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(A/N: Check out my other story called, "Percy and Piper Switch Bodies".)


After my talk with Bella, I tried to find Annabeth. But it was like she disappeared. I gave up and ended up going to the beach. It was nighttime and the moon showed over the waves. No one else was at the beach. Just me. Sulking. Trying to find the love of my life who probably hates my guts. You know. The usual.

I sighed and looked out to the waves. "Please Dad," I said, "reverse this curse!"

That's when a huge wave came onto me and doused me with water. I was drenched.

"Thanks," I muttered, snorting water from my nose.

I stood up from the ground and walked away from the beach. Then I headed to my house and was surprised to see Bella standing at the front door. I walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped back in shock. Then she calmed down.

"Don't do that," she snapped.

"What do you want?" I asked her, crossing my arms.

"I wanted...nothing," she said after a while. I didn't believe her. I wasn't that dumb.

"Then why are you at my door?" I asked.

"This is your door?" she asked, "whaaaat. Wow, I need glasses. You know what, I should probably head home to my home that's...home. Bye!"

Then she ran off. I threw up my hands in defeat and then went into the house. There was a note on the bookcase that said my parents would be gone for a few days. And that I couldn't throw a party otherwise I would be grounded and so would my future children. I rolled my eyes, but I believed them, and put the note down. Then I went up to my room and was extremely surprised to see someone in my room. Their back was turned but I could see it was a guy. He had was really buff and was way taller than me. He had curly sandy brown hair. He had on a black t shirt, white pants, and black shoes. He was checking out the pictures of me and Annabeth and me and my mom and just me.

"You have a beautiful family," the mystery guy said.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my room?" I asked. He finally turned around.

"My name is Prince Eric," he said pointing a trident, that appeared out of nowhere, at me, "and I am here to destroy you."

My reaction was pure shock. I didn't have time to speak because the trident glowed a dark red and something fired back at me. Like a ball of energy, I guess. I flew backwards through my wall and went out the other end. Yea, my mom was going to kill me for that. If I don't die right now, that is.

"Ow," I murmured as I landed on my back.

"Ow is a weak thing to say," he said angrily, "stand and fight." He stepped through the Percy-sized whole in my wall and pointed the trident at my again.

I tried to stand up but he put his foot on my chest and then squished down on my torso. I tried to breathe but it was hard. I was getting lightheaded and couldn't think straightly. That's when Eric removed his foot quickly and punched me in the face.

"You. Will. Not. Get. The. Throne," he said. With every word, he punched me. I felt weak.

"What are you talking about?" I managed to choke out.

He laughed at me and grabbed my by the throat and then brought me up to a wall. My feet dangled from the floor. "For a Poseidon kid you sure are weak," he said, "hmm. I hoped this would be fun." He threw me against another wall and I rolled into the stairs railing. Then I fell down the stairs. My neck hurt so much that it pained me to move. Eric was by my side in seconds.

Before he could hurt me more, I willed the water from the sink to my command and shot it towards him. He flew backwards into a vase and it broke. My mom is definitely going to murder me. I willed the water around the guy and then made it shoot up his nose and eyes. He fumbled down to the ground and looked like he was having a seizure. That's when I stopped.

"Im getting that throne Percy," Eric hissed, "and there is literally nothing you can do that will stop me."

"Again, what are you talking about?" I asked. He looked at me as if I was an idiot.

"The throne against your father," he said, "the one the prince sits on. You have your mermaid tail making you the official prince. You do know about this, right?" I looked at him as if he was crazy.

"I don't even want the throne," I said, "you can take it!"

"Its not that simple, Perseus," he spat, "in order to take it, you need to die by the hands of that person. And you are the first in line since Poseidon's other choice died. You really are clueless."

I stood up and clenched my fist. "Bring it on," I said. He grinned at me.

"Not tonight," he said happily, "I believe in fair fights. Look at your face dude. Anyways, we will fight tomorrow. Be prepared to die, Jackson." With that, he slammed the bottom of the trident on the ground and then evaporated.

I immediately went to the kitchen sink, pulled up the stopper, ran some water, and threw in a drachma. "Oh Iris, goddess of rainbows, please show me Poseidon," I said to the water.

My father's image shimmered to life. He was arguing with Athena about something. Then he turned to me and smiled. "Son," he said happily, "I see you met Eric." I glared at him.

"Yea, I met Eric," I nearly shouted, "and guess what. He tried to kill me! I don't want your stupid throne, dad!"

Poseidon expression hardened. "You will fight him," he said, "and you will win. You have no choice. You have your tail now. So you better get used to this." Before I could shout at him, he swiped his hand threw the image. I groaned. Sometimes, I really hate my life.

I walked up to my room and looked into the hallway mirror. I had a black eye and I had many cuts running across my face. Blood was trickling down my lip. I sighed and walked into my room. I collapsed onto my bed and fell asleep.

Percy Jackson and H2O Crossover (Completed...For Now)Where stories live. Discover now