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Chloe's POV:
When I see him underneath that diesel, screaming in pain, I instantly break. Tears streaming down my face, and onto my chest. When the diesel runs over Logan, it doesn't stop, it kept driving down the road. I get so angry at that, but I mostly feel crushed and dead inside. When the diesel is out of sight, I quickly run up to Logan. "LOGAN, LOGAN PLEASE BE OKAY." I say as tears pour down my cheeks and this time onto his face. I instantly regret everything mean I said to him. I feel hurt and broken for making him cry. He literally risked his life for me! I begin to start crying harder. I'm such a terrible human! I don't  even deserve to be on this planet. I pull out my phone and call 911.  When they answer, I tell them everything that happened, and I hold Logan's hand while tears filled my eyes. At this moment, I would need him to hug me, but he can't because of me! Logans eyes are closed, which worries me. The rain pours down hard on the both of us. At this moment I question the universe, why didn't it just let me get hit by the diesel? Thick tears continue falling down my cheek. I see the tire marks on Logan's shirt, which only causes me to hurt more. I put my head on his head, while waiting for the ambulance to come. "Logan please be okay." I whisper, while my tears fall down on to his face. If I loose Logan, there is no point in living anymore. He is the reason why I'm still even alive right now. If I loose Logan, my heart will never be complete. He has always been the other half of me, and if he's gone then I won't be who I am anymore.

Logan's POV:
I pushed Chloe, so she wouldnt get hit by that diesel. I soon then found myself, underneath it, has the huge tires ran over my body. I screamed in pain. From the corner of my eye, I see Chloe running up to me.  Every thing went black for a second, then I just decided to close my eyes. Within seconds, I blacked out. Minutes later, I woke up from the black out, and feel Chloes head against mine. Her soft silky hair rub against my cheek. Her cold wet tears falling down on my face. It was hard to tell the difference between her tears, and the rain. I wish I had the power to give her a hug, but my powerless, weakful body layed in front of her. When I said id die for Chloe. I meant it. I will never regret what I did because her life is important to me and if I ever lost her, I'd go insane. If I die, id look after her, and protect her better then I could have in real life. When I hear her crying grow louder, I really want to hug and kiss her and tell her it's alright, but at this moment, I can barely wiggle my fingers. I want to let the 8 of my tears out, but I can't. I think back on what Chloe said to me before she almost got hit by the diesel. Her exact words were "I DON'T NEED YOU IN MY LIFE" quote unquote. Just thinking of those horrible words really makes me want to cry like the wussy I am. I hope she still doesn't hate me. Her just being by me right now, crying very hard, shows me she cares about me. I love her so much. Since my eyes are closed and I can't move  or speak, I decide to sleep until the ambulance come.

Minutes later the ambulance come, and rush Logan into the emergency room. Chloe decides to ride in the back with Logan. Tears continue to fall down her face, as she looks at his damaged body.

Meanwhile at Logans apartment..

Sommers POV:

After I made Logan kiss me, he totally ran off! That made me so fuckin mad! He ran off because of that little slut, Chloe.  I am so annoyed with Logan always running off for her, and him ways wanting to talk about Chloe. So I talked to my cousin, he's a diesel driver, and I told him that Logan cheated on me, but I still love him. I told my cousin to find where Logan and Chloe are , then run over Chloe so she can't ruin mine and Logans relationship. He agreed, and did so. I know I'm a phyco, but anyone would do the same to have someone all to themselves.  It's just an harmless act.

Chloe's POV:
Minuets later we arrive at the hospital. In the back of the ambulance, I held Logan's hand. Just looking at him, made me want to break down in tears, even more. The paramedics wheel Logan into the hospital. I swear, this particular moment looks like something that would be in one of those dramatic scary movies.
They go to fast into the hospital, leaving me running after them to catch up. The rain falling hard from the sky leaving me to be unable to see properly. Once I run into the hospital, I see the paramedics have already carried Logan into his hospital room to work or check on him. I run after them and try to follow them into the emergency room, but they don't allow me in. I try to shove my way into the room, but the nurse pulls me out. "Ma'm you need to chill out." She says. "DON'T YOU EVER TELL ME TO CHILL OUT, BITCH." I say very rudely. I know I'm being very mean, but Logan risked his life for mine, which means I can't let anything happen to him. "Ma'm, please sit down." She says, while pulling back my shoulder. I just give up. I know I have no chance at all in getting in there. I just drop my head down, and follow the nurse into the result room, aka waiting room. I sit and wait hours for the doctors to tell me if he's okay. More hours pass, and they don't. It hits midnight, still no answers. I begin to get worried so bad that my heart begins to race. I start loosing my breath. I decide to go outside and get fresh air, and think about things. I can't have Logan on my mind all day, but I guess my mind only wants to think about him. I walk out the hospital doors, and into the outdoors and dead sky's of this planet we call home. I feel the cold rain air hit my body, which causes me to shiver. I look up at the dark grey skys, and rain falling from it, and onto everyone and everything. This moment matches perfectly with how I feel on the inside. Dead, sad, depressed, and ugly. Through out my whole life, I've always been alone, at first I hated it, but I then grew to enjoy it. But now in present time, being alone is the last thing I want to be. Whenever I was, Logan always came to keep me company. For example, the first time we met on Valley Girl set, I was alone until he came and talked to me. Another time was when no one bothered to visit me in the hospital, Logan was the only one who did. I don't like being lonely anymore, so I pull out my phone and text Alissa.

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