Chapter 15

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Evie's POV

Dizzy squeals as I walk in with Harry.  She runs over to me and gives me a tight hug, letting go once she sees Harry. Her smile drops and she walks over to the cash register, and pulls out all the cash before walking over and handing it to Harry.

"No, ye runt," Harry says. "Not today.  Ye need to get my bride's hair ready for her wedding."

Dizzy looks around Harry expecting another person to walk in the door. I laugh.

"Dizzy, dear, I'm his bride. He's not going to hurt you, I promise.  And if he does...." I send a glare his direction.

"I know, I know.  I'm not to hurt Dizzy, even if it is for a little bit of fun," he sulks.

I laugh at the look on his face and give him a small kiss on the cheek.

"Why don't you go meet your dad, alright? I'll be fine with Dizzy, I promise," I whisper.

Dizzy clears her throat.  "Um, hello? Can we keep it PG please? There's an 11-year old in the room! Now, you sir, out! Out! I've got some work to do!"

Harry grins and walks out the door. I giggle at Dizzy's expression.

"How could you fall in love with a pirate, wow," she says, with a disgusted look on her face.

"He has his charms," I say dreamily. "Make me look beautiful, Dizzy."

"So pretty much just leave then, because you already are."

"Aw, Dizzy, but you know what I mean." I giggle.


Dizzy starts to braid my hair around my head, winding my thick hair into a marvelous crown braid.  She starts patting stray hairs into place with some hair gel and hair spray.  She squeals with excitement every couple minutes. After my hair, she gets to work on my nails, which are soon painted a deep sea blue with silver glitter. My makeup is my standard look.

Once Dizzy finishes everything she wants, she spins me around in the paint splattered chair to face the mirror.

"There ya go!"

I gasp, "Oh Dizzy, you've outdone yourself! I absolutely love you!"

She squeals and hugs me tight.

Harry's POV

"Father, no, I'm marrying Evie.  I'm not arguing with ye anymore."

Father slams his fist down on the table. "I told ye, son, go after that Mal.  Evie is a stuck up Princess."

I stay silent, knowing its best to not argue with him.

"Oh, so ye don't deny that she's a stuck up brat?" He slurs. "I would've thought ye would protect yer princess more."

"Hook me, Father! Stop controlling mah life! She is going to be mah wife, and if ye think I'm going to not marry her, ye are wrong. Maybe if ye had chosen a better wife for yerself, ye wouldn't put so much stress on me to be what ye-"

"SHUT YER BLOODY MOUTH, HARRY JAMES HOOK," I cower away from him. "So help me, ye ignorant child.  Ye've gone soft for her.  And that isn't okay.  I'll come to yer wedding tomorrow, yeah? I'll even go through the traditions! But, ye should know, I probably won't ever visit ye or yer wife.  And maybe, just maybe, if I see yer wife on the streets, all alone, without ye? I may just give her a proper knock-up so that way ye won't be the father to a corrupt baby."

The anger boils up inside of me. "Ye touch her and ye die."

I turn on my heel and walk out of the room, bumping into people as I go.  I break into a run, trying to let the anger flow out of me, and put it all into my pounding steps.  I push faster and faster until I'm sprinting.  Once I reach the alleyway of Lady Tremaine's Curl Up and Dye, I slow down to a walk, breathing heavily.  I feel much calmer now, the running helped, but bloody hell, that cramp in my side!

I push open the door to the place, noticing the smell of paint.  I see Dizzy sweeping the floor, again. Her music is loud.  I can here it from the other side of the room.  She turns around, finally noticing me. She takes off her headphones as her broomstick clatters to the ground.  She quickly picks it up.  Her face is deadpan.

"You saw nothing," she says, her voice hesitant.

"Of course I didn't, my dear.  Could ye fancy me up for mah wedding to the Princess?"

I take off my hat as she considers the question. "Sure, but as long as you don't take my money again, Harry Hook!"

"Of course, ye little runt."

Evie's POV

I sigh as mother laces the back of my dress.   She ties the knot and cuts off the extra ribbon. 

"Okay, Mother I cannot breathe."

"Well, you can breathe after the wedding. Remember, dear, its a rule of the Isle for all brides to have a 18 inch waist during their wedding," she sings.

Mal stands beside me, having recovered after the blow to her head. She smirks at me. I simply roll my eyes at her.

"She's right, E.  You set yourself up for that, ya know."

"Oh shut up you two," I say as Mal giggles.

I put on my shoes and my tiara, before turning to look at my reflection. I clap my hands.  I look, well, beautiful.  I sigh.  Mother motions for me to walk down the stairs where I'll greet Harry's father before the wedding.  Captain Hook seems a bit intimidating form the stories I've heard but we'll have to see. I walk down the stairs, as gracefully as I can, my mother and Mal behind me.  Soon a voice speaks out

"EQ, my son is in the other room.  Mal, ye shall take yer place next to Gil at the front of the auditorium. " At those words, Mal and Mother separate from me, and I'm left by myself to face Captain Hook.

I continue down the stairs, until a man with a long red coat, a black beard and a mustache, and a shiny hook comes into view.   His black boots come up to mid calf and although his shaggy look, he looks clean.

"Well, well, well.  If it isn't the young girl my son is going to marry," Captain Hook says in his Scottish Accent.

"Yes, sir," I do a quick curtsy. "Its such a pleasure to meet you."

"And I ye," he says, but its without interest. "Ready for this, Evie Queen?"

I nod, and within seconds he has his arm around my waist, and the Veil of Acception is placed on my head. The Veil of Acception is a magical veil that prevents any bride from being forced into marriage. It's long, black, and the prickly thorns that wind itself on the crown poke me in the head.  The Veil will be taken off once Harry places his mark on my left wrist. 

I take a deep breath, and the doors open.



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