Chapter 12

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Evie's POV

I'm terrified right now.  Harry apologized but he's probably lying to me just so he can have his way with me later.  Its the calm before a storm.  Oh Poisoned Apples, help me.

The door opens and I shudder, pressing myself into the wall to try to increase the space between Harry and I.

"Evenin', love.  I brought ye some food," he says.

I take the tray from him and cautiously scoot over so he can have a seat on the bed beside me. The food lies untouched on the plate.

"Well, Princess, I'm not going to poison ye.  Ye are my future wife after all.  The food is meant to be eaten, not wasted," Harry says sharply.

"Sorry," I say, with tears in my eyes.

"Princess, no don't cry, I didn't mean to hurt ye."

He lifts up my chin, and swipes the tears away from my cheeks. The more he wipes them away, the heavier they fall, until I'm sobbing into his shoulder.  He starts rubbing my back in a comforting way.

"I'm s-s-sorry-y Harry-y just with a-all the p-press-sure to b-be your wi-wife its over-whelm-ming and I am s-so sc-cared of y-you right now-w," I hiccup, the words broken up.

"There's no need to be scared, I broke the spell Uma had on me, Princess.  I'm back to good auld me. In fact..."

He digs into his coat pocket and pulls out a small box.

"I had made this for ye when I met ye because I liked ye a lot and I wanted ye to be my Queen."

He opens the box to reveal a necklace with a red pearl, shaped like an apple, with a hook through the center. I gasp.

"I wanted to have yer engagement present be different than most ladies.  Special.  And because its a necklace, it'll be even closer to yer heart.  Yet, I also want to give you one of my pirate rings, so that way everyone knows ye is my wife and to not hurt you, or they'll be forced to walk the plank," He pauses to chuckle. "Do ye accept, Princess?"

"I have no other choice, so yes," I whisper, still looking at the ground.

"Ye have a choice, Princess.  I'm not forcing ye into anything."

A crew member storms in and grabs my arm. "Looks like the bitch doesn't want you, Harry, I'll take her," he grins a toothless grin.

Harry stands up. "Don't ye dare touch her without her permission.  She might be yer future Queen and yet ye still disrespect her! How dare ye?"

He grabs his sword and presses it against his chest, pushing a little to cause a puncture wound.

"Apologize. Now," Harry says dangerously, deepening the puncture wound with every word.

"I'm sorry, my lady, I'm sorry," he says, wincing with pain.

Harry yanks the sword out and commands the man to leave. I stand up and walk over to Harry, hugging him as I reach him.

"I accept Harry."

"Thank ye Princess.  We are supposed to wed a week after our engagement, according to Father."

I nod. 

"Is it alright if I go to sleep?" He nods. "Alright then, where do I sleep?"

Harry gazes into my eyes. "With me, if ye is comfortable with that situation.  I don't want to push ye into anything, but I also don't want ye to be uncomfortable with our wedding night when we will be forced to sleep together. "

"That's alright I suppose, just....don't be too...what's the word...ah, be a little cautious with your movements, please.  I'm still uneasy with this," I say, glancing at him from under my lashes.

"Of course, Princess. I just want ye to be safe and to feel safe with me."

I nod and follow his lead over to the bed.  He pulls back the red covers.

"Which side do ye want to sleep on, Princess?"

"Can I sleep on the side closest to the wall?" I ask tentatively.

"Of course."

He motions for me to go on ahead and climb in bed. I do so and snuggle up  under the covers. I feel the bed sink down beside me as Harry climbs into bed.  I turn to face him and he draws me closer, kissing my forehead, my nose, my chin, and then my lips, hesitantly. He draws back uncertain of my reaction. I just nod.

He presses his lips against mine and for the first time, I kiss back.  He moves his lips against mine until he's kissing my bottom lip. He runs his tongue against my bottom lip, asking for entrance.  I break the kiss, the nervous feeling back in my chest.

"Not yet, Harry," I whisper.

"As ye wish, Princess. As ye wish."


Hi all! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! This book will be ending soon and after that, I'm going to be writing another one! Yay! I'd like suggestions on what to write, so if you guys could tell me what you guys want to read the most, I'll definitely take them all into consideration.  At some point in time, I'll be writing a Mal x Harry.  I won't be able to post the next two days, because I'm going to be out at a Cross Country meet, and won't have my laptop. Unless there's one at the hotel of course.  Once I get back to writing, I'll tally up the votes and list the top three, and then let you guys choose which one you want me to write first.  Also, I'm almost at 1K readers! Thank you guys so much!! Toodles!

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