We all have them

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Waking up in a gasp I hear a yell. I sit there puzzled not knowing if I should move or not. What if something's happening out there , and who ever it is , is coming to get me next. Not taking a chance , I get up from my bed and head to the door. I open it slowly just in case I need to lock myself in. Not seeing or hearing anything , I open the door wider.

Stepping out into the dark hallway, I don't see any signs of an intruder or anyone for that matter. Walking further into the darkness I pass August's office. Then I hear a string of curse words. I decide to turn back around to see if I can hear more. Pressing my ear to the door lightly I try to listen to what all the commotion is all about.

"I can't do this anymore." I hear a mutter.
" I'm so sorry Liyah." Who's Liyah? I whisper to myself. I raised my hand to open the door but I can't. He would probably kill me if I walked into his office especially in the state he's in. I slowly put my hand by my side and stare at his door once again .With one final glance I head back to my room. But I stop , I can't let him sit in his office and be this upset. Out of all people I know how it feels to be alone and not have anyone to understand your pain.

But if I intrude on him and his personal space he'll be mad , and I know this for a fact . Sighing I start chewing on my nails not knowing what I should do. After debating with myself , I head to his office taking the chance of him killing me or kicking me out.

Raising my hand to the door knob, I slowly twist it. Peeping my head inside, I found the room dimly lit and August at his desk with his head laying on his folded arms.

"August....." I whisper.
"August..." I say again, but no answer. Looking at his desk I see a pill bottle and alcohol. I shake my head. Trying once again I call his name.

"August...." And this time I touch him gently. But before I knew it I was pinned against the wall with August hands wrapped around my throat with him breathing heavily.

"What are you doing in here?"He says angrily.

"You what!"
"Can't .... breath" I say trying not to talk to much, the more you talk and fight your attacker the less air you'll have . I learned that from being chocked so much by Alexi. He looks at me with one final glare and drops me. I hit the floor gasping for air. Take it slowly Kia just like you taught yourself. Don't let the enemy know, how bad he's hurt you.I keep repeating to myself. Finally collecting myself where I'm able to speak. I stand up and look at the floor.

" I'm going to ask you one more fucking time!" He says while jabbing me in the chest with his index finger.
"Why are you in here?"
I raise my head slowly. I look deep within his eyes and search for any emotion. And low and behold theirs some there.

Taking the chance knowing I could die tonight, I slowly raise my hand to his face and cup his cheek. We stare at each other for a long time it feels like but then he slowly starts to relax at my touch. I can see the sadness and rage fighting with each other ,both wanting to be seen and heard but sadness wins this time . It always wins.

I felt something wet against my palm. Which I then realized, August is crying. Letting him have his moment , I try to find words that would comfort him but I just couldn't. I take my thumb and wipe the stray tears.

" I didn't mean to yell at you in that tone." August says while looking ashamed. I just nod my head knowing that I understood. And I truly did , as many times as I would hurt and wanted to hurt someone the way they hurt me.... I couldn't though, it just wasn't me. I sigh.

Not wanting to push my limit , I drop my hand by my side and wait for him to simply talk or kick me out. Instead he gently pushes a stray curl behind my ear and sighs sadly. Shamefully I blush and drop my head. I don't want him to think that I'm an attention seeker or begging for attention especially if that girl that stopped by earlier today is his actually girlfriend. I mentally roll my eyes at that thought.

Lifting my head up I realize August is already back at his desk with his arms crossed studying me.

"Why?" August questions me. Looking at him confused I shrugged.

"Why what ?" I asked back.
"I mean sir." I say quickly realizing this is my second time not addressing him properly.

"Why did you come in here?" He says softly. Honestly why did I come in here. Yeah I know at first my intentions were to make sure he was okay , and that still is my main reason for coming in here. But there's something in me that drew me in here.

Looking into his brown eyes I see the guilt, the hurt and most of all the pain. They all want to express themselves but don't know how. I want to help him but how can I help someone when I am as broken as them.

I sigh dropping my head once again.

" I heard someone scream and I wanted to make sure everyone was okay, and I heard noises coming from office when I was checking everything out and I just had to make sure you we're okay that's all sir" I say.

"I'm sorry for waking you up I didn't realize I was loud." I stood there amazed that he apologized for a second time tonight . Smiling slightly I nod my head.

"It's okay. Honestly. We all have bad dreams. Some are worst then others but we all have them. But you know sometimes those bad dreams remind us that dreams are only dreams and they only come true when we make them good or bad." I smile again. Before dad died he would tell me that every time I had a nightmare. They will only come true if I make them. He would say and kiss my forehead after every bad dream.

"But what if I already made those dreams come true and now I'm reliving the past in my dreams."

"Then you deal with them head on don't run away from them. It only makes it worse at the end." Once I said that I realized that I'm running from my own nightmare that haunts me everyday. August nods his head and relaxes a little in his chair.

"Your right Kia. I do need to face my problems but not tonight or maybe even ever. It hurts to much to think and comprehend what happened all those years ago." He says lowly while looking everywhere  but at me.

And I completely understand that. Sometimes we're suck in the past and can't move on to the future because of how strong of a grip the past has on us. It can feel like heavy chains wearing you down , and no matter how hard you try to break out of those chains sometimes you just aren't strong enough. I sigh sadly.

August pushes in his chair and head towards the door.

"Follow me." He says over his shoulder. I follow obediently without questioning him. We reach a room at the end of the hall. He opens the door and walks in , I then realize that this is his room. I just stand in the doorway not knowing what to do. Looking at the floor, I hear him clear his throat.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come in ?" He says while sitting on the bed taking off his shoes.

"Um....." I stand there flabbergasted. Never has August been this nice to me, and he's inviting me into his room. One of the two places that I'm not allowed to go in.

"Kiana I'm not going to ask again." He says with a little authority in his voice. I nod my head and stepped into the lions den.

"Close the door."
"Okay." I take a big gulp. Now I'm getting really nervous as to what is about to take place in this room with a man who doesn't like me very much but has a soft side to him when wants it to be seen. I take a deep breath.

"Can....can" He stutters a little bit trying to form the sentence. I give him a small smile to relax him a little to let him know it's okay whatever he's going to ask me. Looking at me he relaxes a little.

"Can you stay the night with me. Please" He says softly. And once again for the tenth time tonight I am left dumbfounded by this man.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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