Chapter 9

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Evie's POV

 I find myself being shaken awake.

"Princess, please wake up, I need ye, please Princess," Harry sobs.

"Harry, I'm up, I'm up."

"Oh Princess, I was so worried," he says, pulling me closer.

"Harry, I can't talk right now, I need to find Mal."

I push myself out of his grasp, and run to the balcony, climbing down the rope ladder as fast as I can, jumping down twenty feet to the ground. I sprint towards the cold metal gate, pushing it open. And then I see her, climbing the steps to her mother's fort.

I scream her name.  Again.  And again.

She turns.

"What, Evie?"

"I forgive you. Can we talk about it please?"

She sighs and jumps down. "Fine."

"Mal, why didn't you tell me about the cutting?"

"Mother would kill me if anyone found out and/or stopped me from cutting myself.  That's why I spelled you.  So you couldn't stop me. Its been going on since I was eight.  They have just gotten deeper over the years. And after what happened between us a few days ago, I had gone back to it, to release some of the pain.  I'm really sorry.  I know I was, well, evil in my ways, but I want to apologize to both you and Harry."

"Mal, I think you've learned your lesson, but just explain everything to me.  I need to know, and I think I deserve to know," I reach out to grab her hand.

"Evie, I was scared. I still am.  I didn't want to lose my best friend to a pirate, who could be faking everything.  But he helped you, so I guess I should be grateful.  I really am sorry for lashing out at you.  I'm a mess."

She looks down. 

"Well, personally, as your best friend, I feel as if you should come and meet Harry.  He's a nice guy. Oh, and to stop the cutting.  Now, come on, we've got 5 days of lost friendship to make up."

She breathes a sigh of relief and stands up.  Mal links her arm in mine and I turn to her, smiling, and wipe the tears and purple mascara off of her cheeks.

"Let's go," I say.

We talk all the way to my castle, laughing and telling jokes.  I see the ladder sway in the breeze.  Mal tells me to go first, and I gladly do so. I get about halfway up the ladder before she starts climbing it. The tugging of the rope is weird to me, I feel like at any point I could fall, but I don't  The leather gloves ensure that. I reach the top of the balcony and wait for Mal to get up. 

I help her up and hug her tight. Ah, I missed her, even if she was a butthead to me. I push open the balcony doors.

"Harry, I brought Mal.  She wants to get the real yo-"

I'm tugged from beside Mal, with a sword pressed against my neck. I hear maniacal laughter coming from my closet.

"Well done, Harry, you succeeded, getting your 'Queen'. Take her back to the ship, and lock her in the dungeon," a voice says in a commanding tone.

"Uma. What the hell are you doing here?" Mal says, staring Uma down as she walks out of my closet.

"Oh you know, coming up with plans, knocking people out, like this!"

 Mal gets hit in the head with the handle of Uma's sword. She collapses to the ground in a heap.

"And you, Princess," Uma sneers, "Climb down the rope after Harry.  We have unfinished business with you."

Shaking, I do as she commands, knowing it wise to follower her instructions. I climb down the ladder, praying that I'm not killed. The second my feet touch the ground, I'm pulled up close to Harry, his sword, once again, against my neck.  I feel tears welling up in my eyes.  The traitor. 

"Harry, why did you fake it? Why couldn't you just be honest and say this was your plan? To kidnap me and just take me and use me however you want."

He grits his teeth. "It wasn't my original plan, Princess."

"I'm scared," I whisper.

"Right now, Uma's the least of your worries. Shouldn't have pushed me away this morning, and I wouldn't have called for back up."

"Harry, I -"

"Save it," he snarls, pressing the sword so hard against my throat that I cry out.

"Harry! Start walking the prisoner to the ship. And oh-cover her in this so she isn't noticeable by people.  She'll look like a lump of potatoes on your shoulder."

Uma laughs alongside Harry.

"See ye later, Princess!"

Then I'm met with darkness and I'm thrown over Harry's shoulder.


Hey guys!

I hope this chapter is less depressing and you enjoy it!

As always, I take comments and recommendations!!

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