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Chloes pov:
I need to find a way to tell Logan this without telling him everything, that goes on in my home.  After All, I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt.
Even though the only person that is getting hurt, is me.

"Im sorry Logan but can I go home please? I enjoyed today with you. And I want to thank you for everything Logan, really." I say. I don't want to leave Logan, I don't want to go back home to that monster, but i know I have to. I really don't have a choice. He hurts me, for every little thing I do.

I feel tears bundle up in my eyes, but I find a way to push them down  so they dont spill. "Oh, um, yeah. If you want to go home i'll take you." Logan says, with a frown. I know he's upset. I don't want to leave. I feel safe around Logan. Safer then I've ever felt with anyone. Thats wierd because we just met.

Logans pov:
I feel so stupid. I know I should've tried harder to make her happy. I know I should of. I am so dumb to think a girl like Chloe could actually have a chance with me. I feel so dumb. She probably has a dick appointment or something. Even though she thanked me for today, I still felt like it didn't mean anything to her. That's okay I guess. Were just...friends. Nothing more.

Chloes pov:

I see the upset in Logans eyes. "Why do you want to leave so soon?" He asks, raising his eyes brows. I don't want to tell him about my boyfriend but I guess I have to, the more time I have to explain, the more angrier Blake is possibly getting, waiting for me to get home.

"Well, um. My boyfriend wants me home" I say, looking down. Guilt washes over me. I see Logan put his head down. "Oh...okay" he says. "Well, here's my number, feel free to text or call me anytime Logan. Thanks for today. I loved it" I say giving him the biggest smile I can manage.

Logans Pov

Wow. Way to go Logan. She has a boyfriend, and you planned all this out for her, when he should be the one doing this for her, not you. You are so dumb.

I decide just to go and drop her off without saying any last words. I dont care. I should of never tried.
I bet her boyfriend spoils her to death, I bet he treats her amazing. Chloe doesn't need me. Not even in a friend way. She has her boyfriend, and I don't wanna get in the middle of a great relationship. I'm not mean like that.

Chloes pov:
Logan drops me off. I thank him, but he doesn't even look at me, he doesn't even smile. He just keeps a straight face, and as soon as I'm out of the car, he drives off. As soon as he is no longer in sight I mumble under breath
"Logan don't leave me... I love you." But of course in a friend way. It was just the first word that came to my mind in this scenario...

Logan is kind hearted. I feel safe with him. Now I'm all alone, with an abusive boyfriend.

"There you are!! Get yoiu ass in this house right now before I beat you, bastard" my blake says. I obey him and his rules. He drags me by my hair into the house onto the bed. "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?" He yells.  His words slur, and I know for a fact that he's drunk again. 

"I've been just with a friend of mine, you don't need to worry."
I say with a shaking voice.

"YEAH! I BET YOU WERE OUT WITH ANOTHER GUY!!" He shouts. The smell of alcohol hits me.

There is no way on earth I'm telling him I was with someone else. He would hurt me worse then he already does. So I just say "No, I was with my new cast mate, her name is Ashly" I say naming the first name that comes to mind. All of a sudden he lifts up my shirt. Takes off his belt. I know whats gonna happen next. How I keep it from hurting so much is by closing my eyes and thinking its just a nightmare. But  I know I will soon wake up from.

Then as the hard painful strokes of the belt hit my skin, I just imagine the 'date' with Logan. All those times Logan and I smiled together. Laughed together, and the way we looked into each others eyes. I wish Blake wouldn't beat me anymore, I'm tired of it. About 2 years ago is when I gave up fighting. I've just let him take all his anger out on me.

I need Logan, I need him so much right now. I realize I got to caught too up in my thoughts. The most painful feeling ever runs through my body. A knife. A knife lightly pressd against my skin, but causes the most pain. He is cutting me. I cry in pain knowing there is no escaping. I gasp as he cuts a long line down the center of my stomach. I breath heavily, knowing that this pain would be over soon. I'm a strong woman, but I just can't fight anymore. I'm to weak against this man.

Tears fall, and all I can think of is Logan. I need him more than ever.

I honestly don't know if death is something that is far from me.

This chapter was terrible oml I can't believe I posted this. This was edited the best I can do :(. Thank you for reading!! Take it easy FAM, peace✌❤❤

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