were moving to the o2l house he said. What? When I asked. Next Tuesday he said. Shoot Connor that's two days away how come nobody informs me of this I said as I stomped upstairs.

I was about halfway done packing and Connor came into the room. Whats wrong baby he said. We leave in two fricking days and I have to pack all of this crap I pretty much yelled. Hey hey hey come down he said hugging me. But I can't I have to get it done NOW I said. Okay jeez I'm gonna cuddled you when you get dine though he said and walked out.

I got done packing my room and I have to pack his fricking room. I walked down stairs and I saw ricky putting what looked like the last thing in a suitcase. Ricky what are you doing i asked. Oh, uh, I thought you might want a little help he said smiling. Aww ricky thank you so much I said hugging him. Of course Alice I mean you are moving in with me and you know how to wrestle I don't wanna be the person that makes you mad it's probably gonna be kian though he whispered the last part about kian. What do you mean I asked. He's a um, how do I put this nicely he said. Just tell me I said. He can be a complete jerk or idiot at anytime but he's usually okay onece you get to know him of Crouse but he's in for a real treat is he makes you mad he said. Okay thanks for telling me how did he act he act when Connor told him that we were moving in I said. He doesn't know he looked down. What Connor didn't tell him I said. Nope he said. What's his favourite food I said. pizza he loves pizza he said. Okay thanks I said. Why do you need to know he asked. You'll see I said. CONNOR FRICKING FRANTA GET YOUR STUPID LITTLE BUTT IN HERE I yelled. He walked in slowly looking down. Ricky backed up into a corner. Why didn't you tell kian that we were moving In I said. Uh, well, um, I wanted to surprise him he said. Ugh just get this crap into the car I said. He nodded and got everything out of both rooms. What's wrong Ricky haven't you ever seen me mad I asked. No but your scary I thought you just let it go if you were mad nope you scream at the person he said. Its okay if your not the one I'm mad at I said. I guess Connor was done putting the stuff in his car because he ran into me and pinned me down kissing me. I pushed him off and saw ricky with a "awe" look on his face. Are you still mad at me he said with his weird little cute face thing that he dose. Not really I said smiling a little. Hey he said and skipped to the car. Me, ricky and Connor got in and drove to the "o2l house". We got to the "o2l house" and we got out. Um Alice you go in before kian gets back me and Connor will get the stuff ricky said. I walked in side and went straight to the cabinets. Wow they actually have the stuff for dough I said to my self. I took out a bowl and mixed flour, yeast, milk, eggs, and everything else you need to make dough. I put it in a pan and pit cheese and Pepperoni on it and stuck it in the oven for 30 minutes.
     About 31 minutes later
I just took the pizza out of the oven and I spelled "hi kian guess who made this BTW I'm moving in" I have no idea if he will like it or not but if not I will eat it with Connor, ricky, tara, and JC no sense letting it go to waist. Kian walked into the room and his look went straight to me. Why is Alice in my fricking man hole he said its bad enough having Tara here he yelled. Hi to you to you fricking jerk I said and stormed to mine and connors room.
I heard I knock on the door. I'm not feeling like a people person right now I said. Please just let me explain kian said. No now just leave me alone you can explain later I said. Alice you stubborn he said slamming the door open. You stubborn what I snapped. Never mind he said closing the door. I heard him run to his room. I swung the door open and went to his room. I banged on the door. Who is it he yelled. It Alice now can I come in I said trying to keep my temper. Fine he said. I walked into his room. What did you want to explain I said closing the door. Come sit Down he said. I sat down. Alice I'm just not used to girls and girly things like painting the walls with like a Pink or something and lots of pillows and and new things he said. The only thing I would do is have lots of pillows I said. I like pillows he said smiling. Me too I have a surprise for you I said. What he jumped up off the bed. I will show you I said and took him Down stairs. I showed him the pizza he smiled. Connor and ricky looked over. What was all the yelling about connor asked. I looked over. Oh nothing I said. Alice your the best I'm sorry and I really like you now kian said while hugging me. Aw connor and ricky said. JC and Tara ran down the stairs. Aw they said. I hugged him back and looked at the pizza and there was this huge and I mean huge bite taken out of it. Kian what happened to the pizza I said pulling back. Um he said. I giggled. You can have the pizza that's why I made two I said. Thank you he smiled. I took out the other pizza from the fridge and took a slice. COME AND GET IT I yelled. Everyone took I slice and I was tired so i went upstairs and got under the covers.

O was half asleep and someone came into the room I glanced over. Oh I hi babe I said. Hi babe why didn't you tell me you were gonna go to bed he said cuddling me. Cause I said. Well goodnight babe he said. Night I said and finally got to sleep.

Authours note
How you likening the sequel? Today's my birthday so yeah I'm now 11 so yeah. I hope you liked love stuck and now I wanna make this one good too just with maybe more dirty jokes he he. I love you all so much!

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