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(A/N: Check out my other story called, "Percy and Piper Switch Bodies".)


Everybody has their family problems. My family problem is that some guy is trying to kill me for the throne that I don't even want. Ha. Oh and what's funnier is my dad has the power to stop him but he would rather watch his son be brutally tortured and murdered than step in. What a great family I have?

Prince Eric didn't hesitate to hurt me. He shot his trident at me. I didn't duck in time and it impaled me in the stomach. Pain like never before hit me. I tried to yell for help but he covered my mouth with his hand. Great. It got my harder to breathe during time. I felt my life slipping away. This is the moment I die, I thought, because some idiot wants a throne is trying to kill me for it.

I was honestly ready to give up. Then I remembered one very important thing. Im Percy Jackson. And Percy Jackson DOES NOT GIVE UP! I grabbed his trident which immeditaley turned a firey blue. He looked at it in shock and then he growled at me. I yanked the trident out of the body and then threw the trident far away. I immeditlaey jumped up, just in time before Eric was about to step in a place where the sun don't shine.

I ran away down the street towards the beach with Eric bounding after me. Luckily, no one was at the beach to witness this. I jumped into the water and a few seconds later, I was a merman. Eric jumped in too and a few seconds later he was also a merman. He had a green tail though. We were deep under water, far away from shore, I believe.

Eric pinned me up against a rock and punched me in the fast several times. But the water healed me. In return, I pinned him to the ocean floor and wrapped my hands around is neck. Orlan and other fish came along and cheered me on. Eric bite my thumb somehow and I recoiled in shock, just enough time for Eric to kick me backwards. I hit a rock hard, blood was in the water now. Blood! With my mind, I focused on calling the sharks. After a few seconds, they didn't show up and I thought it was useless. But after a few more seconds they appeared and bite Eric in the legs and arms. Eric cried in pain.

"Thank you," I told the sharks, "you can let him go now." They obeyed and swam away.

I uncapped riptide and slashed at him. I cut him in the chest and then I pointed the sword at his throat. He seemed terrified. He closed his eyes waiting for impact. I felt bad for him. I didn't like killing people. I hated it. Maybe this guy could change. I removed my sword from his throat and he looked at me in surprise.

"Why?" he asked.

"I don't know," I replied, "I just don't want to kill you. I never did. Why do you want the throne so much anyways?" Eric sighed and he sat down on the ocean floor.

"I always wanted to see like I was worthy for Poseidon," he said, "I just wanted him to see I was worthy. But I guess I couldn't even defeat a kid."

"Im 17, you know," I replied, "im hardly a kid."

"Im 217 years old so in my eyes, your a kid," he said, floating upwards.

"I must go now," Eric said, "thank you for sparing my life. I will find something else to achieve. Bye Perseus."

"It's just Percy," I replied. He nodded and waved goodbye. Then he swam off.

"Your different lord," Orlan said swimming up to me, "any one else would have killed him without second thought."

"Killing isn't always the answer," I replied. He smiled and then swam off.

I smiled too. I was about to go to shore when I felt like a magnet was pulling me towards Mako Island. I swam there and this time I came in from a hole that was under the moon pool. When I came up, I saw Emma looking at the sky. When she saw me, she jumped a little.

"Sorry," I admitted.

"It's fine," she replied. Then she looked up at the stars again. I looked up too and immediately thought of Zoe. I grinned, knowing she was in a better place now.

"Why are you here?" she asked me after a long moment of silence, "and where is Annabeth?"

"Im here because...well I don't know, I just felt like something was pulling me towards the island," I said, "and Annabeth is avoiding me as if Im Medusa." She raised an eyebrow at me.

"What's with you and Greek myths?" she asked.

"Im fluent in Greek," I responded, "also horse and fish." She laughed. Her laugh was beautiful. I felt something in my stomach flutter or something. Then I though about Annabeth and her laugh and I smiled to myself. Like the angels singing.

"Do you think that Poseidon exists?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "It's more than likely a myth," she replied, "what? You do?"

"Yep," I replied, "I mean we thought mermaid and mermen were myths we are." I pointed to my tail. She shrugged.

"Yea, I suppose," she replied.

"Well, I think my father is Poseidon," I said, "we both love the waters."

"You and your Greek," she mumbled. I pretended like I didn't hear her and instead I looked up at the sky.

"So," I asked Bella, "what's your power?"

She lifted up a glob of water and I watched in amazement as she turned it into some gooey slimey substance and then it hardened. It fell back into the water.

"That. Was. Awesome!" I yelled.

I lifted up a bunch of water in the air and then made it show a heart. Then I imagined it hardening. When I opened my eyes, it was a hardened rock. I caught it in my hands and Bella stared at me in shock. "How did you do that?" she asked.

"I honestly don't know," I said, "i just imagined it and boom-" right when a said bomb the water started to get a little hot. Not burning hot but like one of those Jacuzzi's.

"Wow," I said. "You have Cleo, Rikki's, and my power," Bella said in astonishment.

"Is that unusual?" I asked. She nodded and I widened my eyes. Then I sheepishly smiled and returned the water to its normal temperature.

"Ha, im more powerful than you apparently," I said, mocking Bella. She glared at me.

"In your dreams aquaman," she replied.

"Hey, aquaman was a hero!" I yelled.

"The suckiest hero of all time," she said.

'Suckiest isn't even a word," I said.

"Are you really going to be a grammar police?" she asked.

I mimicked her voice and she glared at me. Then she fired water into my face. I did the same to her. Eventually, we were having a water fight. She knocked down the wall I had built and I swam out of the cave, her close on my tail. Literally.

I could see the shore. I was so close That's when I felt someone tackle me to the ocean floor. I turned around to see Bella smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and pushed her off. She gently floated to the side with her arms crossed. Then she mouthed "I win" and went to shore.

We were under that dock again. I removed the water from us and our tails. Our legs came back. Bella was wearing a gray t shirt and white shorts with some white and black converse. Her hair was down and it was as curly as ever. I couldn't help but smile at the sight. She didn't notice though and stood up, brushing sand off her legs.

"I should get home," she said, walking away, "bye aqua man."

"Bye blondie!" I replied. She turned back to glare at me before walking away. I laughed to myself and stood up too. Then I walked back home and fell asleep.

Percy Jackson and H2O Crossover (Completed...For Now)Where stories live. Discover now