chapter 3

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  "Come in, come in take a seat  Kiana"
All I could do was stand there. How dare this monster call me his wife.

"Kiana, this is the last time I will tell you to sit down. You know I don't like to repeat myself twice".Alexi said. That immediately made my snap out of my thoughts and sit on the sofa that lined the wall in his office.

"Now... you may be wondering​ why I called you in here today". I just stare at him and nod my head. To let him know that I'm paying attention to him. " You know that I'm not getting any younger, and one of these days I would like to start a family as well."
"Okay ...but what does that have to do with me though". I said looking directly at him. He stared at me for quite sometime. "I mean sir". I quickly added. How could I have been  so stupid not to address him the correct way. Lord knows what he is going to do to me now. He kept looking at me, his death glare dieing down.

" Now like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted" he said. It took everything in me not to roll my eyes. "That's the part where you come in. I can't produce kids on my own"." So you want me to have your kids". I interrupted him again. Instead of staring at me, he gave me one of his wicked grins. Which means he's up to no good.

"I don't want you just to have my children. I want you to be my wife. It's not like you have a chose either". And he's​ right. I don't. But I'll be damned if I'll bring a baby into this world by a man like him. "But sir , can't you just get another girl to be your wife. Like maybe one of the maids. I'm sure they would love to be your wife and serve you for the rest of your life. Anyways I'm not as pretty as you think I am, and I'm a 100%  pretty sure you wouldn't want your children to be born from a women that looked like the wicked witch from the West , now would you?"

"That's enough!!" He said and slammed his hands on  the table. I flinched and scooted to the opposite side of the sofa. "Now look here.... I don't give a fuck what you say. We are getting married whether you like it or not, and you will birth my kids. And maybe .... and I mean maybe. I might keep you around if I find you useful."

I play with the hem of my lingerie not daring to look up at him. "Look at me, when I'm talking to you". I slowly raise my head to meet his green eyes." That's better, now we will be getting married tommorow around noonish. Your dress has already been picked out for you as well as who will be doing your makeup and hair" he said while standing up and adjusting his tie. He walked over to me and took my chin into his hands kind of roughly. I wanted to cry, I never wanted to marry this.....this sorry excuse of a man and let alone bring a innocent child into this world. To end up being like his father , for god bid.

Maybe I can sneak out of the room in the middle of the night , but wait the door is locked always so that wouldn't work.  However Harley can find the key that ope..." Don't you dare think about running away either"he said cutting me from my train of thought. "I see and hear everything that goes on in this damn house. So whatever you are thinking just stop because it's never going to work". He said while looking be directly in the eyes. It's as if he knew what I was thinking. And by the look in his eyes I knew I would never win this battle. So I did what any smart girl would do in my postion. I sighed " yes sir , I will take your hand in marriage and be" your ... your wife " I said while holding back the tears. Why do I feel like I just signed my soul over to the devil himself.

" That's very good to hear and like I said you wouldn't have a chose anyways. " Alexi said. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. I mentally cringed,but didn't dare do it physically. I already stepped over my boundaries to much today. I'm surprised he didn't hurt me yet though. Probably because we wouldn't want his toy, I mean wife all bruised before the wedding.

Alexi walks back to his desk and takes a seat. I inwardly let out a sigh of relief. "Dave can you come get Ana for me and take her back to her room" he said while looking at me. Then a brilliant idea popped inside my head. I wonder if Harley can come to my room and help me get change for my I can't even call it that word. But anyways I can ask her to find a key to one of the cars or something.  But then again I can't ask her to do that for me . She might get caught and there's no telling what they will do to me and her. And at this thought I finally give up , I'm finally surrending myself to the devil.

"Can...can Harley help me change for tomorrow. I mean if it's ok with you sir." I said while looking down at my hands. Praying that he will say yes.  "Hmm.... I don't and that girl always conjure something up and both of you end up getting hurt at the end. I don't want to have to repeat that day all over again do we." I shake in my seat and give him a shake of the head." I promise we will be good and no funny business. Sir". I said while still looking down. " Very well if there will be no funny business as you would say, then there will be no problem with her helping you getting ready for our wedding then. I will inform Harley later on tonight." He said. I mentally think the lord. Hallejah!!!

Knock knock.

" That must be Dave . Come in. Now I will see you tomorrow at the alter Ana. " Said while looking directly in my eyes and giving me a perverted wink as well." Yes, sir. " I said while nodding.Dave took me be my arm and lead me down the hallway away from Satan. At that moment I was kind of thankful that small dick Dave came to get me. Dave lead me back to my room or basement perhaps and basically tossed me on the floor,like a rag doll. "Sleep tight , whore." And slammed the door shut and locked it from the outside. Once I seen his boots disappear from under the door. I cry and I'm mean like cry cry. I let everything out. I haven't cried like this since the first day I came here.

Alexi in the mm

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