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(A/N: Check out my other story called, "Percy and Piper Switch Bodies".)


So. Percy thinks he can just steal Annabeth from me? Again. He has no idea who he is messing with. I now know she has some feelings for me. She kissed me back! Okay? I will ruin Percabeth and make Masabeth if its the last thing I do! Australia. Here I come.


When I woke up, I put on some black shorts and a white t shirt. Then I grabbed a jacket from my closet, a gray one, and put on some all black shoes. I then walked out of my room. My mom and Paul were on the couch. Paul was rubbing my mom belly and my mom was giggling. I smiled at the sight. Turns out the baby is a girl.

I walked out of the house and ran out of the neighborhood. Then I walked to the beach. There were many people there. Kids running around and people sun tanning. I kicked off my shoes and then ran into the waves. Once I went in and was deep underwater, I turned into a mermaid. I then swam fast to Mako Island. When I came up from the moon pool Bella was there. She hadn't noticed me yet. Her back was turned, looking at something on the stone floor. I willed the water to my command and made it all spill on her. She winced and spit out water then she turned to me angrily. She whipped around, making her tail slap me in the face.

"How sweet," I murmured.

"You scared me!" she hissed.

"You literally just slapped me in the face with your huge-" I stopped completely with the glare I was receiving.

"My what?" she asked.

"Nothing," I gulped.

"What did you say?" she asked threateningly, moving towards me. I cowered in a corner.

"I didn't say anything," I said, closing my eyes and preparing for another slap. But it never happened. Instead, Bella is far away from me and is smirking.

"Coward," she said.

"Am not," I replied, "if anything, im the most brave person their is."

"Really?" she asked.

"Yea," I lied, "no one is braver than Perseus Jackson." Ew. I sound like Leo.

"Really?" she asked again. I nodded, crossing my arms.

"So if I were to tickle you, you wouldn't cry our laugh?" she asked.  I gulped again.

"Of course I would laugh," I said, rolling my eyes, "I mean, if I were to tickle you, would you laugh?" She shook her head. I smirked and she suddenly realizes her mistake.


Yea, I walked right into that one. Percy devilishly swam towards me. He had me trapped. That's when he started tickling me. I tried not to laugh but I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing. He laughed too at my suffering. That's when I started to tickle him. He burst out laughing. There was water near his eyes. Not sure if it was water or tears.

"I give, I give," he said in tears. I smirked, looking into his handsome green eyes. He was bending over, out of breath. When he looked back up he smirked at me. Water rose and shot at my face. I dove underwater and came up in front of Percy. We were only 2 inches apart. I smacked him in the face.

"Stop that," I hissed, trying to pretend like his looks wasn't affecting me.

"Stop that," he mimicked. He did it again. This time I punched him in the gut.

"Ow," he said, bending over again. I swam away from him.

"Okay," he said, looking up at me, "I'll stop. Sorry. Your evil."

"Evil stands for extrememly villainous in life," I said with a smirk. He raised and eyebrow. After a while he widened his eyes and mouthed "oooo". I couldn't help but smirk at his stupidity.


After her acronym, yea I know what it means jokes on you, I swam back to the beach under the dock. Then I removed the water from me and Bella, turning into a human. I helped Bella up and we walked around the beach, talking and teasing each other. Afterwards, I went home. When I reached my room I fell onto my bed. I felt exhausted. That's when my phone rang. It was Piper.

"Percy, I need your help! Come to this address," there was static on the other end and then the phone hung up. 

I jumped up from my bed and ran out of the house. Then I ran to the address. I was in front of a cabin in the woods. I stare at it. Look it up and down. Then I turn around and walk away. Nope.

Right when I start walking, I hear a tree branch snap. I turn around immedialtey only to get knocked out by someone. Just. Great.

Percy Jackson and H2O Crossover (Completed...For Now)Where stories live. Discover now