Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

I walk out of class, looking for the blue haired girl.  What's odd is that I haven't seen her or Mal, the idiotic daughter of Maleficient, since 1st period. I sigh.  She really was pretty.  She seemed smart too. 

I walk out of Dragon Hall confidently, sneering and glaring at people who got in my way.  Once I reach the exit, I pull out the crappy map that my father gave me when I left the South.  Just this morning, I had marked where the four most evil villains resided in the North.  Cruella de Vil, Jafar, Evil Queen, and Maleficient.  It was obvious I wasn't going to go near Maleficient's or Jafar's castle.  They were my father's sworn enemies. 

I walk along the dark allies, when I hear laughter coming from behind a door.  I stop, peeking through the crack in the door. 

"Oh my gosh, E, that little braid looks so cute on you!  Its like a little crown, fit for a princess!" I heard Mal say.

E? I think, That's her name?

She laughs. "But I already have my tiara. I am Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen after all."

I gasp, lose my balance, and crash into the door.  Three heads whip around towards the sound. The little girl, Dizzy, sighs.

"Great. More sweeping." She says.

Evie tilts her head downward and says, "If I help you, will that make it better?"

Dizzy immediately smiles and starts clapping.  Evie laughs and gives the tiny girl a hug. 

"Well, well, well.  If it isn't Harry Hook.  I was wondering when I'd be seeing you around." Mal purses her lips and walks towards me.  "Get up. Why are you here?"

I scramble to my feet, picking up my pirate hat off the floor, "I'm here because I want to find a bride to help me rule the South."

Next thing I know, Mal has me pinned against a wall. "I know that, you idiot. Why were you eavesdropping on our conversation, hmm?"

"And why do ye care?" I sneered.

Mal sighed, turning around to look at Evie.  Evie nodded, a smirk on her face. Mal turned back around and let her eyes glow green.  Soon I fell under her spell and was forced to tell the truth.

"I'm trying to find shelter, and came across this place, but when I heard yer voices, I stopped to listen."

"Like a true villain." Dizzy piped up. "Mal, maybe while he's here he can be a part of your gang?"

"Oh Mother's Horns no.  He's part of Uma's gang.  Now scram before I do something even worse."

I nodded, calmly walking out the plastic flaps and out of the hair place.

"Hook me," I whispered, "That girl has fire."

I walked around for an hour or so, finding boxes and stealing fabrics to make myself a little home for the next few weeks.  I was going to be here a while.  I didn't seem to be too popular around here. Now that confuses me.  Normally everyone cowers from me in the South, but no one seems to know me here. I'm merely another person kicked out of Auradon. 

Once my tiny 'house' has been built, I wander around the North, stealing food and pickpocketing people.  I'm about to steal from someone, but then realize its Jay, son of Jafar. He'd probably notice if something went missing.  He is the most known pickpocketer in all of the Isle, after all.

But who cares? Its the Isle.  Everyone gets things stolen from them.  He'll just have to deal with it.  I reach my hand around the front of his leather pants, and feel his wallet.  Unsnapping the pocket, I start to pull out the wallet, but a hand grabs mine. I look up, expecting it to be Jay, and expecting to have to run for my life. Instead its Evie, she motions for me to follow her and I do.

"You shouldn't have done that.  Jay would have literally drop-kicked you across the Isle.  He hates things being stolen from him."

"Well sorry Princess, a pirate's gotta survive somehow."

"Here, how about this.  You meet me at my castle by the tallest tower at 6:30, alright, you can spend some time with me in my tower.  There's a rope you can climb, and if I'm not there, hide under my desk."

"Well, thank ye, Princess.  I'll be sure to take yer offer up."

"You better.  I'll tell Mal if you don't," and with that, Evie disappeared into the fog.

"I've got an hour," I say, looking at my watch, "Back to stealing."


Here's chapter 4!

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