I'm not ready

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Chloes POV:
Its a bright, but windy morning. Birds singing. Crickets chirping. Kongs light barks. And Mavericks yelling. A perfect day. I wake up to me and Logan cuddled up together, just how we fell asleep. I miss hugging him. I just miss being in his muscular arms. I can't belive that me and Logan even had to go through what we went through. I'm happy we  are even right here, right now, cuddled up together. I never thought that loving someone could be this amazing. In fact, I never thought I could love again. Logan showed  me I was wrong. Right now I lay in bed. Staring up at the love of my life's sleeping face. I wrap my arms around him, and burry my face in his warm chest. My sudden moves wake him. "Hey baby girl." He says in a deep raspy voice. He wraps one arm around my upper body, and runs his fingers through my hair with the other. "Hey." I just remembered today Scarlett comes back. I'm happy she will be back, but I'm upset that me and Logan won't have so much time together. "Hey baby girl. You excited for today?" He says, as he stretches. I put my head down. Why would I be excited for today? "No, not really. Since Scarlett is coming back, we won't have fun together anymore." I say, sounding sad. He looks up and smiles. "No Chloe. We are going to have fun today. We are taking Scarlett to Disney Land,  but that's not all." He says, smirking. "Okay? Then what is?" I say. "You'll see." He gets up and runs to the bathroom. I swear he's such a weirdo. I get off the couch, and walk to the balcony. The warm but cold hits me.Why does today feel special? All of a sudden, I feel warm hands place around my waist. I smile. Logan. I lean back a little, so my head hits his chest. His lips  softly kisses my neck. "Go get dressed princess. I'll be out here waiting." I turned around to see Logan. He seriously  looks incredibly handsome, with his all maverick merch. I smile, because it reminds me of when we first met. How silly looking he was. How I thought I would never have feelings for him. Damn. Time flies very fast now that I think of it. Now I'm here. Practically head over hills for this guy.  I kiss him on the cheek, before slowly walking away to in my room to change. Why  do I feel so nervous?

Logans POV :
Chloe comes out of her room. She looks like herself. Beautiful . I walk up to her, and take her hand. "You'll ready to go?" I ask. "Yeah." She replies. We walk out of the W apartments, and into the sexy yeti. Today I have big things planned. Oh boy. It's my big day!

In the car...

Chloes POV:
We drive down the shady roads, getting to Scarlett's friends house. Since we are going to Disney Land together, we will definitely need to bring a kid with us, so just in case the Logang finds me and Logan together, they don't get suspicious. It only makes sense. I hope Scarlett had fun. She really deserves it. I realize that Logan has been very quiet. That's unusual because he is such a choch who loves talking all ears off. I can't deal with this silence, so I decide to try to start a conversation. "Soooo, have you started today's vlog?" I ask. He looks at me, smiles, then looks back at the road. "I have a special time today, when I'm starting today's vlog. Trust me." He says. Something feels off about Logan today. At first, he was romantic and sweet Logan, now he's mysterious and sexy Logan. Should I be worried? I decide to put my thoughts aside,  as I realize that we are pulling up to Scarlett's friends house. I see Scarlett with her hair loose, as she runs up to the car. "HEY SCARLETT!" Logan says with the most cutest smile. "Hi Logan! Hi Chloe!" She says. "Hey." Logan begins to drive again. While he drives I catch him looking up at me in the mirror. I just laugh. I pull out my phone, to add to my snap story.

Minuets later...at Disney Land....

We all walk out of the Yetti together. I'm not gonna lie. We all look good. "So, I'm gonna go order the tickets,  you guys can stay right here and order anything."Logan says, as he hands me and Scarlett a handful of money. I see her eyes widen, as if she was in disbelief. I chuckle. "What? Have you never seen money?" I joke. She looks up at me. "Of course I have. Just not this much." She says. I realize, that she of course never really had fun in her life, and no one has spent money on junk food for her. "I was just joking. But what do you want to eat from here?" I ask, a little laughing. She taps her chin, as if she is thinking. "I would like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich please." She says. I give the lady both mine, and Scarlett's order, and I decide to order Logan a blt. I lead Scarlett to the benches, as I realize that Logan has taken more than what I expected, long. "Hey Scarlett. I'll be right back. I'm going to see where Logan is" I say. Her eyes widen up, and she quickly grabs my arm. "No no no no! Um, he will be....er...um, he will be back in a few minutes." She stutters. I know she just came up with that. Now, I start to feel suspicious. First, he doesn't speak to me, the whole car ride here, now Scarlett doesn't want me seeing what he is doing! This is fucking sick. "What is it Scarlett. Why don't you want me to see what he's doing?" I ask, with a little bit of anger, and politeness in my tone. "Oh, um. I do, but um. Like he said he'll be right back. You don't need to be worried." She says, still sounding nervous. At this moment, I for sure know somethings up. Why the he'll would she be saying this shit? The outside of me, let's it slide, but the inside of me is dying to see what they are hiding from me. I just sit back down, as from the corner of my eye, see Logan walk up to us. "Hey guys. Got the tickets." He says while holding the tickets up, and smiling his nice shiny smile. "Why'd you take so damn long, Logan?" I can see his face darken.  "The line was, um. Long." He says. I role my eyes, and take the tickets from his hand. "What do you want to do first?" I ask. "Ouu! Can we go on the rides please?" Scarlett asks. Logan chuckles and we both nod our heads yes. Scarlett runs to the spin pots, and we follow. "Let's ride this first!" She says. Logan eyes widen, as a huge smile spreads across his face. "HELL YA! C'MON CHLOE!" He says, as he grabs my arm, and runs with me into the spin pots. "Logan! Calm down!" I laugh. His face brightens up. His smile, that would put any other girl in a fantasy. He is so fucking cute, I hate it so much. The lady who is in charge of the ride, starts it up. Logan seems to be more excited than Scarlett is. I laugh at that thought. "Alright the ride is going to begin. Make sure you have your seat belts on!" She says. Just as she says it, the pots begin to slowly spin around. Already, Logan begins to scream as if he is on a Rollercoaster. Me and Scarlett laugh historically, until we reach the point that we can't breathe. "Damn girls. You guys good bro?" He asks, mockingly. Me and Scarlett both laugh again.  Before we know it, we are gonna have death by laughter. A few minutes pass, and the ride finally stops. We all get out of the pot, as dizzy as can be. "I feel like I'm drunk." I say,  almost falling on my butt. Logans hands reach over to my waist, to steady me. "Eeeasssyy Bennet." He says, raising one eyebrow. I laugh again,  and walk down the steps. Me, Logan and Scarlett play some games, and ride some more rides, until finally the sun looks like it's about to set. Scarlett looks down at her phone, checking the time. She looks at Logan,  and he looks back. "I think it's getting late. I should get ready for tommrow." Scarlett says. "Yeah. You should. K bye." Logan says back. I can really tell they are up to something. They have really bad acting skills. When Scarlett is out of sight, Logan looks me in the eyes. "I guess it's just me and you." He says with a smirk. Logan takes my hand, and leads me to a balcony. From up here, the sky is more beautiful than what you would see down on the ground. "The sky is beautiful Chloe. But of course, the sky can never beat your beauty." He says. I start to blush. I hate it when he compliments me. I just wish he never did. "Thanks Logan." I say, sounding as if I was shy. He looks down, then back at me and smiles. "Chloe. You will always be my everything. No matter what. You are the love of my life. This is how i forever want it to be." He says. He looks at me, this time staring deeply into my eyes, which kind of makes me nervous. He takes one of my hands, brings it up his lips, and kisses it, just before he bends down on one knee. "Chloe, I want to be your one and only. I want to grow old with you. I want to do everything with you! Just as long as your mine, and I'm yours," my heart skips a beat. A million thoughts race through my head! What is happening? "I don't want to go another day without having you in my arms. I don't want to go another day of just being your boyfriend. I want to be more than that." He pulls out a small black box. I gasp, but cuff my hands over my mouth. I know exactly what is going to happen. But...the problem is....I think I am not ready for it.

Hey! Sooooooo. Cliff hanger. Just so I can get the urge to type again!! Sorry for no updates. School comes in the way of everything, and I freakin broke my arm, and I'm mad. But I love you guys so much! This chapter wasn't the best,  but today I had no food at all! And I'm Hungry. I noticed you guys have noticed the other story that is on here. I'm just going to let you know, my sister writes that one. She writes more innapropriate than I do, so if u like innapropriate stories, u should check that out😂. She and I will upload as much as we can, now that we will both be working with eachother. Yaaay. This is gonna be so funnn! I hope you guys enjoy this! Ik ur all prob mad, but you know It was killing me, not being able to write. But now that is cleared. I love u with all my heart! Take it easy fam. Peace ✌❤❤

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