Hiding in Wakanda

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"You're not gonna stop," Natasha said, facing Steve.

"You know I'm not," Steve said as Bucky caught up to him.

"I'm gonna regret this," the red-head mumbled, and hesitantly held out her arm, most likely to shoot him with her Widow's Bites. Steve braced for the pain, but look over his shoulder in surprise as the Widow's Bite sailed past him. The Black Widow never misses. Just then, he heard a cry of pain from behind him. It was from T'Challa. Steve said a quick thanks, and escaped as Natasha continued to shoot the Black Panther.

Steve snapped back in reality, and shook his head. That was the fifth time he had that flashback this week. Why had she let him escape? Sure, they were good friends and have been partners on various missions, but there was no other particular reason that she would play double-agent on Stark and help him escape. He rubbed his temples and stood up to get a coffee.

"Everything okay, Steve?" Bucky said from next to him, with a worried expression on his face. The blonde-haired soldier nodded, distracted, and walked to the coffee machine. Bucky, Steve, and T'Challa were hiding in Wakanda. They've been staying there ever since the Civil War ended. However, they knew they couldn't stay there for longer. General Ross surely would've sent men after them.

He sat down back at the table, and sighed. Taking a sip from his coffee, he listened to T'Challa's plan to escape.

"We could travel from place to place in Africa, then take a flight to Europe undercover," he said in his noticeable Wakandan accent. Steve thought for a moment, then interfered.

"That will take too long, and will give us a risk of getting captured. How about we find the underwater prison containing the Avengers, and then start from there?" he suggested. He knew that T'Challa would be hesitant about this plan. He did, after all, side with Stark during the Civil War.

"That is a good plan, but three of us isn't enough. We need at least another person to help," Bucky stated thoughtfully. There was no response from T'Challa. Another person to help...

Just then, the three swiveled their heads to the television as they heard some familiar names.

"Yesterday, the infamous Black Widow was spotted in Paris, France, attacking seven agents of General Ross and running away. Despite her blonde wig and brown contacts, the clever men were able to track her down. This is the first time we have seen her in months. Where is her fellow teammate, Captain America? And the vigilante, the Winter Soldier? How about the Black Panther, who hasn't shown his face to the public in months? Maybe they are with the Russian spy, or maybe they are all separated and on their own. Whatever the situation, General Ross will continue the search to find these dangerous fugitives," the reporter on the television said.

"Dangerous fugitives?" Bucky grumbled, clenching his fists while glaring at the television.

Steve thought back to his flashback. A light bulb lit up in his head.

"That's it! We could find Nat and recruit for her to help!" he exclaimed excitedly.

"Miss Romanoff? The one who electrocuted me with those Widow's Bites? The traitor?" T'Challa asked, skeptically. The way he said it made Steve think that T'Challa hated her almost as much as he hated Bucky before he realized that it wasn't Bucky who launched the attack that killed his father. Steve nodded in response to T'Challa's question.

"Damn, she is so annoying. I swear if she leaps on my shoulders to kill me again..." Bucky trailed off, a disgusted expression on his face.

"Well, you got anyone else? Stark and his crew are probably still angry at us. It's too risky to contact S.H.I.E.L.D. And nearly the whole world is either scared of or mad at us," Steve pointed out. T'Challa and Bucky groaned, but both gave in. Steve smiled to himself. He'd be able to rescue his friends and see Nat again. What was that feeling of excitement he was feeling in his stomach? Shouldn't he be worried of being found?

The next day, the three fugitives sat at the conference table again and discussed on how to find the Black Widow. They would ride on an airplane under fake names to Europe, because they knew she was spotted in France. They would start in Italy, because she doesn't stay in one place for a long time and Italy was right next to France. They would steal a few tracking devices on their way there. If she threatened to kill them, well, they would fight back. Hopefully, they would win and she would help. After they successfully get Natasha to help, the four of them would search relentlessly for the underwater prison. They were going to need lots of help from the red-headed spy on that last part.

Steve clapped his hands, smiled proudly at his two comrades, and said, "Great job guys! Let's pack and start on our journey tomorrow." And so they did, shoving sunglasses, baseball caps, and stealth suits in their bags.

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