Chapter 11

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This scene will contain some adult material.

Harry's POV

I stand there stunned.  I hold the spell book in my hands, my anger growing every second.  The door slams open.

"Gotta hide the spell book, gotta hide it before-" Uma clears her throat. "Hi, Harry!"

"Ye bitch," I growl, pivoting slowly on my heel to face her.

"Harry, what are you talking about?" Then her eyes land on the book in my hands.

I drop the book, walking closer to her with a menacing look on her face.  Every step I take, she takes one backwards. 

"Harry, I can explain," Uma says in a fearful tone.

"What the hell is there to explain, Uma? Ye fucking spelled me.  Captured my bride-to-be. And then kissed me! In front of Evie! What did ye want?" I finally corner her. "This?"

My hand slides up her shirt, pinching parts of her stomach as I go.  She cries out in pain each time. My hand reaches her bra.  I maneuver my hand under the cotton bra, teasing her and pinching her nipples.  Again, she cries out.

"This is what ye wanted, Captain, " I hiss. "This?"

She shakes her head. "No...sir."

I pull my hand out.  "Then why? Why hurt me? Because I will sure as hell hurt ye back.  And it WON'T be pretty. I  need to go comfort my Princess.  And you," I whip around, using some magic to tie her up. "Ye will stay there and prepare yerself mentally for yer punishment."

I storm out of the room, slamming the door behind me, and run down the hallway, my sword clanking against the boots. I reach the prison cells, and see Evie huddled in a corner, blood dripping from her legs.

"Oh, my Princess, I'm here."

She turns her head my direction, and shudders. She lays on her back, eagle spread, hands wrapping themselves in rope above her head.

"I'm ready to be of service, sir," Evie all but whispers.

"Evie, my Queen, I'm not here to rape ye, I promise. Uma spelled me, and I'm really sorry about all that I've done to ye."

"There's no need to apologize to your heir maker.  I'm useless except when you need me for sex," Evie stands up, her eyes lowered, and hands behind her back.

I walk over to the trembling girl. "What did Uma say to ye?"

"She told me that you just want me for my body and I'm useless. She told me that you'll just use me and abuse me.  I'm a mere toy."

I lift her chin up so she's looking into my eyes. "Don't ye ever think that about yerself. Ye are a wonderful person, and I would never hurt ye like that on purpose."

She nods. "Will you kiss Uma on the side too?"

"No. She's actually getting punished by me because of what she did to ye."

"Thank you, sir."

"Princess, call me Harry. I'm not your master."

She nods, and I pull her close to my chest.  I rest my chin on her head and close my eyes.  The poor girl is shaking. I pull away, holding her shoulders, and look into her eyes. I tilt my head downwards a little bit, my nose touching hers.  She nods her head, accepting my request.  I lean down the rest of the way, pressing my lips to hers. She doesn't kiss me back, but I suspect she's scared of me a little bit.

I break the kiss, and her eyes flutter open, then look downwards.

"Come Princess.  Let me take ye to my room, where ye can relax.  I'll bring up some food in a bit, too."

She nods, following my lead out of the prison cell. I hold the door open for her, and she steps through waiting for me, her eyes still lowered. I take her hand in mine and we walk down the hallway side my side.  I let her climb the stairs up to the First Mate's and Captain's quarters.  The two rooms are on one hallway, but are surrounded by other rooms for the crew.  I open the door, and walk her over to the bed, sitting her down.

"Alright, Princess, if ye need me, I'll either be next door, or on the deck, alright, sweets?"

"Alright, Harry," she says, her voice trembling. 

I hand her my coat.  "Try to get some sleep, Princess.  Ye've had a rough day."

And with that I walk out the door, shutting it quietly behind me.  I walk down the hall towards Uma's room. I open the door, and catch Uma's eye.  I pick her up by the rope she's bound in.

"Well, well, well. Seems like ye get to hang off of the plank tonight," I grin wickedly, holding her  by the rope.  She squirms.  I laugh.

I carry Uma up to the deck, and over to the plank I lower Uma down under the plank.  I tie the rope around the plank, not caring if she falls or not.  Once the knots are tied, I stand up, smiling at my handiwork. 

"Enjoy the night, Captain! Don't let the sharks eat you if ye fall!"

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