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(A/N: Check out my other story called, "Percy and Piper Switch Bodies".)


When Bella sped off, I made an air bubble around me and Annabeth. Then I grabbed her hand I sped to Mako Island. I wasn't as fast as I was with a mermaid tail and swimming like this hurt a lot. But the thought of something happening to Cleo angered me and made me swim faster. I looked over at Annabeth who had a look of determination in her face. I smiled at that. Then I focused back on the main goal. Mako Island.


When I got to Mako Island, I was surprised to see that Cleo wasn't there. I swam around the moon pool but saw no one. I turned around to head back and check the other side of the island when I felt a deep pain in my shoulder. I cried out and turned around. Some guy with black hair was pointing a trident at me. He looked about 17 years old or older. He had legs and was holding up by one hand. I was surprised he could lift her.

"Where is Percy?" he asked.

The pain troubled me from speaking. "He-I-AHH!" I screamed when he shot me again, this time in the stomach. I could see blood making the moon pool red. Cleo was screaming in fear but it was muffled by the tape over her mouth.

"WHERE IS PERCY!?" he screamed again.

"Up your butt," I seethed.

He looked confused and turned around, trying to look at his butt. Even though I was in incredible pain, I could help but smirk. When he finally caught on he stopped and glared at me. Then he pointed the trident at me again and a bright red thing flew out. I thought I was a goner. I closed my eyes and looked away.  After a while, it never came. I opened my eyes and slowly turned my head. I saw a wave of water only. But through the water I could make out a glowing sword and jet black hair beside blonde hair. Percy and Annabeth!

EVIL GUY (Didn't expect that, huh)

This really shouldn't be taking that long. You request for a simple demigod and you have to wait 10 hours just to really get him. And he decides to show up right when your going to actually kill someone. Do you know how much of a pain that is.

I looked at Percy, who had his sword pointed at me. Then I looked at Annabeth, who had her dagger clutched in her hand.

"That was really inconsiderate," I said with a scoff, "do you know how much energy I have to use to make this trident shoot those things. Your such a pest."

Percy rolled his eyes at me. "What do you want?" Percy groaned.

I glared at him. "I am here to kill you Perseus Achilles Jackson."

"Yea, yea, take a number," Percy said, "and wait your turn!" I growled at him and I slammed my trident into the water, making the waves rumble. Percy, surprisingly, didn't go backwards. Instead he looked more strengthened. I had to get him out of the water.

"If you want Cleo, come get me!" I yelled. I slammed the trident on the ground and then morphed back onto the island. I threw Cleo onto the sand and looked out to the volcano. I expected him to be here. Guess he doesn't have his own trident. Oh well.


Saying I was annoyed would have to be an understatement. When Percy finally let down the water, I punched him in the nose, causing him to fall backwards. Oh and he didn't have his tail.

"What was that for!?" Percy cried, shooting back upwards.


"This was NOT me," Percy retorted, "maybe it was you. Ever think about that." I clenched my fists, ready to kill him when I realized the evil dude and Cleo wasn't there.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"Gone," Annabeth replied, "somewhere on this island. Now stop fighting like little children you two and lets go save Cleo."

Percy nodded before sticking his tongue out at me. I wasn't about to succumb to such childish manners. Instead, I punched him in the gut. Annabeth rolled her eyes at us and climbed out of the water. Percy lifted me up in a bubble and gently set me down on the ground. Then he jumped out of the water himself and dried us all off. I now had legs.

I jumped up and we all raced out of the place. It was a little difficult to climb out of the hole but Percy and Annabeth were champs at it and ended up pulling me up. We ran to the beach where we saw the evil guy. He was looking at his reflection in the trident. Cleo was in the water, tied up with tape over her mouth. Percy groaned and was about to go attack him when Annabeth held him back.

"We need a plan," Annabeth said, "now."

Percy sighed. He scrunched up his eyebrows and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to think of a plan. Annabeth eyes were closed and she was just sitting there. I on the other hand was looking at the evil dude who was trying to hurt my friend. After a while of looking, Annabeth announced, "I got it." Percy eyes shot open. He looked a little woozy.

"Thinking hard really hurts," I said.

Didn't know you think at all, I thought.

"Percy, you used your water powers to put the evil guy into a waterbubble. Bella will go around and drag Cleo back here. That way he will have no leverage and it will be easier to defeat him."

We went into action after that. Percy concentrated and used his mind to make a water bubble, trapping the evil dude inside. The evil dude was shocked. I snuck around him and dragged Cleo into the bushes, causing her legs to dry up. I untied the rope around her wrist and ripped off the tape on her mouth.

"OW!" she howled.

Then she looked at me and engulfed me in a hug. I hugged her back. "I thought I was going to die," Cleo said sadly, "the last thing I remember is being shot by one of those things from his trident."

"Same," I replied.

We both looked towards Percy and Annabeth who were battling the guy who had now turned into a gigantic Ursula-looking-octopus thing. I widened my eyes in shock. How were they doing that? They moved so naturally, as if they had been doing it for years. In a minimum of 3 minutes, the thing turned to golden dust. I widened my eyes.

"W-whoa," Cleo said.

Definitely, I thought, and Percy has ALOT of explaining to do!

Percy Jackson and H2O Crossover (Completed...For Now)Where stories live. Discover now