Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

I glance down at the young girl before me.  Ah. What a beauty. I ease myself out of the bed, careful not to wake the sleeping princess.  Her blue curls spill out over the white feather pillow.  I lean down and plant a kiss on the girl's cheek.  Walking over to the balcony, I spot a piece of paper, and a quill.  Of course she has a quill.  She's a princess.

I dip the quill in the ink and write a short note.

Morning Princess,

I hope you slept well and that you can read my sloppy writing. I went out to steal food for us.  I'll be back around 9:00.  It is Saturday, my dear.  We have the whole day to ourselves. Your mother left for the week.  Something about a business trip with Ursula. I hope you feel okay.

See you soon,

Harry Hook.

Reading over the message one more time, I nod.  Good enough.  I set down the note and proceed to leave the tower.

A few minutes later

I wander around the streets of the Isle, stealing food and money.  Fruit, fish, and I even managed to nick some bacon.  I had stolen a whole feast for us.  Please with myself, I start to return back to the castle, my hand on my sword.


I turn.  No one.  Bewildered, I continue walking, glancing every which way.

"Psst, Harry! Look to your left."

My head whips to the left, and I see Jay and Carlos, with a sobbing Mal.

"Hello, ye runts," I sneer.

"We've talked some sense into Mal, Harry.  Give us a chance to explain," Jay starts.  "I for one, am pleased that Evie has found somone that she will love.  You aren't exactly a prince, but if she's happy, I'm happy. Mal here,  wants to apologize to Mal.  She realized the grudge against you should be no more."

Mal looks up at me. Her eyes are red from crying and there are tear stains on her cheeks.  I'd never think Mal was one to cry.

"I was scared," she begins, "I was scared I'd lose her forever, and that's all that happened. I lashed out at her and now I've lost her.  I'm sorry Harry.  I'm really sorry. These are things I need to work on.  I would like to have you in my group here.  And I want Evie back too.  I miss her a lot. "

"Well, Mal, maybe next time, ask what happened.  Now, you have 4 hours to come to the tower and apologize.  If not, you will never see her again.  Not that she wants to either. If you'll excuse me, I have food to get to my Princess."

And with that, I walked away.

Nearing the exit of the alley, I turn.

"Mal? I accept your apology."

I hear a sigh of relief before I head to the road that leads me back to Evie.

I climb up and over the brick wall, and up the ladder.   I quietly open the door, knowing Evie will be asleep.

"Morning Harry.  I got your note.  Thank you for the food.  What would you like to do today?"

"Well, Hook me! I don't know!"

"I'll give you a tour of the gardens today then.  They really are lovely. "

I laugh, "Ye really are adorable, Princess. Lets eat though.  I got fish fruit and bacon for ye!"

She gasps. "Well thank you Harry!"

She grabs an apple-typical-and we start talking, telling each other our secrets and out life stories.  We were having so much fun eating that the time whizzed by.  She seemed to be healing from her mother's outburst, but I  still could sense some sadness.

I'd help her get over that.  And that's a promise.


Hello all!

Hope you enjoy the story! I may be posting later, but I don't know.  I'll keep ya in the loop!

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