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" Kiana!!!" I hear August yell from upstairs. I turn the vacuum cleaner off and head upstairs.

" Kiana!!!" He yells once again. I shake my head this man is infuriating. Ugh. " I'm coming...sir." I yell back.
" Hurry your ass up, we don't have all damn day.....little girl." See what I mean he's infruriating,  just because I'm  the youngest in the house means nothing.

I knock twice on his office door.
" Come in." I step on in closing his door softly, I keep my head down while walking over to the chair that sits right across from him.

He clears his throat..." You may look at me now." I lift my head to look at him...well more like around him. It's not like he said not to look at him....its just that his so intimidating. But however I did get a glimpse what he's wearing and he looks kind of cute but  mean .  I mentally shrug. August quietly sighs. I immediately look directly in his eyes. They held no emotion. Not even anger, or annoyance of me like they usually do. Which means his gone into business mode.

Since I've been working for him for 3 weeks or so I have experience this mode. Sometimes I would serve his guest that him and the others would have over and he would never show emotion there was always this blank expression on his face. I noticed , but I guess the others didn't notice or they just didn't care.

" I have business to discuss with you." I tense, oh gosh I hope this is good.
I nod my head.." Yes sir."
" Since you've been here you, have been doing an ....okay job, I guess." I mentally roll my eyes. Without me these guys would be living in a pig sty. Especially the boys they are the worse....it seems like where ever they go they leave a trail of garabage for me to clean up. I just nod my head...agreeing.

" I would like to put you on a contract. It will be a 12 month contract...you will still work for me up until the year is over and live in this house just as always. However after the year is up I will let you go. When you are gone I don't care what you do with your life its not my problem. Now....if you do want to continue working for me, I'll fund an apartment for you and also pay." I nod my head taking all this information in. I have two options , I can leave and be on my own or I can keep working for him and also have my own place. But the true question his can I keep putting up with his attitude and mood swings is the true question here.

" So what will it be." August says.
" What if I don't want to sign this contract? How don't I know that your not going to wipe me off the face of the planet?" I say with a sarcastic smile....knowing this could get me in trouble but I'm  not stupid.
" Your smart I give you that gattina." Oh now I'm a kitten. Yeah I speak Italian and a couple of other languages but he doesn't need to know that.  He leans back in his chair, crosses his hand over his chest and smiles.

" I guess thats the chance you'll have to take." And he's right it is just a chance that I'll have to take. I chuckle softly.

" What's so funny?" He says with a serious face.
" Nothing....I already over step my boundaries today sir."
" No...go ahead and say it, you might as well."
" Well....I just didn't think my life would be in the hands of another...especially by another man." I say with a shrug. A emotion crosses his face , I can't pinpoint what it was because just as it came it was gone.

" Just be fucking lucky that I'm giving a chance to even stay in my house now you can take it or leave it,the chose is yours." Welp that answers my question. Hey what do I have to lose....I have no family to go back to.

" Okay I'll  take your offer...sir." He nods his head and slides me a piece of paper and a pin. I glance over the paper making sure I didn't seeing anything suspicious.  I finally signed my "name" on the dotted line and slid it back to him.

" Thank you for doing business with me." He stuck his hand out for me to shake. I put me hand out there but hesitantly though. I finally put my hand in his and our hands moved up and down. His hands are huge they basically engulf my hand. They feel rough but strong. I wonder how they would feel on m.... Wait...what!?! I can't be thinking these things. I'm his employee, his my employer I can't have these kind of thoughts.

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