chapter 16 oh wait

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Alice POV
"Alice hurry up" Connor yelled from down stairs. "Connor, you know I can't walk that fast" I yelled back. It was one month before the baby was due and Tara was already with JC in the hospital for labor pains. And me and Connor were on our way to the hospital cause I started having a bunch of them. I sat in the car and waited for Connor. And out of nowhere kian and Jessica start screaming at each other. I looked at the passenger seat window and saw them. Jessica slapped kian with tears in her eyes and kian looked hurt. Like a puppy that just got left behind. Not like a pitiful look, like a... Well you know what I mean. Jessica put her hands over her face and started to cry harder. Kian hugged her and pulled her really close to him. He kissed the top of her head and mumbled I love you. She looked up and I saw the tear marks on his white tank top that had two red lines and in the middle it said 'swag'.  She said I love you and he kissed her. But not like any normal couple kissing. No no no, this was rough passionate kissing for like a porno. He kissed her neck then took off her shirt. He kissed down her stomach and right below her stomach. He had already taken his shirt and pants off now he was working on her pants. He finely got those down when he was about to unclip her bra. "Alice, baby, were here" heard. I immediately woke up. "Oh my god. Thank god" I said. "What" Connor said. "You woke me up from a dream I didn't wanna have" I said as we got in the hospital. Connor checked us in and they put me in a wheelchair. Ugh. Connor held my hand all the way to the room. I looked at the names and on the right it said 'Alice franta' in fancy letters on the left it said 'Tara Castillo' "con look" I said as I pointed to the sign. He chucked and I sat on the very uncomfortable bed thing and Connor opened the curtain that separates the room into two. I saw JC cuddling Tara looking at there laptop I guess watching Netflix. She looked up and so did he. He paused the show/movie I'm still not sure and I saw the biggest smile on there faces. "Hi" I simply said. "Girl what the heck" she said then she winced in pain. JC gets puts the computer on one of the chairs and calls the nurse and starts to comfort her faster then I've ever seen him move. He reminded me of me when I go in sister mode where all I do is try to help, find, or protect my sweet little sister. The nurse came in with the doctor and JC got up looking worried as ever. "JC, come here honey" I said. I call people honey. Its not supposed to be weird. I'm sorry if it is. He came over and I hugged him. The nurse came over and told us she was in labor and then about 5 minutes of explaining that to jc I went into labor.

Connors POV (I've never been in labor so I don't know what I'm doing lol)
We were escorted to the waiting room and JC was pacing back and forth. I had to stop myself from doing that. I would check my phone every 2 seconds and tap my fingers on the arm rest. I tried to comfort JC but I couldn't stop thinking about what he was thinking. What if they weren't okay?. I know a few girls have died from like the pain or the baby was on the wrong nerve, or the baby died, or they both do. I just don't want it to be ether of them. To be honest I don't want it to be anybody, but I guess that's just they way life is. sucky.  About a hour a later Ricky, Cally, kian, and Jessica came. And I think about 20 minutes after kian and Jessica got here, I think they went and banged in the bathroom. Ew. "Hey, Connor, its gonna be okay" cally said.  "Mr franta, Mr Castillo, and I guess family" the nurse said. We got up and walked to where she was. "So you're all together" she asked. I nodded. "Okay follow me" she sighed.

Authors Note
The next chapter you shall see
Love ya!

love struck forever: a sequel to love struck A Connor Franta FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now