Broken Hearts

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The next morning...
Chloe's 's POV:
I wake up and see I have clothes over my swim suit, and I'm in Logan's bed again. I smile to myself, and just wrap my hands around him again. I must've been drunk or something. Logan's a absolutely great guy, and I'm happy to name him my crush. Yeah I know this all sounds like stuff I would say back in elementary, but here now, in present time, it's still true. I really like him, and I'm happy he has my back, and I'm happy he cares for me. Around dark time is when we are supposed to have a rain storm today. I love rainy days because it's when you can sit back, grab a cup of what ever hot drink, most possibly grab your bae, and enjoy life's sadness. Pizza is bae of course. I move my hands off his waist, and turn to lay on my back, staring up at the ceiling. My movements wake Logan up. "Hey Chloe." He says in a sleepy cracky voice. "Hey" I say back. He smiles, then turns on his side facing me. I then turn so me and Logan are face to face. He smiles at me, and I giggle back. "I love your laugh. It's cute." He says, which causes me to blush. I pull my hair to cover my face. Logan tucks the piece of hair I pulled, behind my ear. "Don't use your hair to cover that beautiful face of yours." He says. He Is so freakin charming. I try so hard not to blush, but of course I fail. "Before the rain, do you wanna go on a second 'date' with me? He asks. Our last 'date' we had, was pretty intense. Just thinking back to it, makes me blush. He notices, and starts smiling. " Yeah. I'd love to." I say

Logan's POV:
In my head I'm doing a happy dance, but in reality, I just say "Okay, cool." We both smile. "Baby Chloe broke out last night." I say while smiling. "Yeah I can tell. Thanks for putting your clothes over me." She says. "Yeah you're welcome. You were shivering because it was freezing in here." He says. "Oh. That makes more sense. Well, I'm gonna go take a bath Logie." She says while standing up on my bed, and jumping over me. "Can I join you?" I ask while smirking. I know what she's going to say, but I say and do stupid things to make people laugh. She giggles, and says "Sure, but only if you wear swim trunks." I am surprised she said yes but I grab my trunks, and run into my bathroom to change. When I get out, I run into the bathroom, and see Chloe setting up a bath. "Bubbles?" She asks. I nod my head, and she dumps in some of her weird girl shower stuff. While she waits for it to bubble up, I cannon ball into it, splashing Chloe and leaving the bathroom floor soaking wet. "LOGAN!" She yells, while I laugh. She shrugs her shoulders, and jumps in with me, splashing me in the face. I laugh, and start dumping Chloes soap in the water, to make it more bubbley. "LOGAN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? THAT'S A BRAND NEW SOAP!" She yells. I realize that I was basically just dumping her soap down the drain. "I was trying to make it bubbley, but I now realize that was not what I was doing." I say, while rubbing the back of my neck. She chuckles, then splashes me with water. I splash her back, then this turned into a splash wars type thing. "Look at the bathroom floor! It looks like we had a tsunami!" I say. "Your right. I'll clean it." She says. She's so sweet, but I also made the mess. "I'll help because your not the only one responsible for this." I say, we both laugh. We just talk and talk a lot. Minuets later, we get out. "I still want to take a real shower though." She says. "Can I take one with you?" I ask smirking, just like last time. She play fully roles her eyes. "No you cannot." She says. I chuckle, then sit down on a love sack. Chloe goes into her room to change out of her wet clothes. I want to spend time with Chloe today. As friends, but she has and interview later on. But I have an idea, so I'm happy about that. I turn on my T.V, and search for something to watch. I just decide to put on one of my favorite shows called, 'Dark Nights.' It is a creepy show, but it's fucking insane. Chloe comes back out, and gasps very louder than appropriate. "ARE YOU WATCHING DARK NIGHTS?" she yells. I feel kind of embarrsed because I think she hates this show. "Yeah uh, it just came on." I say while rubbing the back of my neck. "OMG! I LOVE THIS SHOW SO FUCKING MUCH!" she says. I smile because we have that in common. "Well you wanna watch it with me?" I ask. She doesn't even answer my question, she just hops on the love sack with me, and links my arm. "YES!" she says with a huge smile, looking up at the TV. I laugh, and we just watch the episode I put on. We get interrupted by my phone beeping. I was getting messages. I check to see who from. Sommer

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