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(A/N: Check out my other story called, "Percy and Piper Switch Bodies".) 


"What's Mako Island?" I asked Bella as everyone went outside to watch me complete my dare.

"A haunted place," she replied, "the waters are full of sharks. You really don't have to go there, you know?"

I shrugged. "I kind of do," I replied, "otherwise, Mohawk will taunt me about it for the rest of my life."

"Mohawk?" she asked.

"My nickname for him," I replied with a grin.

We all walked to the docks and Mohawk let me take his boat there. In the distance I could see Mako Island. It looked like a volcano kind of but more flatter. The sun was starting to set as I turned on to the motor and rode to Mako Island. Everyone looked at me with sympathy as I rode down there. Maybe there were cyclopses or something there. I had riptide in my pocket. It may be hard but I may defeat them.

After a while of riding, it was officially dark. I was almost to Mako Island when something really bad happened. The motor broke down. I cursed under my breath as I was left in the middle of the ocean without food. Just great.


"Do you think he will survive?" someone from the crowd asked Mohawk.

"No," Mohawk replied, "I cut his motor short. He should have stopped in the middle of the sharks at any moment now." I widened my eyes and turned to him.

"Why would you do that!" I asked pushing him backwards. He bumped into his posse and then straightened up and glared at me.

"No one messes with Mohawk," he replied.

Rikki and Cleo looked at me with the same look I was giving them. We had to go to Mako Island anyways. May as well be now. We walked away from the crowd and then went far away from them. Then we ran into the water and 7 seconds later, we transformed into a mermaid. We were under the water though so no one saw us.

We hurriedly swam to the boy and hid behind a rock so he couldn't see us. The motor he was on had stopped. Sharks were swimming towards him. Sharks tend to leave us alone which is why they didn't come after us. But they were after the boy and that's bad. I actually liked Percy.


"UGH MOHAWK!" I yelled. Im sure no one heard me though.

Well maybe except for the sharks that were swimming around my boat. Now I had no choice but to swim to Mako. I hoped the sharks were friendly. And, surprisingly, they were.

I dove into the water and turned around. The sharks moved around me. "Hello Lord," the said, "Poseidon sent us to make sure you get to your Island safely."

I was shocked. My father doing something nice to me. Well isn't this a change. "But we have to look like we are about to eat you to not raise suspicion so swim fast, Percy," they replied. I groaned and started swimming. Even though I knew the sharks weren't going to kill me, it was still pretty scary how their mouth was raised and they were coming at me super fast. My stomach felt like it had dropped when I saw a great white shark headed for me.

"Do not worry, Lord," the great white said. I nodded and swam on.

After about what felt like 30 minutes of swimming, I finally reached land. I clawed onto the sand started kissing the ground. "Sweet, sweet, land," I said happily.

The waves, as if responding, rose high as a tsunami and crashd onto me. I slid far into a rock. "Oh and thanks for the bodyguards dad," I replied to the wave. The wave gave me a thumbs up before returning to the water. I rolled my eyes and stood up. I wasn't going to eat a fish for food, that's for sure, so maybe I could find some berries on the island.

I walked into a patch of woods and collected some wood. "How do I make a fire, again?" I asked myself.

Then it came to me. I rub to dry objects together. I got some rocks in found in the sand and started rubbing them. Some sparks came off before it turned into a fire on the wood. I threw the rock away and jumped up chanting, "I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it!"

I put my hands over the fire and rubbed my hands together. After a while, I got bored and started looking for some food. Berries, mainly. I came across the swamp looking place instead though. I felt drawn to it for some reason. I walked up this huge rock and was about to jump to the other rock when I slipped and fell. Yea. I slipped...and fell. Don't judge.

When I fell, I fell through this whole thingy. Lets just say my reaction to falling was the same reaction to Annabeth when she saw the spider on her computer. Let's just say we had to by her a new computer and desk and wall and bed. Turns out the spider was Frank it was a prank and Annabeth hated Frank for a couple of weeks for it. I thought it was pretty funny but I would never admit it.

I got up and felt sand under me. I looked around. I was in some type of cave. I turned back to the hole and tried to climb back up but I kept sliding down. I sighed and walked around the cave. That's when I found a pair of stairs. I went up the stairs and gasped. I saw a glowing blue pool full of water. It was mesmerizing.

"Sweet," I said.

I walked around the water and then sat down on the ground and put my legs into it. I felt refreshed and happy. I then fell into the pool as if the pool had dragged me down. I didn't think it was weird at the time and instead, I happily swam around the pool. After a while of swimming I heard a voice shriek. I turned around immeditaley and saw Rikki, Bella, and Cleo in the pool.

"Where did you three come from?" I asked suddenly, backing up.

"What are you doing here!" Rikki yelled at me.

"Swimming?" I replied.

Before they could speak the water pushed me in closer. What was my father doing? Right when I was closer, the water began to sparkle and bubble. Like a bubble bath I guess. I looked up and saw the full moon over the water. I raised an eyebrow and looked down at the water. "Oh no," Bella said.

I looked at their outfits. They were wearing a brown scaly looking thing around them. It was weird. I looked down into the water and gasped. Did they have...tails?

"What the heck," I said backing up from them.

Before I could stop her, Rikki hit me over the head with full force and I was knocked unconscious. That was NOT how I was planning that day to go.


"What the heck, Rikki!" Bella shouted

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"What the heck, Rikki!" Bella shouted.

"I panicked," I replied.

Percy sank into the water. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up onto the land. "Now what do we do?" Cleo asked.

"We take him back to his house and pretend like nothing ever happened to him," I replied, "he will think its all just a bad, bad, bad dream."

So that's what we did. I grabbed his arms and Cleo grabbed his legs and we all swam back to shore. Then after a while of drying ourselves off, thanks to me, we put Percy back into his bedroom. We then snuck out and went to Cleo's house and had a sleepover. Everything was going to go perfectly. Right? Ha. Wrong.

Percy Jackson and H2O Crossover (Completed...For Now)Where stories live. Discover now